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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

Only among Shias, the Irani kind and it's followers, too. Fact.

Besides, aren't you acting like a sheep by going along with others' ignorance without actually thinking rationally for a second?
Or are you one of those people that spew irrational hatred and ignorance against others because it pleases their thirst for hate-mongering?

I dislike intolerance wherever it emanates from

Only among Shias, the Irani kind and it's followers, too. Fact.

Besides, aren't you acting like a sheep by going along with others' ignorance without actually thinking rationally for a second?
Or are you one of those people that spew irrational hatred and ignorance against others because it pleases their thirst for hate-mongering?

I dislike intolerance wherever it emanates from
Tell that to your raisonbollack mate he keeps calling me an Iranian

Enjoy the bird and just chill !

Good luck with the Independence and Justice Movement but a little word to the wise : If you're supporting Imran Khan because hes going to bring Secularism to Pakistan then I'm afraid you're in for a rude awakening because IK doesn't even support it. I suggest voting for MQM, the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, ANP or even PPP as a better choice !

Imran Khan has said time and time:

with friends like these, who needs enemies eh??

The Americans helped Iran industrialize to a point, but they also introduced ideologies that were counter productive to our long-term survival as a nation. Guess what, we overlook the monetary contributions and decided to make an issue out of their wrongdoings.

I can never understand why Pakistan has made its own country a safe haven for the taliban and arab ideology. Every trace of khalijee terrorism should be exterminated, but instead, you try to invite in.

You need to understand. Saudi Arabia is not responsible for the terrorist attacks going on in our country. The ideology is being taught, not by Saudis, but by radicals. And this ideology is being committed for many reasons.

If Iran was invaded by the USA, the people would also resort to a Wahabi like ideology in order to save their country
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