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Saudi FM: We Will Not Tolerate Interference in our Affairs

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Saudi FM: We Will Not Tolerate Interference in our Affairs

Monday, 6 August, 2018 - 18:30

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. (Reuters)
Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir stated on Monday that the Kingdom “does not interfere in the internal affairs of other states and it won’t accept any attempt to interfere in our internal affairs.”

He stressed that Saudi Arabia would not tolerate any interference in its own affairs.

“We deal with that with all firmness,” he declared.

Describing Canada’s position as puzzling, he said that those held in Saudi Arabia were “subject to Saudi legal laws that guarantees their rights”.

Late on Sunday, Saudi Arabia said it will suspend new trade and investment with Canada, giving the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to leave the country and recalling its own ambassador to Canada.

A Foreign Ministry statement said it “has been made aware of the statement by the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Canadian Embassy in the Kingdom, on the so-called civil society activists who have been detained, urging Saudi authorities to release them immediately.”

The ministry said that “the Canadian position is an overt and blatant interference in the internal affairs of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

GCC, OIC Support Saudi Arabia's Measures against Canada

Monday, 6 August, 2018 - 17:15

A general view of the Saudi capital Riyadh. (AFP)
Asharq Al-Awsat
Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani expressed on Monday his support for Saudi Arabia’s measures against Canada's Foreign Ministry and the Canadian Embassy in Riyadh, reported the Saudi Press Agency.

Al-Zayani stressed his condemnation and rejection of the Canadian action, which held false claims, describing Canadian statements as unacceptable interference in Saudi internal affairs.

"These statements are a clear violation of the principles of the UN Charter and also detrimental to the relations between Saudi Arabia and Canada," he added.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), meanwhile, voiced full understanding of the Kingdom's position calling for non-interference in its internal affairs, citing international charters that bar such meddling.

OIC Secretary General Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen asserted that Saudi Arabia is a sovereign kingdom that enjoys great respect on the regional and international levels.

Moreover, its judiciary enjoys full independence and has internal laws that guarantee, regulate and observe civil society activities, he added.

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Saudi Arabia Suspends Scholarships to Canada, to Relocate Students

Monday, 6 August, 2018 - 19:00

Saudi Arabia suspends scholarships to Canada. (Reuters)
Asharq Al-Awsat
Saudi Arabia has suspended scholarships to Canada and will relocate students already there, state media said Monday, after the Kingdom cut ties with Ottawa.

Riyadh, which suspended diplomatic relations with Canada on Monday, will "stop training, scholarship and fellowship programs" there, state-run Al-Ekhbariya television reported.

Plans to relocate 7,000 students and their families in Canada to other countries, primarily the United States and Britain, were already underway, education ministry official Jassem al-Harbash said.

The kingdom early Monday gave Canada's envoy Dennis Horak 24 hours to leave the country after Riyadh slammed "interference" in its internal affairs.

More than 7,000 students from Saudi Arabia are enrolled in university programs in Canada, according to Harbash, head of the education ministry's scholarship program.

These students, 2,000 of whom are enrolled in graduate or medical school, are accompanied by more than 5,000 dependents.

Riyadh Freezes New Trade with Canada, Declares Ambassador Persona Non Grata

Monday, 6 August, 2018 - 04:45

The Saudi capital Riyadh. Asharq Al-Awsat
Asharq Al-Awsat
Saudi Arabia has said it will suspend new trade and investment with Canada, giving the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to leave the country and recalling its own ambassador to Canada.

A Foreign Ministry statement, which was carried by the state-run Saudi Press Agency, said it “has been made aware of the statement by the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Canadian Embassy in the Kingdom, on the so-called civil society activists who have been detained, urging Saudi authorities to release them immediately,” it said.

“The persons referred to were lawfully detained by the Public Prosecution for committing crimes punishable by applicable law, which also guaranteed the detainees’ rights and provided them with due process during the investigation and trial.”

The ministry said that “the Canadian position is an overt and blatant interference in the internal affairs of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

The Saudi statement said it confirmed its commitment to refrain from intervening in the internal matters of other countries, including Canada, and in return rejected any intervention in its domestic affairs and internal relations with its citizens.

"Any further step from the Canadian side in that direction will be considered as acknowledgment of our right to interfere in the Canadian domestic affairs," it added.

"The kingdom announces that it is recalling its ambassador to Canada for consultation. We consider the Canadian ambassador to the kingdom persona non grata and order him to leave within the next 24 hours."

The ministry also announced "the freezing of all new trade and investment transactions with Canada while retaining its right to take further action".

Riyadh retained "its rights to take further action," it added.

lol @ saudi hypocrisy has no problem bombing yemen causing a massive humanitarian disaster and famine but a tweet is interfering in their affairs and evokes this sort of reaction.
Not to mention funding/arming radical jihadists from across the globe in Syria in an attempt to overthrow the Syrian Government...

They can take their fake tears about "interference" and stick it up their wahhabi arse
Well I agree with him that countries like west,iran and Qatar shouldn't interfair with others issues but he also could tell that to his government which helped to found radicalism in Afghanistan and Syria along with turkey and Qatar
Saudi Arabia who regularly interferes in the region, Bombs its neighbor, funds terrorists , wanted to invade Qatar, shut down Al Jazeera and demanded Qatar close the Turkish Base asks Canada to not interfere. :crazy::omghaha:
The amount of countries KSA has destroyed (incl. Pakistan) and then they have the audacity to spew this crap. Go **** yourselves.

Please explain this to your Pakistani countrymen here who god worship Arabs. KSA has knocked Pakistan back at least 20 years when it comes to social and economical development.

Saudi Arabia who regularly interferes in the region, Bombs its neighbor, funds terrorists , wanted to invade Qatar, shut down Al Jazeera and demanded Qatar close the Turkish Base asks Canada to not interfere. :crazy::omghaha:

They backtracked on the tweet, just like they backtracked on the Turkish base lol, backtracking Kings the Saudis are.
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