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saudi arabian to buy chinese DF 21 MRBM

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You mean the second biggest economy in the world with the strongest military in Asia? I'm sure some third rate superpower wannabe in South Asia with half its kids starving is doing better because they have "democracy and freedom" to live a miserable existance.

As they say "Even a dog is a lion in his kennel".

The "strongest military in asia (??)" is brave only on the streets along Tiananmen Square.

CPC has eminently proven to be a dog of the barking variety .. the ones who bark can't bite.

As I said, brainwashed chinese... do you want food donations, we produced so much last few years that we have run out of storage space. Send in an request, we'll consider on humanitarian grounds.
Duplicitous lot ... a few billions made them think through their knees .. What is the guarantee that those people are still not in powerful position ?? Truth is China is a grave threat to humanity..

I am pretty sure that the first suicidal nuke bomb to go off will be made in china .. :cry:
Typical Indian fear mongering.

Get this through your head. When the first missiles were delivered to Saudi Arabia, it was in 1987 before MTCR came into effect. We did not agree to MTCR until 1991. What we did was completely legal to international laws at the time.

You're a grave threat to humanity with your stupidity. Please neuter yourself so you do not pose a threat to human gene pool.
Well sorry our beatdown on you in 1962 caused you to think that we're a threat to humanity. But really, brain dead retards like you don't represent the interests of humanity and should refrain from speaking on behalf of 6 billion people on this planet.

A small kid always thinks he's "the strongest strongest" army by touching an elephant and running way.

No doubt, for the kid, it's highest level of bravado feasible .... never mind, the elephant didn't even realize that the kid attempted the bravado of it's lifetime.
As they say "Even a dog is a lion in his kennel".

The "strongest military in asia (??)" is brave only on the streets along Tiananmen Square.

CPC has eminently proven to be a dog of the barking variety .. the ones who bark can't bite.

As I said, brainwashed chinese... do you want food donations, we produced so much last few years that we have run out of storage space. Send in an request, we'll consider on humanitarian grounds.
We can't bite? You're still crying to this day about 1962.

So you produce so much food that half your children are malnurished? Look at these "brainwashed" Briton talking crap about you:
Over 40% of Indian children are malnourished, report finds | World news | The Guardian

Look at the "brainwashed" world bank:
"37% of the total Indian people falls below the international poverty line of US$ 1.5 a day"
India Home

A small kid always thinks he's "the strongest strongest" army by touching an elephant and running way.

No doubt, for the kid, it's highest level of bravado feasible .... never mind, the elephant didn't even realize that the kid attempted the bravado of it's lifetime.
"It's just a flesh wound" <--- You


Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube
We can't bite? You're still crying to this day about 1962.

Oh, the kid expects that the elephant should acknowledge the bravado?

Well, baby, if we should be "crying" 1962... you should have committed suicide for 1937-45.

Anway, obviously you've been well-trained in barking by CPC and those type of sounds are mostly unintelligible to human beings.

Carry on.. :

"Kutte Bhaunkte rehte hain, Kaafiley chaltey rehte hain"

-> Dogs keep barking, world ignores and moves with it's business.
I don't Understand Why Indians are trolling in a Saudi - China thread . And i saw an Indian started Trolling first without any effing reason .

Also Iran is a Common Friend of India and China . Nothing will be done by these countries to harm it's Interest .
-> Dogs keep barking, world ignores and moves with it's business.

Don't be so rude to your fellow Dalits. :rofl:

And if you want to know the "world's opinion", then please check the international polls such as the BBC Country Rating polls and the Pew Global Research polls.

They all show that China is viewed more positively worldwide than both the EU and the USA. And all three are ranked FAR above the Dalit-hole called India. :lol:

Too bad Indian dreams are not reality, otherwise you would already be a superpower instead of being poorer than Africa.
Oh, the kid expects that the elephant should acknowledge the bravado?

Well, baby, if we should be "crying" 1962... you should have committed suicide for 1937-45.

Anway, obviously you've been well-trained in barking by CPC and those type of sounds are mostly unintelligible to human beings.

Carry on.. :

"Kutte Bhaunkte rehte hain, Kaafiley chaltey rehte hain"

-> Dogs keep barking, world ignores and moves with it's business.
The difference is that we are part of the Big Five (US, USSR, France, Britain, China) that emerged as victors as World War II, and obtained a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. You on the other hand, got served with a big platter of defeat. Oh you don't have one of those seats do you? Winner and loser, get the difference?

The only thing obvious is your mental retardation, possibly due to poor nutrition. Please, do continue. This is quite entertaining.
Since Iran -targeted neither China nor Pakistan is likely to help the Saudis' enterprise. Not even Russia. India and DPRK are only options. But again, India may not comply because, these missiles could eventually be targeted at Israel.
I think topic is "DF 21 MRBM" and its sell to SA.:undecided:.....Where the hell India's dalit came in this discussion?

SA will likely acquire any weapon from US than China, coz money is not a concern, the effective and tested technology is. No offence for Chinese tech.

P.S.- CD where are you busy these days, hardly see you on India bashing....i hope you are ok..:enjoy:
KSA & Pakistan are strategic allies and in my view Saudi Arabia is already in Pakistani Missile and nuclear umbrella.
I don't Understand Why Indians are trolling in a Saudi - China thread . And i saw an Indian started Trolling first without any effing reason .

Also Iran is a Common Friend of India and China . Nothing will be done by these countries to harm it's Interest .

Nice to see another mature reasonable Indian member here.

BTW, India is not China's enemy by nature, and i also do reckon that many Indian members here might be just some teens, so instead of deepening the feud with them, i rather chose to stay away from the flamebait.
Don't be so rude to your fellow Dalits. :rofl:

And if you want to know the "world's opinion", then please check the international polls such as the BBC Country Rating polls and the Pew Global Research polls.

They all show that China is viewed more positively worldwide than both the EU and the USA. And all three are ranked FAR above the Dalit-hole called India. :lol:

I'm not being rude to chinese .. just showing them the mirror.

And what's about "Dalits" in this thread ..... if a few of them find you, they could roast you, for your pretending to include "chinese" as a part of them. They are fierce if you try to encroach upon the reservations and other benefits available to Dalits as a part of affirmative action.

Try fighting with Mayawati ... Best of Luck. :laugh:

The difference is that we are part of the Big Five (US, USSR, France, Britain, China) that emerged as victors as World War II, and obtained a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. You on the other hand, got served with a big platter of defeat. Oh you don't have one of those seats do you? Winner and loser, get the difference?

The only thing obvious is your mental retardation, possibly due to poor nutrition. Please, do continue. This is quite entertaining.

Oh yeah .. CPC must we feeding you interesting stories about "China's Grand Victory over Japan" :laugh:

On 6th Aug 1945, a chinese "strong" army entered Tokyo ... and hosted the red flag over the Emperor's Palace.

The Japanese emperor committed suicide the same morning.


Ha ha.... I love CPC stories of chinese "strong" bravado. They say, without these stories, there could be a revolution in china !!!

Anyway, reality doesn't change, despite stories told to kids.

Had it not been for Uncle Sam, you'd have been speaking Japanese today.. perhaps, better than dog's barking.

Understandably, chinese are upset with Uncle Sam.... otherwise they would've escaped the CPC. The japanese were much better than CPC.
Saudis Buy Advanced Nuclear-Capable Missiles from China


Saudi Arabia and China now more than just &#8216;good friends&#8217;
US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon is the second high-ranking American official to visit Riyadh in less than a week. He landed Tuesday, April 12, just six days after US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Saudi King Abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap between Washington and Riyadh.

For the second interview, the monarch was attended by three top royal advisers, all hawks and live wires in security and external affairs: Director of General Intelligence Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, Secretary-General of the National Security Council Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and Saudi Ambassador to the US Adel Jubeir.

The ambassador, who is important enough to the king to spend more time in the royal palace in Riyadh than at his post in Washington, was the only one of the three to be present at the meeting with Gates.

Our Gulf intelligence sources report that by calling in his most influential advisers, Abdullah was telling Washington:

1. That he attaches supreme importance to Saudi relations with the United States;

2. That he will not be moved from the independent foreign and security policies he has set in train &#8211; whether or not they meet with American approval. In pursuing them, Princes Muqrin and Bandar and Ambassador Jubeir enjoy his full backing.

According to our sources, the three advisers have been given their assignments: Muqrin is focusing on Iran, Yemen, Libya and Al Qaeda. Bandar deals with Saudi Arabia&#8217;s foreign military relations &#8211; excepting the US &#8211; and is managing the comparison shopping for advanced weapons among multiple suppliers. Ambassador Jubeir&#8217;s job is to advise the king and represent Saudi positions on matters of common interest to the US administration.

Saudis buy advanced Chinese nuclear-capable missiles

Bandar recently paid a secret visit to China and clinched terms for CSS-3 DF-3 ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads to replace the hardware Saudi Arabia bought from China in the 1980s.

US intelligence discovered the first transaction in 1988 when those Chinese missiles were installed outside Riyadh and positioned to face Tehran. Our intelligence and military sources reveal the transaction Bandar negotiated provides for the sale of two types of Chinese missiles: the DF-21 (NATO-designated CSS-5), which is a two-stage, solid-propellant, single-warhead medium-range ballistic (MRBM) system developed by China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronis Technology Academy.

The DF-21 is capable of delivering a 500kT nuclear warhead over a distance of 1,800 km. Its purchase underlines the Saudi royal family&#8217;s determination to have its own nuclear arms and missiles ready for launch in the face of an approaching nuclear-armed Iran.

The second missile, the DongFeng 15 (Export name M-9; NATO-designation CSS-6) is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic (SRBM) system developed by CASC China Academy of Rocket Motor Technology ARMT, the 4th Space Academy.

Our information is that the Saudis purchased the improved variants of DongFeng 15 B and DongFeng 15C, recently sighted in service with China&#8217;s Popular Liberation Army (PLA). During the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, those variants, which were launched as a warning to Taiwan, won a reputation for accuracy and effectiveness.

Saudis Buy Advanced Nuclear-Capable Missiles from China :: The Wall Street Shuffle
60 billion for one nuclear ballistic missile ? are the Saudis lost their mind or the rumor maker failed to understand how big the figure 60 billion is . :coffee:
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