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Saudi Arabia rejects reports it pressurised Pakistan from attending KL Summit

Unless IK/Pakistan comes out contradicting the Saudi statement, Saudi statement would be considered true.
If IK was pressurized into this decision the last thing he will do is admit it publicly. Official stances are not always the gospel, so we have to look at circumstantial evidences and analyze as well. Fact is IK had announced participation, and then after Saudi visit not only cancelled his visit but Pakistan pulled out completely. No amount of official statements now will change the reality that is naked in front of all of us.
At this point one must ask why is Pakistan even a country?
Seems this is another "Qatari letter" ....
I already told you guys that it’s not Saudi, pressure is coming from some where else. They want to stop the trend where countries are moving away in trading in dollar. Saudi don’t care much about Turkey and Malaysia. They are focused on Iran. If they could, they would pay USA to attack Iran and turn it into Iraq and Syria.

If you didn’t understand global politics and economy, you won’t understand it now. This is one way supper power Discipline smaller countries. Ask you to compromise on one thing and then they give you reward. Pakistani army officers are now allowed to go to USA for training and they also promised to release Coalition Support Funds.
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If IK was pressurized into this decision the last thing he will do is admit it publicly. Official stances are not always the gospel, so we have to look at circumstantial evidences and analyze as well. Fact is IK had announced participation, and then after Saudi visit not only cancelled his visit but Pakistan pulled out completely. No amount of official statements now will change the reality that is naked in front of all of us.


The questions are:

Is IK/Pakistan using Turkey & Malaysia to leak the discussions between Saudi Arabia & Pakistan as Pakistan cannot overtly confirm/clarify?


Is Turkey/Malaysia going public to put pressure on IK/Pakistan through Pakistani public?
A summit like this was enough to shake the GCC! Strange how threatened they feel or uneasy with few Muslim nations coming together! The care for america/israel so much!

KSA hold special Place as the custodian of the two Holy Cities in Islam, they can not see any other country taking the lead, its just no acceptable for them and Pakistan who's 85+% population is Sunni so if we become part of any rival group than it will be disastrous for them. Pakistan maybe weak, weak Economy and people Divided but we still have a say in World Matters, we are still a Nuclear Power and one of the most Powerful Armed forces .

The questions are:

Is IK/Pakistan using Turkey & Malaysia to leak the discussions between Saudi Arabia & Pakistan as Pakistan cannot overtly confirm/clarify?


Is Turkey/Malaysia going public to put pressure on IK/Pakistan through Pakistani public?
The first one is not needed, as the pressure is just too obvious. I think second one is somewhat true.
Thank you Saudi Arabia for their timely response on the sensitive matter.

It seems this fiasco was started by misunderstanding arising from poor English of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan at the UN session earlier this year.
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