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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

@Mosamania btw correct me if im wrong isn't the german leopard different than the spanish ? they look the same but i think the systems are different and the german tanks is much more advanced

The Germans are currently building the Leopard 2A7 a more advanced version than the A4, however the Leopard 2A4 is the second best thing, after all we are going for 800-1000 tanks, but recently comments from head of he Land Forces are suggesting that it may actually be Al-Khalid tanks after all, and a Pakistani news site confirmed it not long later, the Saudi tank project is the Indian MRCA it seems.
The Germans are currently building the Leopard 2A7 a more advanced version than the A4, however the Leopard 2A4 is the second best thing, after all we are going for 800-1000 tanks, but recently comments from head of he Land Forces are suggesting that it may actually be Al-Khalid tanks after all, and a Pakistani news site confirmed it not long later, the Saudi tank project is the Indian MRCA it seems.
lol @ indian MRCA.
and the navy is dead.. a lot of work needs to be done. we need state of the art war ships ASAP.
as for the air force they're the best. but personally i think if they buy 2 types of planes the saudi air force will be one of the deadliest. the AC-130 gun ship and the B-1 lancer
lol @ indian MRCA.
and the navy is dead.. a lot of work needs to be done. we need state of the art war ships ASAP.
as for the air force they're the best. but personally i think if they buy 2 types of planes the saudi air force will be one of the deadliest. the AC-130 gun ship and the B-1 lancer

While the gunship makes sense for counter insurgency and it does indeed sound like a good idea, however the B-1 Lancer is useless, the USAF only operates as a long range strategic bomber if they want to bomb something 3000+ miles from their border. The F-15E is more than capable of satisfying the RSAF needs as a strategic bomber, and we have 158 of them. Israel operates 25 of them and is bombing target ls with them as far away as Sudan with them effortlessly.
the gunship is really a good idea it could really empower the special forces in front lines and if god forbid we had another war with the houthies its going to be very useful. specially around mountains
the b-1 we would only need in 1 case. if we ever went to war with iran. i really believe in carpet bombing for many reasons one of them is psychological warfare. of course one would say if saudi ever went to war with iran it wont be alone. thats true. but we need to let everyone know that we are capable of handling them alone. saudi today is not saudi in the 1980's.
plus why send 10 planes when you can send only one ? i think the b-1 is a very useful great plane. they are being used now against ISIS flying from qatar.
The Germans are currently building the Leopard 2A7 a more advanced version than the A4, however the Leopard 2A4 is the second best thing, after all we are going for 800-1000 tanks, but recently comments from head of he Land Forces are suggesting that it may actually be Al-Khalid tanks after all, and a Pakistani news site confirmed it not long later, the Saudi tank project is the Indian MRCA it seems.
Well Germans are not giving you Leapord for so called human rights issue but with AL KHALID 1 you can get them with complete TOT.
Well Germans are not giving you Leapord for so called human rights issue but with AL KHALID 1 you can get them with complete TOT.
and the funny thing they just sell to israel submarines and weapons... i think saudi should have a strong lobby in germany against israel and also to help us buy advanced weapons.
and the funny thing they just sell to israel submarines and weapons... i think saudi should have a strong lobby in germany against israel and also to help us buy advanced weapons.

We already created powerful lobbies in France, UK and the US. Germany is a tougher nut to crack since their intelligence keep a tighter arm around its politicians, Germany is not like the other three, already 2 German politicians were arrested on charges of spying for Saudi Arabia, the way to gain access to it is harder.
We already created powerful lobbies in France, UK and the US. Germany is a tougher nut to crack since their intelligence keep a tighter arm around its politicians, Germany is not like the other three, already 2 German politicians were arrested on charges of spying for Saudi Arabia, the way to gain access to it is harder.
wow do you have a link about the story ?
anyway i always had thought there is something fishy about german politics.. i bet the zionist got them by the balls after ww2. i have the same feeling about japan as well.






I have made the 5th picture here as my Avatar best picture ever. @al-Hasani @Mosamania @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @JUBA Any plans to change AK-103 ?
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