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Saudi Arabia King Urges Islamic Unity: I'm your servent

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or maybe they felt the saudis and their royals are really pigs who backstab other muslims, treat expat workers from south asia like dirt, undercut the fundamental unity of islam by funding terror and political division in other islamic countries, betraying the nobler aspirations of islamic nations by aligning the richest muslim nation with jews and anglo-americans who slaughter arabs and muslims under the political cover the saudi despots provided?

Ironically the expectations are still there. Anyway, as to the expats are they facing any form of real (not perceived) injustice? About allegations of discrimination, this is largely dictated by the basic rules of economy and partly by international politics and trade relations that have developed over decades. Also some questions can only be answered by the insiders, the policy makers of the kingdom who have to reap the fruit according as what they sow.
Alright, so many stupid posts coming this way. I am really surprised to see some of our Saudi friends saying things like "Muslim Ummah Crap" etc. The last thing I wanted to hear from a Muslim is this. Anyways..

Lets be very clear about the King, Saudis love their King, alright, I as a Pakistani differ with most of his actions, it's good that he's talking about the Muslim unity, by God, I want that to happen ASAP, but his actions are totally against his words.

As someone already pointed out, OIC, what the hell are we doing about it? And tbh, it's not just the King, if you people would assume that I'm anti-Saudi or something, I am very critical of almost all the rulers of the Muslim world. This King has all the power in the world to initiate what he said. Pakistanis are always ready to support anyone who comes up with these words, but then again, we were actually the ones initiating it some decades ago, unfortunately we have the worst of the rulers now. Anyways, the point is when I my innocent brothers and sisters from Kashmir to Al-Aqsa getting martyred by the aggressors I feel spitting on the faces of these Kings, Presidents, PMs, Sultans etc. What are we gonna do with these Militaries if we can't protect the Ummah of Muhammed [S.A.W]?

Even the Pakistani Nukes are useless atm because we are not being able to utilize the power that Allah gave to us, with the Nukes, Muslims would have been a big power, like when we tested Nukes back in 1998, Muslims around the world celebrated that day, but our leadership failed us, see I'm criticizing everyone? From Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, we all should be ashamed, how will we face Allah on the Day of Judgment?

It's not just about this King, it's about every guy who's ruling over any Muslim Nation around the world. May Allah guide us to the right path.

Yes of course there is no such a thing as Muslim Ummah. Look at this forum. Mohammad PBUH would wash his hands of this Ummah thing and pray to God that all of them suffer the most painful ways of suffering in hell. And I would fully support him.

Only a mass genocide of half the Muslim population (AT LEAST) and I repeat (AT LEAST) will bring Muslims together. And even then there is no guarantee.

So yeah Muslim Ummah is a load of crap. Pakistan is real. KSA is real. Iran is real. And that what should matter. OIC should be abolished. And cataloging of countries based on Islamic and non-Islamic should stop.
He didn't say Shias.
Its called insinuating:D

Yeah,last time i called someone savage without mentioning any name,and mods banned me because your brothers cried and thought that i have insulted one of their respected leaders in past.

Anyway, worshiping men is still better than Ultra-super extremist Islam called Wahabism.
Oh not to forget,we also worship fire,you should know that very well,Iranians worship fire and are proud of it.
Yes of course there is no such a thing as Muslim Ummah. Look at this forum. Mohammad PBUH would wash his hands of this Ummah thing and pray to God that all of them suffer the most painful ways of suffering in hell. And I would fully support him.

Only a mass genocide of half the Muslim population (AT LEAST) and I repeat (AT LEAST) will bring Muslims together. And even then there is no guarantee.

So yeah Muslim Ummah is a load of crap. Pakistan is real. KSA is real. Iran is real. And that what should matter. OIC should be abolished. And cataloging of countries based on Islamic and non-Islamic should stop.

True. Muslim "ummah" is a socialist agenda to control and sedate the masses.
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