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Saudi Grand Mufti warns Gulf public against unrest


Interesting that the Wahabi tyrannies support all kinds of sectarian strife in every Muslim country, however the same Wahabi ulema preach acceptance of tyranny in Arabia -- an Arab Spring in Arabia?? Maybe not in a year or even 5 years but the writing is already on the wall -- What we should see are state sponsored movements that will seek to replace personalities but not the system and it may work, but not for long -

Saudi Muftis were up in arms to promote and justify uprising against Ghaddafi and pray for his fall.
This is the most open display of hypocrisy.

Mufti's are sell outs. Muslims throughout have been ruled by corrupt greedy monarch due to some mufti legitimizing them - plain and simple.
Mufti's and mullahs are a disgrace and no different than imperial europe pope's controlling the churches.
A typical Saudi "Muslim" (!) looking down on people of the "lower class" and people of different races. Mind you, this disgusting un-Islamic attitude is very common in that primitive society that has nothing to do with Islam....

Looking down ?!
hmm, there is nothing wrong with sweeping streets my dear at least they keep them clean, so no worries if you ever got kicked from the netherlands just let me know i could use you in sweeping my street + that guy in your avatar seems like a good garbage collector, I'll offer you 2 a good deal.
Truth is If Saudi Arabia was ever attacked, all the muslim world would be helping out. Same cannot be said for countries talking smack to them.
The Saudis I see in America are typically students. The last presidential debate was in Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL. Its a school for rich brat. I do know someone working there.

This school attracts lots of SA students. The other school that is popular with the GCC folks is Barry University. Its a Catholic school. I am not sure what these guys are doing in a Catholic school.
you need to accept the fact that Indians and Bangladeshi are not welcomed in GCC. IF I was in charge kicking all of them out of the country will be my first task ..

GCC states are full of indian citizens and you're saying they are not welcome. Obviously you cannot live with the truth, perhaps you should apply for the post of the Emir, we can see that you're fit for the post.
you mean we turned our country into a charitable organization to such pathetic people.

Well put it this way, it will take a lot of time before your economies can stand on your own feet; I am talking about real standing up and not resource and oil exporting. It has started but it is a gradual process. You can do that only when you stop bringing religion into everything that is to be done in day to day lives.

To put it in a crude fashion, South Asian work force is the best bet you have for at least 2-3 decades before you're able to manage the economy of your country. At an owner level things are way different from what you see at a working level.

thats why you are existed , to serve us....

As long as you have what these people are looking for, it is nothing more than the practical principle of work for money; All is a business. Only personal ego brings in the "servitude".

I don't expect you to understand since you're from a place where law is always by your side regardless of whether the other person is wrong or correct. It will take sometime to sink in but that will eventually happen.

if there weren't any arabs you would be worshipping fire by now in Persia...

Every land's culture and religion re beautiful to their people including the Zoroastrians of Iran. Why are you telling them what is divine and what is to be worshipped? Did they come and ask you guys to teach them religion? Why is it that you couldn't manage to be content of your religion and not live a happy peaceful life of your own (by you, I mean your lot)? What makes you think that your version of divinity is right and not that of the other person? Has the supreme power come and told you? Or have you seen this being told?? Let's face it, the answer is no to these questions.

Taking pride in brutalizing and exterminating a belief is extremely lowly. Be proud of who your culture/faith is and let others be happy with their own. This conversion/preaching that you guys do is only going to create friction and hostilities between different countries and people. We are all humans alright but each land has a different way of life.

Just like you expect others in your land to respect your way of life, you must respect theirs. Otherwise tell me, how can you expect peace?

you need to accept the fact that Indians and Bangladeshi are not welcomed in GCC.

Says who? GCC has 6 countries and honestly speaking, barring your country, other countries are quite happy to have us or the Bangladeshis working there and the qualified workforce there is happy as well with pay, law, safety etc. There is discrimination to some extent in the unskilled labor area but it is still way better than what happens in your home country.

My friend, there is an old saying said by a great visionary:

"Never burn the ladders that you climb, because when you fall down, you will meet the same people that you met on your way up".

There's a reason why that was said. :)

IF I was in charge kicking all of them out of the country will be my first task ..

If South Asian labor was not there, you'd have been robbed pink by Europeans with nothing left in your country.

But yes, if you're interested in doom.. go ahead.
Saudis and surrounding "kingdoms" are the least Isamic of all Muslim nations, how ironic.

This is not a troll, but I am genuinely interested to know: Which is the most rightful Islamic country following the correct interpretation of your religion?

There are 56 countries claiming the same title and yet none seem to be getting the interpretations right.
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