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Saudi Arabia NOT to be made part of CPEC

This was never for Pakistan to decide anyways. Saudi Arabia is an American ally, and China would never allow America or its allies to get involved in a strategically important project like CPEC.

This was never for Pakistan to decide anyways. Saudi Arabia is an American ally, and China would never allow America or its allies to get involved in a strategically important project like CPEC.

KSA is the second largest exporter of oil to China right behind Russia. So I don't think Chinese would have much problem dealing with Saudi Arabia on such matters.

Building a refinery on CPEC route and such are progressions in their relationship and not a fundamental alteration.

I don't see why being a US ally would be of any issue for China now with CPEC when it wasn't when they made KSA their 2nd largest source of crude oil.

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The problem is that a lot of members here believe in any dic.k and harry news without analyzing if it was true or not. The fact of the matter is the Pakistan is under attack by various news outlets who are spreading false news or twisting the news to create an air of uncertainty in the country. Members should keep this in mind and should not assume the news is true without analyzing it. A lot of these well known news outlets are on the payroll of the West and india thanks to the stupid media policies of the previous governments.
This was never for Pakistan to decide anyways. Saudi Arabia is an American ally, and China would never allow America or its allies to get involved in a strategically important project like CPEC.

This is a Great initiative.

Pakistan would be more like Iran if democracy had not derailed.

Hopefully Pakistan can still become like its civilisational brother islamic iran
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan said on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia would not be made part of the $50 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework and the kingdom’s proposed investments would fall under a separate bilateral arrangement.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry, Minister for Planning and Development Khusro Bakhtiar said there was no decision to bring a third country, like Saudi Arabia, under the framework of the CPEC.

He was responding to a question about the possibility of Saudi Arabia becoming part of the Joint Working Groups (JWGs) or Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) on the CPEC between China and Pakistan. He said there could be many offshoots of the CPEC where third countries could be involved in trilateral arrangement for infrastructure development, like China-Pakistan-Japan, China-Pakistan-Saudi Arabia or China-Pakistan-Germany.

Minister says there could be many offshoots of the project where third countries could be involved

“Saudi Arabia is not to become a collateral strategic partner in the CPEC. This impression is not true,” he said, adding that the third country participation in the CPEC was not limited to Saudi Arabia but other countries could also become part of the business and investment ventures arising out of the CPEC. “The framework between China and Pakistan is bilateral and Saudi Arabia is not entering that framework as a third-party investor, rather the base of CPEC will be broadened and its pace will be expedited.”

The planning minister expressed ignorance when asked how the cost of Main Railway Line (ML-I) had been reduced by $2bn from $8.2bn to $6.2bn as claimed by Railways Minister Shaikh Rashid Ahmed. “I have noticed this today that Sheikh Rashid is making some efforts [to reduce cost] but not to my knowledge. Nothing has come in front of me to suggest that the cost has come down.”

He said it was however for the new government to adopt a new model on the basis of financial viability of the ML-1 on build, own and operate (BOT) model so that its loan repayment did not become a responsibility of the government like the previous government which procured loans and built projects on EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contracts.

Interestingly, the previous government, during whose tenure Mr Bakhtiar was an MNA, had announced that the ML-1 would be built on BOT model.

In response to a question, Mr Bakhtiar said the CPEC portfolio currently stood at about $50bn, of which about $6bn was government-to-government loan and remaining in IPP mode mostly in the energy sector. About $29bn worth of projects were currently in progress.

He said the CPEC had far bigger potential than $50bn and would keep expanding with time as new projects come up but the previous government treated and played it like a T20 match instead of a five-day test series and focused mostly on projects which could be completed during its tenure.

The minister blamed the PML-N government for irresponsible governance and questioned where it lost $32bn low oil price bonanza. He said the economic growth of the previous government was based on borrowed money that led to increase the national debt.

He said the PML-N government did not pass on the benefit of low prices to the consumers and external debt amounted to 72pc of the GDP and total public debt went beyond Rs28 trillion. He was reminded that external debt was way below almost 31pc of GDP and he agreed.

Likewise, he said only 70,000 people in the country were direct taxpayers and return filers but when challenged said meant those earning income above Rs200,000 per month. He also claimed that the PTI government has banned all power projects on all imported fuels to shift focus on renewable energy sources and hydropower. When reminded that ban on power projects on imported fuels was imposed in May 2016, he said the project already completed and those in progress would go on but if such projects were planned but not started would not be allowed to take off.

He criticised the PML-N government for what he alleged painting artificial economic growth numbers when the losses of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) increased from Rs500bn in five years to Rs1trn and circular debt of the power sector jumping from Rs583bn in 2013 to Rs1.2trn now.

He said that previous two governments had mismanaged the country’s economy to the extent that the present government has to set the direction in every field. He said the PML-N government is taking up the issue of slash in development spending but did not disclose truth to the nation that it is befooling the masses by stating higher allocation whereas actual utilisation was 34pc lower. He said total development spending was Rs661bn last year against an allocation of Rs1trn in the budget.

“They had neither resources nor the will to increase the spending but were showing higher allocation to befool the nation,” he added. The previous government also included 343 unapproved schemes of Rs55bn in development schemes of the last budget which have been excluded from the budget.

Published in Dawn, October 3rd , 2018
This was never for Pakistan to decide anyways. Saudi Arabia is an American ally, and China would never allow America or its allies to get involved in a strategically important project like CPEC.
Bingo. Pakistani's for reasons of religious sentiment towards Saudia Arabia refuse to see the objective fact KSA is solid ally of USA and both have deep understanding. Even if they [Pakistani's] see Bin Salman kissing Trump they will interpret that as Trump having forced a kiss on Bin Salman.

To begin with why would KSA invest in oil refinery in Gwadar when they has excess refinery capacity is beyond me. So far the only concrete thing I can see is Qatar's offer of 100,000 jobs to Paks. This is doable and will probably reach fruition. This actually is bigger news then a oil refinery. 100k jobs means about 1 million in Pakistan will gain economic security. The positive impact of that is greater then oil refinery.
Speaking at a joint news conference with Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry, Minister for Planning and Development Khusro Bakhtiar said there was no decision to bring a third country, like Saudi Arabia, under the framework of the CPEC.

How can they backtrack everything within a week??
They are not backtracking

The impression that was incorrectly been given was that Saudi was some sort of partner in CPEC with Pakistan and China

This is not the case

Saudi is simply an investor partaking in projects, some connected with wider CPEC some not
This does not make it the 3rd partner in CPEC

This is just clarification of that point

It seems either a lot of people didn't read the article or read it but didn't understand it properly.

The Saudi investment is coming and in the areas it seems to have been proposed. It just will be overseen by a different administrative body from the one overseeing CPEC core matters.

That means essentially that the bilateral nature of the CPEC agreement will not change between China and Pakistan. The newer investments from other partners will have separate administrative bodies created for them.


Anyways, nothing particularly alarming or negative in the article.

They just read the headlines. If you want people to read anything on this forum, put it in the topic title, otherwise they just post a comment based on their own narrative.
They just read the headlines. If you want people to read anything on this forum, put it in the topic title, otherwise they just post a comment based on their own narrative.

Speed reading. Medical students become experts at it by the end of first term ....

Cheers, Doc
May be saudia was agree to be part of CPec then few things happened.

-After saudi deligation came to pakistan trump called salman

- things got changed and saudi mind. China came forward with other $42 billion investment offer.

- Saudi said we will not be part of cpec but so investment separately.

- Now trump message to salman " Saudi King wouldnt last 2 weeks without America".

Check the above news thread on this forum in same sequence and date.

Expecting more changes as saudia still interested to invest.
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