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Saudi King's private aircraft to take ex-prisoners for Hajj


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

An aircraft provided by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has been put at the disposal of ex-prisoners from Gaza in order to fly them to the kingdom to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. A senior official of the Ministry of Prisoners and Freed Detainees in the Palestinian Authority, Ziad Abu Ein, confirmed that he and his colleagues are working on the necessary travel documents and passports. The ex-prisoner pilgrims will be exempt from any fees involved.

Speaking to Voice of Palestine radio on Thursday, Mr. Abu Ein said that the private plane will land at El-Arish airport in northern Sinai before taking Gaza's ex-prisoners for Hajj. According to Abu Ein, those ex-prisoners in other parts of Palestine and other countries will be taken for Hajj separately. The exception, he added, are those in the occupied West Bank who remain under a form of house arrest imposed by the Israelis, which prevents them from leaving the country. They have been advised not to attempt to leave the country as that will give the Israeli occupation authorities an excuse not to let them back into the country. The women prisoners, said Mr Abu Ein, will travel together as a group to overcome difficulties arising from women having to have close male relatives (“muhrim”) with them when travelling to Saudi Arabia.

The Hajj grant was provided by King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at the request of the Palestinian Prime Minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, following their release in the Hamas-Israel prisoner exchange deal agreed last month. The costs are being borne by the Saudi monarch.
wow they enjoy it boeing-747SP lolz they get another gift in one month .good job done indeed .
i capture BOIENG-747SP # HZ-AIF at jeddah air port few day earlier .




still no one ask it but even you show them that plane they will say ;)??????? yes as always :rofl::rofl:

It must be a part of a great evil saudi plot to help Zionists kill Muslims arrrrgggh..why?? They are just evil man you know I always heard they eat babies and stuff arrrgghhgh
ohhh man take it easy he never attack me we was just kidding .:lol:
Nice one.
I guess in all the people chosen there will be none of the palestinians who killed innocent Israeli people. Because in a few of the ones liberated they are some barbarians. I don't think that for them it is good to see them doing hajj.

Good job anyway. And nice plane.
There is a local term that is best suited for this aircraft.
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