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Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest

Bro The Legend

You need to improve your grammar mate..I honestly am not sure what you are trying to say here mate..

PS: If the saudis, gcc boys kicked out the asians working there..wat do you tink will be the economic repercussions for the GCC?

Its not my grammar,the subtext in my op was hard for you figure anyway, I dont think there will be any economic impact as a result of that.
Bro The Legend.

Let me help you out mate:

I will rephrase your below quote:
Its not my grammar,the subtext in my op was hard for you figure anyway, I dont think there will be any economic impact as a result of that.

'Its not my grammar, the subtext is my opinion was hard for you to figure out anyway. I dont think there will be any economic impact as a result of kicking indians out of the gcc'

1) What subtext is there? your op was hardly sophisticated enough to have even any context, let alone subtext
2) Are you sure, like really sure the arabs will know how to flick a switch or even read and reply emails when the asians go? I admire your faith in the arabs bro :)

Bro Juba,

you think sweeping streets and collecting garbage is not an onerous task?
If there is no cleanliness nor sanitation, imagine how much it will stink.

You are funny bro in your delusions of grandeur.


hmm, Nothing will happen cuz basically their job is to sweep the streets and collect the garbages.
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Bro The Legend.

Let me help you out mate:

I will rephrase your below quote:

'Its not my grammar, the subtext is my opinion was hard for you to figure out anyway. I dont think there will be any economic impact as a result of kicking indians out of the gcc'

1) What subtext is there? your op was hardly sophisticated enough to have even any context, let alone subtext
2) Are you sure, like really sure the arabs will know how to flick a switch or even read and reply emails when the asians go? I admire your faith in the arabs bro :)

1- I put it that way for him he should get what I'm aiming to.
2- what do you think I'm doing right now.
Bro The Legend,

my mistake bro

you are replying to messages..altho you can do it..but its not done properly mate..you are not phrasing your words properly mate..its hard to understand them.

You shld not say 'he should get what I'm aiming to'
You shld say: 'he should get what I'm aiming at'

prepositions and grammar bro..impt stuff..you see we asians are useful mate :)

cheers bro

PS: your message: '1- I put it that way for him he should get what I'm aiming to. '
I dont understand what you are trying to say mate..its confusing...you need help sorting it out? :)

1- I put it that way for him he should get what I'm aiming to.
2- what do you think I'm doing right now.
Bro The Legend,

my mistake bro

you are replying to messages..altho you can do it..but its not done properly mate..you are not phrasing your words properly mate..its hard to understand them.

You shld not say 'he should get what I'm aiming to'
You shld say: 'he should get what I'm aiming at'

prepositions and grammar bro..impt stuff..you see we asians are useful mate :)

cheers bro

PS: your message: '1- I put it that way for him he should get what I'm aiming to. '
I dont understand what you are trying to say mate..its confusing...you need help sorting it out? :)

Thank you for correcting me...
Bro The Legend,

Lets try to keep things factual..if you want to make an assertion..justify it.

I agree with you that ind/pak/asians in m-e are not having a good time over there..and it is also cos ind/pak are not doing so well economically so ind/pak need to go to m-e to work..thats a fact..no two ways abt it.

But it is also true that arabs are often befuddled and unable to grasp the workings of a modern society and are easily confused and incapable of fending for themselves and are also lazy to do anything abt everything and thus require constant reassurance and hand holding by their jewish/yank/brit masters.

And arabs are also a constant disgrace to muslims, save for EK, QR, DXB and kebabs.


whatever makes you happy bro but I still stick to my point. Indians should be deported from GCC.

hmm, Nothing will happen cuz basically their job is to sweep the streets and collect the garbages.

A typical Saudi "Muslim" (!) looking down on people of the "lower class" and people of different races. Mind you, this disgusting un-Islamic attitude is very common in that primitive society that has nothing to do with Islam....
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Bro The Legend,

Lets try to keep things factual..if you want to make an assertion..justify it.

I agree with you that ind/pak/asians in m-e are not having a good time over there..and it is also cos ind/pak are not doing so well economically so ind/pak need to go to m-e to work..thats a fact..no two ways abt it.

But it is also true that arabs are often befuddled and unable to grasp the workings of a modern society and are easily confused and incapable of fending for themselves and are also lazy to do anything abt everything and thus require constant reassurance and hand holding by their jewish/yank/brit masters.

And arabs are also a constant disgrace to muslims, save for EK, QR, DXB and kebabs.


Couldn't say it any better! I hope this legend guy remains quiet after this tablet of truth.
Bro The Legend,

Lets try to keep things factual..if you want to make an assertion..justify it.

I agree with you that ind/pak/asians in m-e are not having a good time over there..and it is also cos ind/pak are not doing so well economically so ind/pak need to go to m-e to work..thats a fact..no two ways abt it.

you mean we turned our country into a charitable organization to such pathetic people.

But it is also true that arabs are often befuddled and unable to grasp the workings of a modern society and are easily confused and incapable of fending for themselves and are also lazy to do anything abt everything and thus require constant reassurance and hand holding by their jewish/yank/brit masters.

thats why you are existed , to serve us....

And arabs are also a constant disgrace to muslims, save for EK, QR, DXB and kebabs.

if there weren't any arabs you would be worshipping fire by now in Persia...

Couldn't say it any better! I hope this legend guy remains quiet after this tablet of truth.

you need to accept the fact that Indians and Bangladeshi are not welcomed in GCC. IF I was in charge kicking all of them out of the country will be my first task ..
grand mufti under the patron of King issuing warnings........ Lullzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Interesting that the Wahabi tyrannies support all kinds of sectarian strife in every Muslim country, however the same Wahabi ulema preach acceptance of tyranny in Arabia -- an Arab Spring in Arabia?? Maybe not in a year or even 5 years but the writing is already on the wall -- What we should see are state sponsored movements that will seek to replace personalities but not the system and it may work, but not for long -[/QUOT

I bet king will stuff this idiots mouth with gold for this sermon. This guy is not mufti he is a trader will say anything for cash.
Saudi Grand Clown needs to STFU.
The new Saudi generation wants practical answers to their realistic problem.
Not mutaween and religion any more.

A typical Saudi "Muslim" (!) looking down on people of the "lower class" and people of different races. Mind you, this disgusting un-Islamic attitude is very common in that primitive society that has nothing to do with Islam....

Nothing is more disgusting than racist Iranian bigots!

What is it that are you doing in Syria then? What a shameless hypocrite, all those "kings" deserve to be hanged upside down and naked....

Corrupt Al Assad killing his own people in Syria!
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