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Saudi Arabia King Urges Islamic Unity: I'm your servent

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I'm just wondering what actions people want to be done by king abduallah. are we ready to speak about actions in the main while?
are we full prepared. or it just easy for you guys to throw words.

well thats a good question , for start I believe if they want this matter even considered in other countries they must have more tolerant toward the beliefs of the other sects of Islam , for example I wonder why in the last 10-20 years they destroyed hundreds of historical sites in the holy cities (weren't those sites the heritage from the first years of Islam) .
another thing is why they don't invest the money they get from selling the natural resources of KSA and also the money they get from tourism in the Infrastructure of their country instead of wasting it on the such extravagant way of life .
another thing is why they usually tends to support the must extreme form of Islam that always bring harm to the rest of Muslims ?
Oh regarding that, I am considering growing a goatee, since my mustache does grow very well.:azn:

well thats a good question , for start I believe if they want this matter even considered in other countries they must have more tolerant toward the beliefs of the other sects of Islam , for example I wonder why in the last 10-20 years they destroyed hundreds of historical sites in the holy cities (weren't those sites the heritage from the first years of Islam) .
another thing is why they don't invest the money they get from selling the natural resources of KSA and also the money they get from tourism in the Infrastructure of their country instead of wasting it on the such extravagant way of life .
another thing is why they usually tends to support the must extreme form of Islam that always bring harm to the rest of Muslims ?
Don't take his words seriously, as long as Iran exists there will never be unity. We know that as well as you do. So lets put the Islamic brotherhood nonsense aside.
Looks like everyone is expecting more from the Saudi king. Probably in their subconscious mind people throughout of the Muslim world have installed the king of the KSA as the guardian of the Ummah. So Saudis and their Arab kins should take their grievances as a compliment.
im just wondering why you are so stupid like this. funding US industries or buying weapons from the US> there are many differences.
second of your point china is biggest importer of the saudi oil. keep in mind US-china relations. US import oil from Canada it is the biggest US supplier.

Morons view logical people as stupids so I don't worry what a spoiled Saudi thinks of me. Your stupidity did not allow you to read my post properly or perhaps you want to distract others. Where did I say that the US was a Saudi oil importer? I said that the fat headed rulers of the SA kept the oil revenue in the US banks and that is a fact. Now, why don't you guess how the US uses that fund!
Looks like everyone is expecting more from the Saudi king. Probably in their subconscious mind people throughout of the Muslim world have installed the king of the KSA as the guardian of the Ummah. So Saudis and their Arab kins should take their grievances as a compliment.

or maybe they felt the saudis and their royals are really pigs who backstab other muslims, treat expat workers from south asia like dirt, undercut the fundamental unity of islam by funding terror and political division in other islamic countries, betraying the nobler aspirations of islamic nations by aligning the richest muslim nation with jews and anglo-americans who slaughter arabs and muslims under the political cover the saudi despots provided?
Oh look we have a mutaween here. Put a sock in it. There is no Muslim Ummah the last time Muslims were one country was in the Ummayid Dynasty and it will never happen again until it is judgment day. Till then there are only countries with interests that should be looked out for.

A voice sanity !
Alright, so many stupid posts coming this way. I am really surprised to see some of our Saudi friends saying things like "Muslim Ummah Crap" etc. The last thing I wanted to hear from a Muslim is this. Anyways..

Lets be very clear about the King, Saudis love their King, alright, I as a Pakistani differ with most of his actions, it's good that he's talking about the Muslim unity, by God, I want that to happen ASAP, but his actions are totally against his words.

As someone already pointed out, OIC, what the hell are we doing about it? And tbh, it's not just the King, if you people would assume that I'm anti-Saudi or something, I am very critical of almost all the rulers of the Muslim world. This King has all the power in the world to initiate what he said. Pakistanis are always ready to support anyone who comes up with these words, but then again, we were actually the ones initiating it some decades ago, unfortunately we have the worst of the rulers now. Anyways, the point is when I my innocent brothers and sisters from Kashmir to Al-Aqsa getting martyred by the aggressors I feel spitting on the faces of these Kings, Presidents, PMs, Sultans etc. What are we gonna do with these Militaries if we can't protect the Ummah of Muhammed [S.A.W]?

Even the Pakistani Nukes are useless atm because we are not being able to utilize the power that Allah gave to us, with the Nukes, Muslims would have been a big power, like when we tested Nukes back in 1998, Muslims around the world celebrated that day, but our leadership failed us, see I'm criticizing everyone? From Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, we all should be ashamed, how will we face Allah on the Day of Judgment?

It's not just about this King, it's about every guy who's ruling over any Muslim Nation around the world. May Allah guide us to the right path.
When reading some of the racist, hatred based, and non-sense comments above, it does show the big gap of ignorance that is too much to catch up with and fill within a forum-like discussion. We need a class and a 3 months course with a grade system so that they take it serious to elevate their small minds to a level where we can discuss such things.

Long live our king raising the true flag of Islam and protecting the holy land of Islam from Shirk and man worshiping ideology invaders under the name of Islam.

And Mods just pretend that they don't understand he is insulting Shias calling them man worshippers.Ok be cool,just wanted to remind you what hypocrites you all are.
And Mods just pretend that they don't understand he is insulting Shias calling them man worshiping.Ok be cool,just wanted to remind you what hypocrites you all are.
He didn't say Shias.
Its called insinuating:D
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