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Saudi prince: Israel is an important player in the Mideast


Apr 13, 2013
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Saudi prince: Israel is an important player in the Mideast - Israel News, Ynetnews

If peace deal with Palestinians is reached, Israel would have significant role in Middle East, says Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who further urges sides to not wait 'another 60 years'

A senior Saudi prince has hinted that a peace deal between Israeland the Palestinians could pave the way to a normalization of relations with the Saudi Kingdom.

Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud said during the security conference currently underway in Munich that Israel could be a very important "player" in the region if a deal is reached.

According to him, the matter needs to be pushed forward and should not wait "another 60 years."

Turki bin Faisal Al Saud reportedly praised both US Secretary of State John Kerry and chief Israeli peace negotiator and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni .


Livni, Erekat urged to not wait 'another 60 years' (Photo: EPA/Archive)

He reportedly made the comments during a panel on nuclear proliferation in the Mideast, and proceeded to slam Syrian President Bashar Assad for crimes against humanity aimed against his own people. He also slammed Iran, Hezbollah , Russia and China for their support of the Syrian regime.

"Kerry is doing a wonderful job," Turki said, adding he is worthy of praise. The senior prince who also headed the kingdom's intelligence service said that Kerry is breaking new travel records with his 49 trips to the region. He said Kerry has proven he is committed and is somewhat of an "energizer bunny."

During a panel on Saturday, Turki also praised Livni and asked her why Israel is reluctant to embrace the Saudi peace initiative. During the session, Turki also pressed Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat about the agreements reached with Israel during the Taba talks held before the Second Intifada. Erekat did not give a direct answer.

A few years ago, Turki was caught in a bind when then deputy-foreign minister Danny Ayalon turned to the Saudi prince, who was sitting in the audience, and beseeched him to shake his hand in front of the packed hall; an embarrassed Turki reluctantly agreed.

Turki's comments highlight growing sectarian tensions in the Mideast. Only over the weekend, Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai quoted a senior US State Department official as saying that the Iranian regime now views Saudi Arabia as its most serious enemy, and surprisingly not Israel or the US.

I dont know why this statement is a problem, it is a fact that Israel is a important player, even one of the most important because a peace or war with Palestinians will affect the whole region, no doubt about it.
Israel is as important as the PA or Egypt or Turkey or Algeria.

Nothing new.

That's not what he's implying...and what is this security conference in Munich?

I dont know why this statement is a problem, it is a fact that Israel is a important player, even one of the most important because a peace or war with Palestinians will affect the whole region, no doubt about it.

Who said its a problem? As for me personally, if I was Turk I wouldn't take Israel-Greece relations lightly as they harm my country's interests.
Who said its a problem? As for me personally, if I was Turk I wouldn't take Israel-Greece relations lightly as they harm my country's interests.
Lol, i know what your trying but forget it.:D
It isn't the first time we get to meet an Israeli official. It is quite normal my friend. We met with the crazed figures of Hamas, meeting some Zionazis - as some might prefer them to be called - isn't a startling thing either.
That's not what he's implying...and what is this security conference in Munich?

Who said its a problem? As for me personally, if I was Turk I wouldn't take Israel-Greece relations lightly as they harm my country's interests.
Lol, i know what your trying but forget it.:D

:D :lol: :)

One point I want to make though is we shouldn't be granting or promising Israel a significant role in the Middle East or official relations between Mideast nations if they don't take peace seriously, even if they come to an agreement, all it is is an agreement.

They need to prove that they respect Palestinian sovereignty and that developments show real progress rather than ask the Palestinians to agree to a deal which they want to implement over a 20-40 year period as they're doing now. That is unacceptable, we don't know what plans they would for the future so real concrete action needs to be taken from day one.

For example, they claim they have to have a 20 or 40 year military presence in occupied Palestine as a part of the agreement. I predict they take a political path of a renewed 'security threat' so they make their presence permanent and expand their settlements while Palestine would be dying away in a supposed two state solution.

Such proposals are unacceptable since there are no guarantees and the Israeli rhetoric is unpredictable.

Arabic nations shouldn't promise them anything over a half deal or less than a half deal with a half state that doesn't even have functions of an actual state.

It isn't the first time we get to meet an Israeli official. It is quite normal my friend. We met with the crazed figures of Hamas, meeting some Zionazis - as some might prefer them to be called - isn't a startling thing either.

Zionazis is new to me...:D

But look at my post to Xenon, this is the point I wanted to make and I'll be back later I have to do something.

Keep this discussion going though. :)
Someone says Sun rises from East.

and suddenly our dear OP has to spread constipated conspiracy theories.

Someone says Sun rises from East.

and suddenly our dear OP has to spread constipated conspiracy theories.


What conspiracy theory did I spread? :crazy:

It's funny that it makes you feel better when you tell yourself you're making a point with bizarre statements making something out of nothing.

If you can't discuss something then you mind your own business since obviously this is not a region you're familiar with or a conflict you're familiar with.
I thought saudis defend the sunnis palestinians?
I thought saudis defend the sunnis palestinians?

no body can defend Palestinians or anyone in timbaktu if Palestinians and timbuktuins' leadership takes their people into death and destruction using all the lies and half truths possible.
Answer my question or take a hike. It's getting really annoying you think you could come in and spout gibberish because you don't like the topic I'm discussing. Your hatred against Arabs is really disturbing.

Btw, I thought you put me on ignore? Go mind your business you sad excuse for a human being.

no body can defend Palestinians or anyone in timbaktu if Palestinians and timbuktuins' leadership takes their people into death and destruction using all the lies and half truths possible.

Please inform us, how is Palestinian leadership taking their people into 'death and destruction' with what lies and half truths? It's actually you here who uses half truths over and over again but you never support your nonsense assertions.

You think you're entitled to criticism like this partly because you hate Arabs and because your nation has some of the most misinformed people on Islam.
I dont know why this statement is a problem, it is a fact that Israel is a important player, even one of the most important because a peace or war with Palestinians will affect the whole region, no doubt about it.

This statement is a problem for those who think sun rises from the West as per their religion and distorted sense of nationalism.
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