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Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem

Why shouldn't they be in Bed, Sleeping with the USA has more to offer to the Saudi's then Sleeping in a bed with Fleas( Iran) .

Soon the U.S will loose its v*****ty and Saudi Arabia will be heart broken. :lol:
Not really. We have China, Russia, Turkey, Middle East, etc.. ;)

No not really the Gulf Treats you like Slaves, Russia doesn't want military relations with you due to losing India, and China can't invest anything in an Unstable state can it ?
No not really the Gulf Treats you like Slaves, Russia doesn't want military relations with you due to losing India, and China can't invest anything in an Unstable state can it ?

Well, the East will become the world's next superpower. There will always be someone for Pakistan to look at for its best interest. The U.S has nobody. Too bad, all your partners are moving along to our side, including the Canadians. You Americans are scratching your balls everyday... but still won't figure out a long sustainable situation for your country.

You are just looking at what Russia and China want and doesn't want. It doesn't work that way. When you know there is opportunity, no body will stop you from anything. In an example, India and China don't have a good relationship. Military may think militarily, however, it doesn't stop traders from trading....

Believe it or not, i think Afghanistan, and Pakistan will rise, the day NATO leaves the subcontinent. It is pretty natural. All superpowers have to go, whether it was Alexander the Great, Romans, English, Turkish, Russia, etc, and all developing countries will see themselves coming along.

Yes the Gulf does treat us like slaves, but it won't in the next few years. Instead, they have found that Vietnamese, Philippinos, and people from countries in South America work more efficiently...

Don't tell me now that China hasn't invested in African countries.... how hard it is to invest in Pakistan?:tup:
Hahaha. Look at all the idiots here. So what you guys suggesting is that every country in the world should have nuclear weapons?? You guys do realize the world wants to get rid of them right??

That and again it is amazing the mentality of many people here is so backward and pathetic it is laughable.

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 AM ----------

What a pathetic baboon!

Just because the Arab countries have no capability to be self-sufficient and pursue scientific research, he wants to make sure no one else can. Like a true slave, he wants to depend on others for his country's safety, rather than strive for self-reliance.

The whole world is behind Israel because the Arabs/Turks/Iranians can't get their act together. How long do you think the Western bravado would last if the Arabs had stopped oil supplies and supported Iran against the recent Israeli-instigated Western blackmail?

Hahaha. Developereo you remind me a lot of muse. If we wanted nukes we can have them in a matter of a couple of years. You guys do not realize that what he is doing is poking at Israel and not Iran. But then again you guys are bunch of idiots who will NEVER amount to anything.
Hahaha. Look at all the idiots here. So what you guys suggesting is that every country in the world should have nuclear weapons?? You guys do realize the world wants to get rid of them right??

That and again it is amazing the mentality of many people here is so backward and pathetic it is laughable.

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 AM ----------

Hahaha. Developereo you remind me a lot of muse. If we wanted nukes we can have them in a matter of a couple of years. You guys do not realize that what he is doing is poking at Israel and not Iran. But then again you guys are bunch of idiots who will NEVER amount to anything.
Will you buy them as a luxury or will you develop them from scratch like a mad scientist?
Will you buy them as a luxury or will you develop them from scratch like a mad scientist?

There are many ways it can be done. Our best friend Pakistan is one :D Wither you like it or not if Iran announces it has Nukes it won't be long before we do the same.
Hahaha. Developereo you remind me a lot of muse. If we wanted nukes we can have them in a matter of a couple of years. You guys do not realize that what he is doing is poking at Israel and not Iran. But then again you guys are bunch of idiots who will NEVER amount to anything.

He wants UN mandated military strikes on any country that develops nuclear weapons. When's the last time you heard anyone talking about bombing Israel? So, effectively, he is giving Israel unchallenged military domination in the region -- all because he can't compete with Iran.

And, yes, Israel will personally hand deliver nuclear weapons to you within two hours -- if you promise to bomb Iran.
He wants UN mandated military strikes on any country that develops nuclear weapons. When's the last time you heard anyone talking about bombing Israel? So, effectively, he is giving Israel unchallenged military domination in the region -- all because he can't compete with Iran.

And, yes, Israel will personally hand deliver nuclear weapons to you within two hours -- if you promise to bomb Iran.

Do you always live in the clouds or just when it is about Saudi Arabia??

He said "Military sanctions" but the Press translated it to "Missile strikes" for some reason. He said once and a again if you even really bothered to read it carefully:
-"Iran shouldn't feel it is being treated differently from everyone else. And nobody would be happier than the powers in Riyadh to see this all resolved.
"We don't want to be sandwiched between a nuclear state, which is Israel, and a potential nuclear state, which is Iran," he said. The prince said he would love for things to be good with the Saudis’ Persian neighbors."
'But the prince believes Iran is feeling singled out in the whole nuclear story and that a “weapons of mass destruction free zone” in the Middle East is the way forward."

What do you get from these quotes?? He is talking about Israel more than he is talking about Iran. But then again like the rest of your kind only see what you want to see and nothing else.
wo ok....there is no rule against dreaming..

Alright you typical indian, can you explain me the difference between a dream and not a dream?? try relating to Russia and Pakistan please.
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