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Saudi FM: We Will Not Tolerate Interference in our Affairs

What about Human rights violation in Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why doesn't Canada stand up for these HR blatant violations.

This is not about HR violations, its something else.

No, Not really. You're just trying too hard to act spoiled.
The whole saga revolves around the phrase" immediate release" ..while the accused are still going trough trial!
This is called interference in the judicial affairs of a sovereign country..
The whole saga revolves around the phrase" immediate release" ..while the accused are still going trough trial!
This is called interference in the judicial affairs of a sovereign country..
And what is blockading Qatar, invading Yemen and killing tens of thousands of civilians, planning an invasion of Qatar, exporting Wahhabism and terrorism across Asia and Europe and funding/arming radical jihadists in Syria called?
mmm, doesn't sound right does it. There is more to it that meets the eye.

Trump America was saying nasty things about Canada not long ago and now Saudis came up with this.
The most laughable statement made by Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir stated on Monday that the Kingdom “does not interfere in the internal affairs of other states and it won’t accept any attempt to interfere in our internal affairs.

Why is Saudi's FM statement so laughable?

lol @ saudi hypocrisy has no problem bombing yemen causing a massive humanitarian disaster and famine but a tweet is interfering in their affairs and evokes this sort of reaction.

Might as well as add Syria too.
A slap on the face of Imran Khan. He should now just stick to making Pakistan a better place, rather than to talk about mediation between any other states.
For all Pakistanis the imprisoned so called activist,s wife is extremely anti Pakistan and is buddy buddy with Tarik Fateh
the point is if you are US citizen than you dont need to fear foreign laws.. you always come back home.. and no one would dare to say my country my laws..

but for canada this seems not to work well.. this ppl should have stick to saudi law when they are in KSA.. you can't think you are immune because you are from another country.. and then it does not matter if ksa is worse or has any other faults.. your fault is your fault and the faults of others are theirs , they wont make your fault right..

“does not interfere in the internal affairs of other states and it won’t accept any attempt to interfere in our internal affairs.”

he speaks a lie
This made me laugh.Can you say embarrassing? :sarcastic::omghaha:

I am not following this news.
But isn't Saudi Arabia making a mountain out of nothing.
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