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Saudi Billionaire Businesswoman Marries Her Pakistani Driver

Tabarakallazi biyadihil mulk... Wahua aala kulli shayin qadeer.
What's the fastest and easiest way to get a international drivers license? Asking for a friend.
This is beautiful and a Sunnah of the blessed Prophet (saw) who was married to Khadija (ra), his first wife, a beautiful and wealthy business woman. It was Khadija (ra) who proposed marriage to Muhammad (saw) after she saw how upright, humble and simple he was and how he carried out his duties. She had turned down proposals from men of wealth and status, and she chose the beloved of Allah, Muhammad (saw) and supported the cause of Islam from the beginning and until her last breath. May Allah be pleased with her and may His blessings be upon our beloved Prophet (saw).

Beautiful couple Ma sha Allah, TabarakAllah.
The sad bit is that instead of wishing well and celebrating that the young woman found someone out of nowhere to change both their lives - the typical Pakistani mentality and response when sharing this video on sois “Oh wow, him, what is his stature? He get this and I’m in doldrums?”
it reflects on what we have been taught as a nation and common society values that circulate. While this may not be limited to Pakistan (our neighborhood isn’t exactly any less spiteful) but it only matters to us because it keeps is from seeing positive developments or even being positive for our own lives.
Envy doesn’t get anyone anywhere.

Some folks were wishing this young man well - and they truly do represent a better portion of positive growth.
Thank you! This is the kind of mentality our country is lacking. We are so negative towards one of our own yet when the first gora with a GoPro arrives off the airport we are clamoring to shower them with free stuff to show our 'hospitality'.

If we really had hospitality, we wouldn't denigrate our own. Charity begins at home. Something we are very slow to grasp.
"There are a million other fish but I want just this fish only!"

You know how it goes. What you say makes sense but loves does not lol

True hahaha, I will give you that

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