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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

I can't believe these dudes. Now they are spreading fitna amongst Pakistanis on this forum too?
All of you are traitors to Pakistan's future which our Leader envisioned for us

A secular, Independent Pakistan respectful of all minorities and religions

No wonder the West Laughs and ridicules Pakistan

Stop sucking Saudi Balls and bombing every mosque you see you cowards

You cowards deserve to be thrown into Jail for promoting hatred & funding Terrorism, Traitors of Pakistan! Go back to India! Even India doesn't want you, move to Saudi Arabia!

These ruthless Murders have killed hundreds of Brelwis, Shias, Qadyanis, Hindus, Sikhs

Shame on you cowards!

yes the movement you support kills., and you will be responsible for your actions in world court one day

Last time I checked; Imran wasn't rooting for a 'Secular Pakistan' !
Why is PakiRambo trolling?

Did this guy just loose his mind?
your comrades shed the blood of my Hindu, Sikh, Bralwi, Shia, Qadyani brothers in Pakistan and deserve no respect.

قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ

Bring out your proof if your truthful :coffee:
you are wrong. If you check posts that I have done say six months ago you will see that I stand up for the rights of all minorities Hindus Jews etc.

However I will not allow or accept that one minority within us has the right to call us non Muslims just cos we do not bow to that hedonistic family of Al Saud allies of Americans who have made a business of religion

Listen to a Palestinian Muslim Sunni sister. You can hear the tears in her voice

George Galloway caller: House of Saud, Saudi Arabia DOES NOT REPRESENT MUSLIMS or ISLAM! - YouTube

we all are in the favor of relgious and social freedom for everyone in our country.....But to hold Arabs for every demise in pakistan is simply non sense....As a pakistani we should equally value our relations with S.arabia and iran bcz with both we have brotherly relations....SO please be more pakistani than iranian...
قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ

Bring out your proof if your truthful :coffee:
The truth will come out Insha'Allah. Either in this life or the afterlife.

Whoever killed my fallen Pakistani comrades shall be avenged.
You ruthless cowards murdered my Hindu, sikh, Bralwi,Shia,Qadyani, Christian and Athiest brothers.

You guys deserve to be kicked out of Pakistan or put into Jail.
Ahhhm ! Those 2 Wahabis (well 3 if you add in a Non-Practicing Muslim like me) haven't been half as aggressive or hateful as the rest of you guys have ! Speaks volumes about whose the 'hate-monger' and who isn't.
Oh really?

Standing up to a movement that supports hatred and violence and killing of innocents is a hate-mongering thing to do?

Keep murdering more minorities in Pakistan, it's what you people love to do. No wonder the West laughs at Pakistan.
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