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Saudi Arabia's withdrawal stuns UN Security Council, slammed by Russia

Yep, we want to violate the Intl law once more :devil:

Putin must be so mad at us now dude! :rofl:

Where is @anonymus :omghaha: We need to hear from him on this ..

This is an open attempt by Saudis to rub their frustration in face of UNSC, more specifically Russia and China, and to make a political point against assad while thumping their nose against P5.

In reality,GCC in general and Saudi's in particular has nothing to gain from a UNSC seat and neither they have anything to lose from forfeiting one because of the structure of UNSC. Non-Permanant members are chosen by regional groups pending confirmation by General assembly and by convention, one of the member is arab chosen alternatively from Asian and African blocks.

For example, the seat which Saudi would have occupied is that of morocco.And since all of Arab members barring Syria and Lebanon are anti Assad, GCC block does not loses anything in term of voting power as a replacement of Saudi is going to follow same line as that followed by Saudi.So this action of Saudis is consonance with the proverb:

"Killing two birds with a single stone"​

It is indeed a smart move.

The UNSC may be a inefficient council, but in my honest opinion, to be part of it is more preferable than to be absent from it. After all, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. But perhaps KSA feels that their UNSC seat would put to much attention on their own policies, which are sometimes viewed with suspicion by the West and certain human rights organization.

UNSC is only organization in UN that matters.It is General assembly which is toothless.
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every country has right to protest . If this is SA way of protesting everyone at UNSC will have to accept it .
Saudi Arabia has already ruined Afghanistan and Pakistan with this wahabi infested jehadi ideology. For time being it appeared that Saudi's have mend their ways and the new king has better things to offer but it is same old story repeating again! One shouldnt poke nose in countries internal matters be it revolt or revolution!
Saudi Arabia has already ruined Afghanistan and Pakistan with this wahabi infested jehadi ideology. For time being it appeared that Saudi's have mend their ways and the new king has better things to offer but it is same old story repeating again! One shouldnt poke nose in countries internal matters be it revolt or revolution!


You might have no dignity on you which is fine - even though I can't take it considering the fact that we have been creaming you with SR's and friendliness, but we most certainly do have a dignity.

Saudi's are just bitchin that we ruined their plans for Syria:lol:

Coming from a Russian your comments are in contrast with what your FM had to say on this decision.

On other note, I'd recommend triggering a 3rd civil war in Chechneya to keep you in check :lol:
Every country should follow the xample, the corrupt, double standard UN needs to be reformed to be credible etc.
I love the way you try to portray the scene, obviously you hate us from the bottom of your heart,

I hate to see you and house of saud hide behind Saudi general population. I have respect, love and sympathy for Saudi general population but absolutely against house of saud who are occupying two of Islam holiest sites.
Bro, ranting won't help it, forget it.

I hate to see you and house of saud hide behind Saudi general population. I have respect, love and sympathy for Saudi general population but absolutely against house of saud who are occupying two of Islam holiest sites.

The Saudis donn't give a damn about what you think about them! It is you the one who's blood is boiling, and we are moving forward.

As for the two holiest sites, I suggest you join the crazed delusional Mullahs to liberte your holy sites from us :lol:
Though I respect their decision,but I think it's better part of this system

On other note, I'd recommend triggering a 3rd civil war in Chechneya to keep you in check :lol:

You can recommend what ever you want donkey but this not 90s anymore, 99.9% of chechnya under our control, and if you want to sent money or weapons to Chechens, Good luck because he borders of Russia are under control tight these days. Its hard for fly to cross onto Russia with out FSB noticing.
Saudi Arabia has already ruined Afghanistan and Pakistan with this wahabi infested jehadi ideology. For time being it appeared that Saudi's have mend their ways and the new king has better things to offer but it is same old story repeating again! One shouldnt poke nose in countries internal matters be it revolt or revolution!

I have lived in Pakistan, but never came across Saudis coming to me and lived in Saudi Arabia and only met good people.

We had Pakistanis living in Saudi arabia since 1950 but they did not learned any thing bad.

We had hundreds of foreigners from all across the globe, living and working in Saudi Arabia, i wonder why they have not witnessed any such discrimination going on with Pakistanis.

However, i have seen many liers and UK agents spreading propaganda against Pakistan, in exchange of petty cash.
The Saudis donn't give a damn about what you think about them! It is you the one who's blood is boiling, and we are moving forward.

As for the two holiest sites, I suggest you join the crazed delusional Mullahs to liberte your holy sites from us :lol:

Did not know you are being elected to talk on behalf of Saudi population. But here is proof of house of saud occupation of holiest site of Islam using zionist linked security firm.

Saudi Hires Occupation-Friendly Company for Hajj Security

By: Orouba Othman

Published Monday, October 7, 2013

This year, the mandatory Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, or hajj, will compound the Palestinians’ woes. Palestinian pilgrims will be greeted by a company that assists in their repression – and even torture – under the Israeli occupation regime. Indeed, hajj this year will be brought to you by none other than G4S.

This is not the first time that the Saudi government has hired the private security firm, which has recruited a staggering 700,000 to provide hajj-related services this year, according to exclusive information obtained by Al-Akhbar. Most of the leaked reports indicate that security for the hajj season since 2010 has been entrusted to al-Majal G4S, an affiliate of the parent company G4S.

The private security contractor has also been implicated in enabling the torture of administrative detainees in Palestine, including children, according to BDS activist Zaid Shuaibi.
The CEO of al-Majal G4S is a former security official in Saudi named Khaled Baghdadi. The Saudi subsidiary is fully owned by the British-Danish firm.

The parent company has not disclosed the nature of the contracts it has signed with the Saudi authorities. In its periodic reports, G4S makes limited references to its Saudi operations, such as winning a contract with Jeddah Metro to assist with security during the hajj, or stating that the company assists in the transport of more than 3 million pilgrims who visit Mecca each year. In 2011, the website Asrar Ararabiya – Arab Secrets – published an ad by the company asking people to apply to work in Mecca for seven days only, during hajj.

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign has not been sitting idly by. In a press conference on Wednesday, October 2, the campaign sent a clear message to the Saudi government, urging it to terminate the contract with the company that happens to provide equipment and security services to protect Israeli settlements, occupation checkpoints, and police facilities. The private security contractor has also been implicated in enabling the torture of administrative detainees in Palestine, including children, according to BDS activist Zaid Shuaibi.

BDS activists were not the only ones to react to the news. Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, the head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem and the imam of al-Aqsa Mosque, has proclaimed, “This company operates in security, and has activities and commitments in areas under Israeli occupation. Those who help the occupation must be held accountable and are complicit in the crime, as those who help aggressors also are aggressors.”

Shuaibi, speaking to Al-Akhbar, said that the BDS campaign contacted the Palestinian Ministry of Economy, being the competent authority in the issue of boycotting settlements, such as the ones serviced by G4S. But according to Shuaibi, “The ministry did not bother to respond or take action to stop the abuse, even as the company violates Palestinian law by continuing to provide services to the settlements.”

G4S in Israeli Prisons and Interrogation Centers

G4S’ subsidiary in Israel (Hashmira) was awarded a contract with the Israeli Prison Service in July 2007 to supply equipment and security services that enable violations of Articles 49 and 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The company provides security systems and centralized control systems to the Hasharon-Ramonim prison, which contains a section for Palestinian political prisoners.

G4S has installed a central command room in Megiddo Prison, in addition to supplying a wide array of security services to the Damon and Ketziot prisons. In Ofer, the prison where more than 1,500 Palestinians are detained – mostly administrative prisoners – G4S has also installed a central command room and provided protection through peripheral defense systems on the walls surrounding the prison. The company routinely supplies systems for command and control, IT, CCTV, and communications to Israeli prisons.

Full report:
Saudi Hires Occupation-Friendly Company for Hajj Security | Al Akhbar English
Yes, I can speak of behalf of my people :lol: You really are lucky, some Saudis will go tough on you here by now :lol: @JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani

Did not know you are being elected to talk on behalf of Saudi population. But here is proof of house of saud occupation of holiest site of Islam using zionist linked security firm.

LoLz. I've killed this claim already :lol: my dear. Go figure ...

Next in line ....
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Yes, I can speak of behalf of my people :lol: You really are lucky, some Saudis will go tough on you here by now :lol: @JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani

LoLz. I've killed this claim already :lol: my dear. Go figure ...

Next in line ....

What the fOok do these people want from us, I don't really understand the position they occupy to run their mouths on us. :pissed:

Smash their skulls homie, hunt the Mofs.:sniper::smokin:
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