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Saudi spy chief Bandar bin Sultan insults Qataris

Yes I meant that but I actually don't know what I wrote....can you please translate it for me ! :ashamed:

Urdu & Persian are not just similar...Urdu was born out of the amalgamation of largely Persian, some local languages, Arabic, Turkic & some other Central Asian Languages ! :)

Urdu is a created language & one that ever evolves - That is its strength !

Perhaps 60-70 years ago most of the educated people here had more than a working knowledge of Persian ! All 4 of my Grandparents knew Persian even if they lived nearly a 1000 km from Iran ! :)

Pakistan's National Poet-Philosopher wrote more in Persian than he did in Urdu & some of his best works are in the Persian Language !

I dont think urdu is similar to persian/arabic/turkish... its like a pizza with 'hindustani' base and persian/arabic/turkish toppings.. :)
Most urdu speakers can understand quite a lot of increasingly sanskritized hindi... but they will struggle to understand any of those languages... coz they mostly borrowed words for vocab..
the point is they opened it, others in the region were not asked; this shows there capability or I would say INFLUENCE

We invited the Taliban to Qatar to blackmail Al-Qaida's influence - if there is any - in Saudia brother! For now, the Taliban is out of Qatar, we will handle them to make sure that Pakistan and its people are save and sound.
As a native speaker of Arabic, The stylistics of Quran is a pure magical master-piece.

Regarding the inner/outer translation of Quran, I believe that there are tons of a simple text-analysis interpretation of Quran - In English, Urdu, and Arabic among 45 other languages. Just let me know if you need any help ;)

I was just going through Koran - A reformist translation & a few verses caught my eye :

For example the following verse has been translated differently by them : Surat An-Nisa' [4:127] - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

Their translation is as follows : They ask you for divine instruction concerning women. Say, "God instructs you regarding them, as has been recited for you in the book about the rights of orphans whose mothers you want to marry without giving them their legal rights. You shall observe the rights of powerless children, and your duty to treat orphans with equity. Whatever good you do, God has full knowledge of it.*

Then the one on cutting the hand has been translated differently as well whereby its been argued that it means 'brand them or cut-off their means/hands' as opposed to just 'hands' !

Now I dunno how much of this is because of creative translation or genuine appreciation of Koranic Arabic ! :unsure:

I dont think urdu is similar to persian/arabic/turkish... its like a pizza with 'hindustani' base and persian/arabic/turkish toppings.. :)
Most urdu speakers can understand quite a lot of increasingly sanskritized hindi... but they will struggle to understand any of those languages... coz they mostly borrowed words for vocab..

Thats because both Hindi & Urdu were born out of Hindustani which in turn was created out of the mix & match of these various languages !

Urdu took the Persian route whereas Hindi took the Sanskrit root !
I dont think urdu is similar to persian/arabic/turkish... its like a pizza with 'hindustani' base and persian/arabic/turkish toppings.. :)
Most urdu speakers can understand quite a lot of increasingly sanskritized hindi... but they will struggle to understand any of those languages... coz they mostly borrowed words for vocab..

You keep thinking that ...

Urdu and Persian are to Arabic what English and French are to Latin.

Do you know how many direct and twisted arabic and persian words you speak in what you claim to be "hindi" ?

I am going to give you some time, and let you open the dictionary for once.
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