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saudi "king" bans men from selling lingerie!!!!

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Eh, Azeri Turk troll that is ashamed of being it because of the famous Persian racism. Probably also forgot how to even speak Azeri Turkish.


The veil is not obligatory in KSA like in Iran. Besides ALL Saudi Arabian women can choose whether they want to wear a scarf or not when they are outside of the country.

Funny that a MULLAH SUPPORTER who lives in a country that is called the ISLAMIC Republic of Iran (in reality Pariah state of Mullahistan) is now against something as harmless as a veil...
question: why the Saudi kings like to wear stilettos?
answer: so they can be tall enough to hump camels.
some body tell this al-hasani guy that he is posting the same BS over and over!!!
get a life!!!!!
+off topic

u can start a new topic if u have the guts but dont go off-topic and shyt all over
I already put you in your place which is a dustbin much like your current Mullah regime. You have been unable to answer as expected because your intellect is that of a pistachio.

2011 article LOL............. I dont really see any problem here. Its seems like the OP is satisfied with men giving his sister/mother/wife/daughter/ her size of lingerie, bra and underwear.

What to expect from that troll? Posting 2 year old news that is false. Even if it was not then that would be understandable as you said in a Islamic society. As a so-called Mullah supporter he should agree with that but he is clearly a troll.
The "news" is 2 years old, LOL. And as Khalifa said not true at all.

Besides EVEN if it was true then what is the problem? Better than Iranian racism against Arabs, Azeri Turks, Baluch, Kurds, Iranian crime and drug addiction, terrorist state sponsoring etc. The list is enormous.

Women especially in Muslim countries feel more comfortable buying lingerie from fellow women rather than men.
Why majority of terrorists are Saudis your shitty nation have kill its own people taking their wives because they don't want al saud
Your government cutting people hands because they steal but your royal family stealing billions
Why sharia law forced on people only but al saud they don't follow the sharia
Why majority of terrorists are Saudis your shitty nation have kill its own people taking their wives because they don't want al saud
Your government cutting people hands because they steal but your royal family stealing billions
Why sharia law forced on people only but al saud they don't follow the sharia

Look Farsi pretending to be a Semite (Jew). Try to make yourself understandable in English. I know that Arabic is taught in Iran since it is the language of Islam and a world language but this is an English forum.

Hand amputations? There have been like 50 cases in the last 50 years. Compare that number to your Mullahistan. Stoning was practiced not long ago in your country.

You can cry about the Al-Saud as much as you want to (I thought you lunatics claimed they were Jewish?) but one just need to look at the living standards, economy, development etc. in KSA and compare it with that of Iran. You do the math.

At least the Al-Saud family are not claiming "Iranian ancestry" or ineffability like your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's that are even disliked by other Shias.

Soon they gone ban marriage =)) and they gone kill boys for being born in KSA =)) its a good step ladies will be more comfortable but the thing is no one is slave
Soon they gone ban marriage =)) and they gone kill boys for being born in KSA =)) its a good step ladies will be more comfortable but the thing is no one is slave

News of 2011 - So, your prediction already proven wrong :D
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