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Saudi spy chief Bandar bin Sultan insults Qataris

You know, you Persian often associate idioms with fire, it is no secret that you still haven't forgotten your fire-worshiping cults.

:lol: you know there's no such thing as fire-worshiping? :azn:
Zoroastrians did't worship fire. It's exactly like I call you "Kaaba-worshiper", do you like that? :azn:
US too has large reserves of natural energy resources but they will never refine them as they have abundance of Arabians resources at there disposal by making them fight with each other
The savage nation, only exporting terrorism!

Did you ever read that?!! The guy has actually defended Iran :lol:

Even Westerns know we have been ruling you for centuries :lol: how humiliating is that?

You're damn funny :lol: it seems you can only read the parts that you like :lol::rofl: This what the guy said: "A country that ruled the world" :azn:

I've already read the Iran entry as well as Persia, in both entries the positive comments overwhelmeingly more than the negative ones, unlike the Saudi Arabia entry, ALL THEM ARE NEGATIVE mexcept the last one which is from a Saudi :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Come on Yzd, the image of our country is much better than yours in west etc. Seriously speaking, Iranians are being offended if one call them "Arab" (while they won't if you call them by other races/ethnicities) Have you read the first definition at Persia entry? the guy says "NEVER CALL A PERSIAN AN ARAB! THEY WILL SNAP, THEY MIGHT DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH AND/OR REPUTATION!" (and he has 499 up, 164 down) Do you know why? It's obvious because your image has been ruined in western countries (by yourself) nothing personal

lol let me put what he has wrote, it's cool :D (not quite accurate though)
the most civilized and powerful empire until even after the romans fell. in 559 BC, the persian king Cyrus the great defeated the Mades controlling what is now iran, iraq, and some other countries. Cyrus set out to create a powerful empire. in fact, he created THE FIRST EMPIRE. the word "Persia" comes from the greek word "persis" which means empire. the relative strength of the persian empire at the height of its power was like the relative strength of modern day, china, india, russia, EU, US and japan put together. the persians were the first people in history to give men and women equal rights, abolish slavery and write the very first human and animal bill of rights. they also built in 400s BC the very first stadium, the apadana in persepolis (later burnt down by alexander). the apadana was able to seat 15 (yes, fifteen thousand) people in it, with space left for a grand ceremony. this massive bulding was roofed. unlike the collosium. the arcitectural and worth of this single building, if it lived through the fire alexander put it through, would have dwarfed the city of rome.

The persian empire was a god compared to rome. when rome attacked persia (battle of carhae) with 44 thousand soldiers, a 10 thousand man army from the persian empire crushed the romans, and sent tehir general's head back to rome.

people commonly mistake persians for arabs, this is a fatal mistake, persians are aryans like the germans. they migrated from southern russia. NEVER CALL A PERSIAN AN ARAB! THEY WILL SNAP, THEY MIGHT DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH AND/OR REPUTATION!

the persian empire at the height of its power ruled from eastern india, to southern russia, to egypt, to thrace and the persian gulf. they ruled over 80% of the civilized world.

the end of persian supremacy:

after the arab invasion of persia, their culture was weakened by islam. the islamic hordes burnt all books in the persia libraries, destroying the knowledge that took europe 1000 years to re-invent. even after the arab invasion, persia still held a powerful seat in international sayings. Nader (Na-dde-r) shah of persia, restored the persian glory around the 1600s.

modern persia:

until 1935, persia was the actuall name, after than, reza shah changed that to "iran" which was the original name the mades and other aryan tribes gave it. the word "iran" literally means "land of the aryans". in 1953, a coup organized by the CIA to bring down iran's first democrtically elected official (mossadeq) because he nationalized the oil industry. they then installed the dictatoric mohamad reza shah, who was a puppet of the americans. he was overthrown in 1979 after the islamic revolution. which produced a more democratic government compared to the Shah's, but not quite democratic enough. in 1980, iraq invaded iran. possibly a work of the CIA, or the americans, in payback for the iranian's hostage crisis (that was nothing compared to what the US did later to iran). iran fought iraq bravely for 8 years, contributed some 1 million casualties, and pushed iraq back. at this time, iran had no weapons program. iraq was aided by the west with sattelite pictures, and chemical and biological weapons, which they launched into iranian cities. after the war was over, at around 1995, iran started to produce its own fighter jet, and tank. they recently developed their medium range missile. they are now working on their controversial nuclear energy program, which the US labels as a plot to develop nuclear weapons.
the persian empire was the longest lasting power on earth. it lasted for about 1500 years as a world power. 1200 of those, it was THE world power. if it were up to me, the only nation truely deserving of being called an empire was the persian empire. iran is doing much better than all other islamic countries at the moment. it holds 17% of all of the world's resources. it has what it takes to become an empire again, but unfortunatly, the current world power, and the current government make that impossible. you generally dont learn about the persian empire in schools in the US, canada, mexico, and most of europe, simply because of politics. to give you an image of what they are not teaching you, consider this: you were never taught about rome, wwi, wwii, the cold war and the american colonies. all those put together come close to the magnitude of the importance of the persian empire in shaping the world as we see it today.
the persian empire conquered 80% of the civilized world, and managed to keep its borders intact for 1500 years.
You're damn funny :lol: it seems you can only read the parts that you like :lol::rofl: This what the guy said: "A country that ruled the world" :azn:

Before the Arab invaded your country :lol: It may have sounded like music to you! But it won't change the fact that we eventually got invaded not once or twice or thrice

Yes, Terrorists aren't human, and you can't export people, but terrorists. Additionally, the one who wrote it implied that Iran is starving

Did you ever read that?!! The guy has actually defended Iran :lol:

You're damn funny :lol: it seems you can only read the parts that you like :lol: This what the guy said: "A country that ruled the world"

I've already read the Iran entry as well as Persia, in both entries the positive comments overwhelmeingly more than the negative ones, unlike the Saudi Arabia entry, ALL THEM ARE NEGATIVE mexcept the last one which is from a Saudi
Nothing personal against you or your country. I'm pinching you back to common sense. The only issue I have with you is with your Gov't.

I'm well-aware how nasty Persians turn when they are being called Arabs - Persian Supremacy is well known - But, the Westerns often confuse you with your neighbors.
Come on Yzd, the image of our country is much better than yours in west etc. Seriously speaking, Iranians are being offended if one call them "Arab" (while they won't if you call them by other races/ethnicities) Have you read the first definition at Persia entry? the guy says "NEVER CALL A PERSIAN AN ARAB! THEY WILL SNAP, THEY MIGHT DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH AND/OR REPUTATION!" (and he has 499 up, 164 down) Do you know why? It's obvious because your image has been ruined in western countries (by yourself) nothing personal

lol let me put what he has wrote, it's cool :D (not quite accurate though)
But it won't change the fact that we eventually got invaded not once or twice or thrice

What :lol: as if it's a good thing for you?!! Here you go, I've already explained for your friend here why that lands was not conquered by any civilized country:


I really can't see why do you start such racist discussions everywhere, maybe you have no idea who are you talking to and about their history. We can easily beat you up when it comes to history. Where were you when the King of Kings Cyrus the Great - may he rest in peace - captured the Babylon and learned them how to rule like a civilized human? What were you doing when the Persians were the ruler of all civilized parts of the world? Probably eating lizards and raiding caravans and living like animals? You are so arrogant about your land, but FYI it's interesting that your land was not captured by any civilizations, neither Persians nor Romans and Greeks were not interested in it, because virtually there's nothing there - camels, lizards, and a worthless desert (I prefer not to the comment about pre-Islamic Arabs; it's obvious how they were living). Except parts of Yemen though, which is not completely arid, but do you know how Sassanians captured Yemen? By sending an "army" of 800 prisoners who were sentenced to death, that is, the cheapest army that you can think of, because the land was not even worth it to send the real soldiers there. :D
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LOL, why waste your time with that Iranian (originally Central Asian Nomad that first saw civilization when he encountered us Semites in ancient Mesopotamia 2800 years ago and copied nearly everything) and his little so-called sources that can be written by anyone. I can go there and write some bullshit. Are you guys kidding me? Still can't stand the fact that we Arabs destroyed his little "Persia" forever 1500 years ago and made some fair to say everlasting changes that are still there to this very day.:lol:

I suggest reporting his trolling posts and posts of no relevance. Let's see if the moderators will react.

Another promising thread ruined by a Mullah supporting Majoosi and Rafida (playing his game - he asked for it) clown that lives in a fantasy world.
In Arabic Bandar stands for Headquarters - classic Arabic - and Sea-port.

You mean like Bandar Abbas ! :)

But are you telling me that your Spy Chief is called 'Prince Sea Port' ? :what:

Not so surprisingly, it also means Sea-port in Hindi/Urdu, along with monkey...

No thats Bandar-Gah !
@Takaavar what does bandar means in persian... this word most likely came from arabic/persian.. does not sound like native indian word
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