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Saudi Arabia rejects reports it pressurised Pakistan from attending KL Summit

Arsalan Tauseef

Dec 3, 2019
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Saudi Arabia on Saturday rejected reports that it pressured Pakistan to shun the Kuala Lumpur Summit.

The Saudi embassy in Islamabad released its statement a day after Turkish media quoted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as saying Pakistan had decided to stay away from the recently concluded summit because of Saudi Arabia’s threats of economic sanctions.

Pakistan pulls out of KL summit to maintain ‘neutrality’

“The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan denied the information and fake news broadcasted by some media channels, claiming that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pressurised and threatened Pakistan to refrain from participating in the Kuala Lumpur Summit,” read the Saudi statement.

“The embassy affirms that the relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and [the] Islamic Republic of Pakistan are superior to the language of threat. The brotherly relations between the countries are long-standing and strategic based on trust, understanding and mutual respect, and the two countries enjoy a consensus of views on most regional and international issues, especially the issues of the Islamic nation.”

It added, “The embassy also confirms that the Kingdom has always stood with Pakistan in difficult times based on fraternal relations, and we strive always to stand with Pakistan to be a successful and stable country.”

A press release issued by the Saudi embassy stated, “The Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan confirms that the news promoted by some parties about alleged pressures exerted on Pakistan by the Kingdom to discourage it from participating in the mini-summit held in Malaysia are baseless and fake, and stresses that these false reports are already denied by the nature of solid brotherly relations between the two brotherly countries, and their agreement on the importance of the unity of the Islamic nation, maintaining the role of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), mutual respect for their sovereignty and the independence of their decisions, which is a key feature of the well-established historical relations between them.”

Kuala Lumpur Summit

The Kuala Lumpur Summit which has been boycotted by Saudi Arabia will end on Saturday.

Mahathir said the summit was aimed at understanding why Islam, Muslims and their countries were “in a state of crisis, helpless and unworthy of this great religion”.

Meanwhile, the Saudi-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) said on December 18 it was against the interests of the Muslim world to hold meetings outside the organisation, which has for decades acted as the collective Islamic voice.

Saudis pressure forced Pakistan to skip KL summit: Erdogan

Differences took a new turn when Erdogan told Turkish media representatives in the Malaysian capital before returning to the country that he wanted both Pakistan and Indonesia to be present in the Malaysian capital but Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) affected their absence.

“There are 4-million Pakistanis working in Saudi Arabia. They (threaten by saying that they) would send (Pakistanis) back and re-employ Bangladeshi people instead,” Turkey’s Sabah daily quoted Erdogan as saying.

“The kingdom has also used similar threatening tactics regarding the central bank case by claiming that they would withdraw their money,” he said, adding that due to its economic difficulties, Pakistan had to “obey such threats”.

However, Pakistan also rejected Erdogan’s claims and issues a statement that “Pakistan did not participate in the KL Summit as time and efforts were needed to address the concerns of major Muslim countries regarding possible division in the Ummah.”


People attend the Kuala Lumpur Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 19, 2019. (Reuters)
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Updated 48 min 26 sec ago
December 21, 201916:09

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan “enjoy a consensus of views on most regional and international issues,” the Kingdom’s embassy said.

It maintained that the Kingdom had always stood by Pakistan in difficult times

ISLAMABAD: The Saudi Embassy in Pakistan on Saturday denied a claim that the Kingdom had exerted pressure on Islamabad to dissuade it from participating in the Kuala Lumpur Summit.
The claim was published and aired by various media outlets in the country.
“The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Pakistan denied the information and fake news broadcast by some media channels, claiming that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pressurized and threatened Pakistan to refrain from participating in the Kuala Lumpur Summit,” said the statement, adding that the relations between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were cordial and did not require use of threatening language.

“The brotherly relations between the countries are long standing and strategic based on trust, understanding and mutual respect, and the two countries enjoy a consensus of views on most regional and international issues, especially the issues of the Islamic nation,” the statement continued, adding that the two sides had complete agreement on the idea of Muslim unity and maintaining the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The Embassy further maintained that the Kingdom had always stood by Pakistan in difficult times due to the fraternal relations between the two sides, noting that Saudi Arabia always wanted Pakistan to be a successful and stable country.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad hosted the Kuala Lumpur Summit from December 18 to 21. Prime Minister Imran Khan took a belated decision to skip the conference, making some sections of the media speculate that his decision was made under the Kingdom’s pressure.

Pakistan’s envoy to Saudi Arabia said the impression was totally wrong, and it was created by certain segments to serve their vested interests.

السفارة في باكستان - سعودی سفارت خانہ



#Islamabad | Press release:

“It is utterly wrong to say that Saudi Arabia pressurized Pakistan to miss the summit. It is a totally baseless impression,” Ambassador Raja Ali Ejaz told Arab News on the phone on Saturday, adding that the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were strong and time-tested.
“We have around three million expat Pakistanis in the Kingdom,” he added. “Pakistan’s prime minister has visited Saudi Arabia four time in less than a year and the Saudi crown prince also paid a visit to Pakistan earlier this year in February which shows the strength of our cordial relations.”
The spokesperson of Pakistan’s foreign office, Aisha Farooqui, said that Pakistan did not participate in the KL Summit since more time and effort were required to address the concerns of major Muslim countries regarding divisions in the Ummah.
“Pakistan will continue to work for the unity and solidarity of the Ummah, which is indispensable for effectively addressing the challenges faced by the Muslim world,” she said.
Saudi Arabia denies pressurising Pakistan to skip Kuala Lumpur summit

Says reports on the issue are ‘baseless and fake’

Published: December 21, 2019 17:57APP

Islamabad: The embassy of Saudi Arabia Saturday denied reports that the Kingdom had exerted any pressure on Pakistan discouraging it to participate in the Kuala Lumpur Summit held in Malaysia recently. In a statement issued here Saturday, the embassy said the news promoted by some parties about any pressures exerted on Pakistan by Saudi Arabia to discourage it from participating in the summit were “baseless and fake.” The statement came a day after the Turkish media quoted Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan claiming that Saudi Arabia had pressurised Pakistan not to attend the Kuala Lumpur Summit by threatening to expel its four million nationals working in Saudi Arabia. “These false reports are already denied by the nature of solid brotherly relations between the two brotherly countries, and their agreement on the importance of the unity of the Islamic nation, maintaining the role of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), mutual respect for their sovereignty and the independence of their decisions, which is a key feature of the well established historical relations between them,” the Saudi statement said. Earlier on Friday in a statement, Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson had explained that Pakistan had not participated in the summit as time and efforts were needed to address the concerns of major Muslim countries regarding possible division in the Ummah. “Pakistan will continue to work for the unity and solidarity of the Ummah, which is indispensable for effectively addressing the challenges faced by the Muslim world,” the statement added.

Where there is smoke , there is a fire .. So Something does happen in KSA and UAE trip which leads to the cancellation of PMIK attending the summit, I am not emotional to take one side, but we as Pakistani's have to be on our side, Stand with our Govt and establishment . Such Summits will be held every year and we will always have the option to join in anytime we want .
Where there is smoke , there is a fire .. So Something does happen in KSA and UAE trip which leads to the cancellation of PMIK attending the summit, I am not emotional to take one side, but we as Pakistani's have to be on our side, Stand with our Govt and establishment . Such Summits will be held every year and we will always have the option to join in anytime we want .
A summit like this was enough to shake the GCC! Strange how threatened they feel or uneasy with few Muslim nations coming together! The care for america/israel so much!
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan “enjoy a consensus of views on most regional and international issues,” the Kingdom’s embassy said.
This is a major problem that needs addressing urgently. I wish for Pakistan to disagree with these bichuus routinely.

At least the discussion is now truly being had. Maybe 10 or 20 years back, any talk of extracting ourselves from the poisonous grip of false friends was unthinkable.

In the meantime, If KSA are so desperate to keep us away from the alternative Muslim bloc, we should damn well be asking them - what's in it for us other than jobs for Pakistanis? Will KSA publicly denounce Hindustan like Mahatir did?

Pakistan probably has greater leverage than it seems and our leaders are failing to use this, acquiescing to demands for nothing in return.

A summit like this was enough to shake the GCC! Strange how threatened they feel or uneasy with few Muslim nations coming together! The care for america/israel so much!
Simple paranoia of a ruler who has no actual mandate to rule. Nothing strange about it. Same paranoia causes them to murder critics.
So, the Saudis are trying to pass the buck to IK even though he did what they demanded from him.

Lamo, it's hilarious. :rofl:

Unless IK/Pakistan comes out contradicting the Saudi statement, Saudi statement would be considered true.

Simple paranoia of a ruler who has no actual mandate to rule. Nothing strange about it. Same paranoia causes them to murder critics.

Actively being supported, advised and protected by the venerable ex-COAS of Pakistan.

You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
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