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Saudi Arabia's Missile Messaging

Naah, symmetric army cannot combat guerillas in mountains where they are born and bred. They need new tactics. And Houthis did request ceasefire when Apaches rained hell on them.

The Hauthis' didn't offer an unconditional surrender because of the Apaches' involvement in that conflict. As a matter of fact, the Apaches were present since the fourth day.

The reason why these scums could take no more fire shot at them was the combination of the active involvement of the Saudi Marines when a blockade was imposed, the heavy shelling fired at their camps on Al-Dukhan's mountain, as well as the air superiority-advantage factor. So in all and all, the tactics we used worked out and these savages didn't dare to put no more toes out of line.

Naah, symmetric army cannot combat guerillas in mountains where they are born and bred. They need new tactics. And Houthis did request ceasefire when Apaches rained hell on them.

Iran and Saudi are conventional forces and militarily RSAF would make mincemeat of IRAF. After that Iran's military capability goes to zero. Iran knows the Saudi capability it's just the first time we saw KSA do something on such a massive scale. You can see from the exercises that KSA has a tier 1 Air Force, Ground Forces but a lacking Naval Force. But they do have ballistic missiles.

One thing i agree is that their forces arent tried and tested on battlefield but that's what exercises are for.

Your air force is more of a joke than their navy. No offence, but saying such things without backing it up with facts has no value. If you believe then i am sure you will provide proof. Though I agree their forces are untested in combat.
Low IQ and inferiority-ridden Farsis trolling another thread on the Arab Section - one of the few sections of PDF where there is generally no trolling and where everyone is welcome as long as no trolling takes please. Yet no moderation.

@Arabian Legend is right. No need to waste ones time here anymore. No constructive discussions. Dozens of envious people everywhere. Pathetic
Low IQ and inferiority-ridden Farsis trolling another thread on the Arab Section - one of the few sections of PDF where there is generally no trolling and where everyone is welcome as long as no trolling takes please. Yet no moderation.

@Arabian Legend is right. No need to waste ones time here anymore. No constructive discussions. Dozens of envious people everywhere. Pathetic

Lots of mulaled
hezbulatist orks.
... In the last Saudi confrontation with the Houtis, they were mauled despite the use of the airforce , plus squads of Moroccans and Jordanians special troops. They had to resort to their piggy bank to buy a truce...


Quote 1 :

Dazzling new weapons require new rules for war

By David Ignatius
Thursday, November 11, 2010

A new arsenal of drones and satellite-guided weapons is changing the nature of warfare. America and its NATO allies possess these high-tech weapons, but smaller countries want them, too. Here's an inside glimpse of how the process of technology transfer works:

A year ago, Saudi Arabia was fighting a nasty border war against the Houthi rebels across its frontier with Yemen. The Saudis began bombing Houthi targets inside Yemen on Nov. 5, 2009, but the airstrikes were inaccurate, and there were reports of civilian casualties.

The Saudis appealed to America for imagery from U.S. surveillance satellites in space, so they could target more precisely. Gen. David Petraeus, who was Centcom commander at the time, is said to have backed the Saudi request, but it was opposed by the State Department and others. They warned that intervening in this border conflict, even if only by providing targeting information, could violate the laws of war.

So the Saudis turned elsewhere for help - to France, which has its own reconnaissance satellites. The French, who were worried that imprecise Saudi bombing was creating too many civilian casualties in Yemen, agreed to help. The necessary details were arranged within days.

When French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited Riyadh on Nov. 17, he was ready to open the new intelligence liaison channel. A Saudi official recalls that by the first night of Sarkozy's visit, detailed pictures of the Yemeni battle space began to move electronically to the Saudis.

Using this precise satellite intelligence, the Saudis were able to monitor the Houthis' hideouts, equipment dumps and training sites. Saudi warplanes then attacked with devastating effectiveness. Within a few weeks, the Houthis were requesting a truce, and by February this chapter of the border war was over.

For the Saudis, this was an important military success. "The French were extremely helpful" and their assistance "was a key reason we were able to force the Houthis to capitulate," says a Saudi official.

The Washington Post


This major problem will be finally solved.

Continue... See all old links :

KSA with France sail towards the ocean and space

Turkish Space Programs | Page 12

KSA with France sail towards the ocean and space

UAE Buys 2 French Surveillance Satellites

GCC Unified Military Command l Updates & Discussions.

Saudi Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG | Page 74

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Low IQ and inferiority-ridden Farsis trolling another thread on the Arab Section - one of the few sections of PDF where there is generally no trolling and where everyone is welcome as long as no trolling takes please. Yet no moderation.

@Arabian Legend is right. No need to waste ones time here anymore. No constructive discussions. Dozens of envious people everywhere. Pathetic

And you complain about Iranian user precense in Arabic section and how they should not comment there.
But in the first two-three posts, before one single Iranian user stepped foot in the thread, the word Iran was mentioned about 50 fucking times. lol
And you complain about Iranian user precense in Arabic section and how they should not comment there.
But in the first two-three posts, before one single Iranian user stepped foot in the thread, the word Iran was mentioned about 50 fucking times. lol

The word "Iran" was not mentioned by a single Arab user until your compatriot started trolling in post number 4 so replies are expected. I did not even comment on his later pathetic nonsense. Others, not even Arabs, countered his nonsense.

Besides I know that you do not troll usually so easy on. I can appreciate the sane Iranian users here.
Militarily Saudi will crush Iran. It's common knowledge. RSAF is a mighty mighty force. Plus their AWACs support and Missile defence shields will make it impenetrable for Iran to actually cause damage.

The ammunition industry is one of the biggest profitable industry in the world. Now Saudi Arabia is also their customer. Otherwise Saudi Arabia is just a satellite country of the U.S. The only difference is, now they are spending their rest of the money on ammunition. Ultimately they will also lose this money. This is not the war game, this is the money game.
The word "Iran" was not mentioned by a single Arab user until your compatriot started trolling in post number 4 so replies are expected. I did not even comment on his later pathetic nonsense. Others, not even Arabs, countered his nonsense.

Besides I know that you do not troll usually so easy on. I can appreciate the sane Iranian users here.

The first two posts, by an Arab user, Iran was mentioned 50 times.
Off course it was not his own opinion but an article.

But when you post articles that mentions Iran over 50 times, some Iranian user involvement will be expected.
I would expect the same vice versa.
The ammunition industry is one of the biggest profitable industry in the world. Now Saudi Arabia is also their customer. Otherwise Saudi Arabia is just a satellite country of the U.S. The only difference is, now they are spending their rest of the money on ammunition. Ultimately they will also lose this money. This is not the war game, this is the money game.

Depending on how much the Saudis spend per each contract. Don't let their defense budget fools you. 30% of it goes unspent, and many is being spent on social, civilian, non-military related projects which is good.
Depending on how much the Saudis spend per each contract. Don't let their defense budget fools you. 30% of it goes unspent, and many is being spent on social, civilian, non-military related projects which is good.

Saudi Arabia is one the biggest importer of the ammunition in the world. Giving lots of business to the gun industry. This is all the money game and ultimately powerful ammunition industry will take away Saudi oil money from them.
Saudi Arabia is one the biggest importer of the ammunition in the world. Giving lots of business to the gun industry. This is all the money game and ultimately powerful ammunition industry will take away Saudi oil money from them.

The very same oil money Norway spends on the procurement of the F-35s?
Low IQ and inferiority-ridden Farsis trolling another thread on the Arab Section - one of the few sections of PDF where there is generally no trolling and where everyone is welcome as long as no trolling takes please. Yet no moderation.

@Arabian Legend is right. No need to waste ones time here anymore. No constructive discussions. Dozens of envious people everywhere. Pathetic

trolls complaining about trolls, lol
The first two posts, by an Arab user, Iran was mentioned 50 times.
Off course it was not his own opinion but an article.

But when you post articles that mentions Iran over 50 times, some Iranian user involvement will be expected.
I would expect the same vice versa.

So what is the point? The articles had nothing to do with Iran but the topic of the thread. Still it was a Farsi user that started trolling.

In every article (English one) about either KSA or Iran those two countries are somehow always mentioned. Should Arab users then troll the Iranian section in a similar fashion?

trolls complaining about trolls, lol

I hope you realize which section that you are writing in.
I hope you realize which section that you are writing in.

I do. There are no rules prohibiting me from posting in this section, although I rarely post here. You're also calling me a troll due to my nationality?

Arab supremacists :lol:
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I do. There are no rules prohibiting me from posting in this section, although I rarely post here. You're also calling me a troll due to my nationality?

Arab supremacists :lol:
Do not bother yourself, leave them.It is cheap for us to waste our time with them.
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