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Saudi Arabia to buy Altay MBTs.

He was talking about the German tanks. It doesn't matter for me as long as people know that the Turkish has the best in hand and we should go for it for multiple reasons.

I know , Muslim world has to be self-reliant. Even if Altay is more expensive than buying off the self, we should produce ourselves. But my question is, what can the Germans offer in terms of Tanks, the Turks can't? I heard better armour, what more? Just curious :)
I know , Muslim world has to be self-reliant. Even if Altay is more expensive than buying off the self, we should produce ourselves. But my question is, what can the Germans offer in terms of Tanks, the Turks can't? I heard better armour, what more? Just curious :)
I'm not a military man ,but I still have faith in the Turkish tank xD. Check the 3rd page out bro Bubblegem provided pieces of very amazing information about Altay.
There is a reason why Germany is arming Israel (its their sore conscience) and yet many people were against the sale.

and for the bold part you must have missed your history classes or didn't go to school at all.

Sorry to interrupt you, but if Germany is arming Israe, it has nothing to do with conscience, it is just that they do not want them back in Germany if they lose their -Promised land- an start claiming their realestate and stolen treasures of the world that Germany stripped them of.
Germany should also have a conscious for the palestinians and the Arabs , because in conflicts they do not face the insignificant state of israe but, the -mighty- US continent, dragged in by some fake Judeo-christian consciousness that never really existed but was invented by Zionists. How naive one can be; in the times of Muslim dominance, the same guys as the ones found in israe today were siding with the Muslims against everyone else, after the inquisition they started siding with the Christians against their best protectors of all time, the Muslims.
Can you see the game, so Germany as it is dear to most Muslims and Arabs in general should be very considerate of them, because we do not know what the future holds, and most European nations are already in bad to very bad shape.

The latests news I have heard were that Germany agreed on the sale of 250 of the latest leopard tanks to KSA, but SA wanted 800 more or a total of 800 which brought some opposition, but I think the deal will be agreed upon.
Yes, you nailed it very well bro! Congrats!
The Eurpoeans happen to have a very dark wave of antisemitism, an odd vain of hatred and changed completely for the unbreakable alliance. The US instructed the Germans to hate their ancestors for their crime against the Jews and asked them endlessly to compensate them for it.
I don't want their tanks; I would rather sign a deal with Turkey today!
Sorry to interrupt you, but if Germany is arming Israe, it has nothing to do with conscience, it is just that they do not want them back in Germany if they lose their -Promised land- an start claiming their realestate and stolen treasures of the world that Germany stripped them of.
Germany should also have a conscious for the palestinians and the Arabs , because in conflicts they do not face the insignificant state of israe but, the -mighty- US continent, dragged in by some fake Judeo-christian consciousness that never really existed but was invented by Zionists. How naive one can be; in the times of Muslim dominance, the same guys as the ones found in israe today were siding with the Muslims against everyone else, after the inquisition they started siding with the Christians against their best protectors of all time, the Muslims.
Can you see the game, so Germany as it is dear to most Muslims and Arabs in general should be very considerate of them, because we do not know what the future holds, and most European nations are already in bad to very bad shape.

The latests news I have heard were that Germany agreed on the sale of 250 of the latest leopard tanks to KSA, but SA wanted 800 more or a total of 800 which brought some opposition, but I think the deal will be agreed upon.
Sorry to interrupt you, but if Germany is arming Israe, it has nothing to do with conscience, it is just that they do not want them back in Germany if they lose their -Promised land- an start claiming their realestate and stolen treasures of the world that Germany stripped them of.
Germany should also have a conscious for the palestinians and the Arabs , because in conflicts they do not face the insignificant state of israe but, the -mighty- US continent, dragged in by some fake Judeo-christian consciousness that never really existed but was invented by Zionists. How naive one can be; in the times of Muslim dominance, the same guys as the ones found in israe today were siding with the Muslims against everyone else, after the inquisition they started siding with the Christians against their best protectors of all time, the Muslims.
Can you see the game, so Germany as it is dear to most Muslims and Arabs in general should be very considerate of them, because we do not know what the future holds, and most European nations are already in bad to very bad shape.

The latests news I have heard were that Germany agreed on the sale of 250 of the latest leopard tanks to KSA, but SA wanted 800 more or a total of 800 which brought some opposition, but I think the deal will be agreed upon.
Dont know where you got this idea(Israelis wanting to go back to Germany) from but the last country Israelis want to go to is Germany.
Dont know where you got this idea(Israelis wanting to go back to Germany) from but the last country Israelis want to go to is Germany.
Yet, they ask Germany to give them what they want for free :D

WTF? Where's Turkey and Pakistan? Lets go :victory:
Exactly that's what I'm saying.
turkey Equipment is More Suitable to KSA as its almost nato, what ever germany can offer in terms of tanks and missiles, helicopters, ships, turkey can Out perform them,

Pakistan equipment is a Mixture of Nato and WEstern Sort of like the hybrid,

and neither of the country would not deny Transfer of Tech to SA but Turkey would be my Option,

They can Get SOM, ALTAY,the new aegis type ships, and atak and other Goodies and can also Produce it locally and boost its defence industry which SA is working on making a City just Based on producing Defence products and whole bunch of radars etc.
turkey Equipment is More Suitable to KSA as its almost nato, what ever germany can offer in terms of tanks and missiles, helicopters, ships, turkey can Out perform them,

Pakistan equipment is a Mixture of Nato and WEstern Sort of like the hybrid,
Again,Turkish weapon systems are not allmost Nato,all systems produced by Turkish weapon industry are NATO STANDART(at least)!
The Germans still paying for the genocide.

Yes, it's so sad that 6 million people perished ._.
I heard PM Erdogan once firing back at Sarkozy when the latter asked the Turkish government to apologize for the Arminian genocide -Which is highly disputed BTW- But Erdogan said that France should apologize for Algeria first. But PM Erdogan didn't stop there, he said to Sarkozy hasn't your mother told you about what we did to the Algeria? :lol: :rofl:
Yes thats what i meant They are all Nato Standard as in MIL-SPEC
So best bet is Turkey

INstead You have to ask the Government To buy which one you are filling their pockets with money when you know they are broke seconed the government makes excuses about how much you can buy and what you can get for Top $$$$$$$ that SA always Pays for eqiupment, ITs about Time SA smarten up and Kick those that makes you think you need them and act like they are doing you a favour but instead you are doing them a favour by buying them and supporting their industry

I mean look at France Rafale no one bought it and now France has cut down on Buying From the country it self
Same thing If SA had not bought Euro Fighter and worked with Turkey on their Fighter Program NO one in the world would have bought that Plane and they would have only been in the original country that started the euro fighter program

SA needs to Smarten up and SUpport its own industry and people instead of making other Countries rich and also Listening to Them about Human Rights violation when they have double standards when it comes to israel
KSA needs those fighters fast,thats why they buy Typhoons(good fighter).
In the future they can still join the program,i think we would be happy with a bank like the KSA(good infrastucture for inovations in military industry plus limitless funds).
Yes, it's so sad that 6 million people perished ._.
I heard PM Erdogan once firing back at Sarkozy when the latter asked the Turkish government to apologize for the Arminian genocide -Which is highly disputed BTW- that France should apologize for Algeria first. But PM Erdogan didn't stop there, he said to Sarkozy hasn't your mother told you about what we did to the French? :lol: :rofl:
He asked his mother,couldnt recover from the shock and lost the election.:smokin::lol:
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