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Saudi Arabia in Pictures

Some totally unknown areas for me in the Al-Jawf province:


Those photos are taken by private individuals, some of the photos are several years old so thus the quality is the of the usual kind in this thread.

Anyway I am pleasantly surprised by the countryside of Al-Jawf province.
Absolutely unbelievable bro, freaking unbelievable!!!. Damn, are those green really in ksa?
Absolutely unbelievable bro, freaking unbelievable!!!. Damn, are those green really in ksa?

Yes of course 7abibi. Those are agricultural/natural areas in al-Jawf province.

This certain "Ashraf alfandi" that has taken some of the photos is supposedly a Saudi Arabian colonel named Abdulrahman al-Fandi.

Here he is:

Al-Jawf province and other areas of KSA have agricultural areas the size of countries.

See below here:

Olive and olive oil production in KSA
Yes of course 7abibi. Those are agricultural/natural areas in al-Jawf province.

This certain "Ashraf alfandi" that has taken some of the photos is supposedly a Saudi Arabian colonel named Abdulrahman al-Fandi.

Here he is:

Al-Jawf province and other areas of KSA have agricultural areas the size of countries.

See below here:

Olive and olive oil production in KSA
This is the unknown part of KSA, unknown by the outside world. Will show this to my cousin who annually visit the haramain. I want to see his reaction. :D

Just show him this beautiful thread. ;)
Yeah may be I will show him the thread. Most of the pictures here ( sky scrapers, infrastructures etc.) are nothing new for him. But those green must shock him. Either he won't believe his eyes or he won't believe your pictures. :D:D
@Arabian Legend, either you or @al-Hasani boy post some pictures about greenie in Unaizah sometimes back. I spend 30 minutes already finding those picture and Can't find it. Could you please repost those pictures since I have no more time to search for it. Your help is highly appreciated. Please quote this post or mention me when you post those pictures. Thank you very much in advance.
I tried to hate my lovely country but I failed lol, love her no matter what.
I tried to hate my lovely country but I failed lol, love her no matter what.

You sound to me like a troll. Are you really an Arab let alone from KSA?

@Wahhab2701 take a look a page back in this thread.

Anyway I will post some more photos from Unaizah:

Sheep HDR
by @x3abrr عابر, on Flickr

Al Qassim
by KhanSaqib, on Flickr

السياحة الريفية بمحافظة عنيزة بمنطقة القصيم
by owyed alowyed, on Flickr

السياحة الريفية بمحافظة عنيزة بمنطقة القصيم
by owyed alowyed, on Flickr

السياحة الريفية بمحافظة عنيزة بمنطقة القصيم
by owyed alowyed, on Flickr

Onaizah Farm (AlTurki Farm)
by Abdullah alJaber > AJ.SA, on Flickr

Landscape of Al-Qassim
by moa'ath_al-hajjaj, on Flickr

.. Al-Qassim ..
by Khaled Al-Tamimi, on Flickr

.. Calmness ..
by Khaled Al-Tamimi, on Flickr

by Rayan M., on Flickr

This is the largets palm tree plantation IN THE WORLD!
It is located in Al-Qassim region of Saudi Arabia and spreads over a vast 54,000,000 (fifty four MILLION) square meters. That's more than 5000 (fife thousand) hectars. In other words, the size of a city!

It belongs to Saudi Arabian Sheikh Saleh Bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Rajhi, and currently supervised by his son Sulaiman.
The total number of palm trees in this large landscape is 200,000 palm trees that produce 45 different types of Arabian dates, eventhough the well-known types of dates do not exceed 15 in other plantations!
29,000 palm trees of the sum total is organically planted (no chemicals used) and the price for these dates can really skyrocket, if you know what I mean.

What's interesting though is that approximately 40% of the total production of dates goes to charities.
When I met with the agricultural Administration of the project they told me that Sheikh Salih's vision is for the production of this plantation to reach every Saudi house in need, and even outside Saudi Arabia since they recently got the "ECOCERT" certification, which allows them to export to other countries.
This is not All, though! This project is even listed in Guinness World Records as the largest palm tree plantation in the world.

The Agricultural Administration recently issued a book, or rather a guide, on how to handle palm farms projects, which is the result of more than a decade of hard work and experience, allowing farmers to have a better perspective for such projects and solving too many problems concerning this aspect, such as palm trees' parasites, irrigation plans and much more.

Despite the gigantic size of the project, it is not the only one. There several more across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but of course not of the same size.

From another point of view, dates have a very close relationship with the Arabian culture, especially in the Arabian Peninsula. Recent researches indicate that dates are complete meals and contain an extremely high value of nutrients.
It has been mentioned in the Holy Qur'aan , and In the Islamic tradition, Prophet Mohammaed -peace be upon him- had urged upon having seven dates on each morning, as they are good for the health and protect from lots of diseases.

This was taken during my visit to Al-Qassim region.

Unaizah and the Al-Qassim the city lies in is famous for its agriculture. Read a little about it.;)

This might be the English Wikipedia, which is more or less useless when it comes to KSA topics (so much misinformation, little information many times etc. contrary to the Arabic version) but this below is at least correct:

Along with tourism, agriculture is still the cornerstone of the region's economy. Although the region has been famous for its agricultural assets for a long time, it wasn't until recently that wheat production has been introduced to the local agricultural industry, making Saudi Arabia a net exporter of cereal. The region also produces dates, grapes, lemons, grapefruits, mandarin oranges, oranges, pomegranates, and a large group of vegetables.

Buraydah (the capital of the province) is one of the biggest dates producers worldwide. Each year (in September), a big "dates season ceremony" is celebrated, at which a lot of people come from all over the GCC countries to buy their yearly requirement of dates. It also has the biggest camel market in the world.

Unaizah (the second largest city) has created its own "dates season ceremony", called "Unaizah, the kingdom of dates", the municipality of the city has paired it with other festivals being held annually, to promote a good tourism reputation.

Agriculture in general is considered to be a very important part of the region's natives culture, with special vegetables being linked to every city, for example eating leeks (kurrat) is associated with the people of Unaizah, while adding chili peppers to meals is associated with the people of the city of Rass but also Al-Badaiya.

Al-Qassim Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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حياك الله اخوي معنا في المنتدى

@al-Hasani easy homeboy:rofl:. Tell me how was your exams?


Maybe the same individual behind all those fake usernames?! Don't have time to argue with those people.

It went good. Could have been better though. But I will wait for the results. Will arrive in February. Unfortunately I also have 3 very important exams in late February (from 21 to 28 of February). This study is ruining my life. Need hard work and discipline which means = less time here and less time doing things that have no connection to studying.:(


Efforts fail to retrieve Lama’s body | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.


How sweat looking she was. She reminds me of some of my female relatives and many Saudi Arabian girls. We can all identity with this sad, sad story and brave girl, Lama.

Very emotional video. I shed a tear or two.

Anyway I hope that everything is well with you 7abibi and that you are doing great with your medical studies.;)
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Maybe the same individual behind all those fake usernames?! Don't have time to argue with those people.

Nope, He is one of us. You failed this time bro, sorry:ashamed::lol:
It went good. Could have been better though. But I will wait for the results. Will arrive in February. Unfortunately I also have 3 very important exams in late February (from 21 to 28 of February). This study is ruining my life. Need hard work and discipline which means = less time here and less time doing things that have no connection to studying.:(

Im glad to hear that bro, wish you success in all of your schoolworks and exams.


Efforts fail to retrieve Lama’s body | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.


How sweat looking she was. She reminds me of some of my female relatives and many Saudi Arabian girls. We can all identity with this sad, sad story and brave girl, Lama.

Very emotional video. I shed a tear or two.

Yes a tragic incident indeed. May Allah SWT bestow his mercy and blessing upon her and grant patience to her family.:cry:
Nope, He is one of us. You failed this time bro, sorry:ashamed::lol:

Im glad to hear that bro, wish you success in all of your schoolworks and exams.

Yes a tragic incident indeed. May Allah SWT bestow his mercy and blessing upon her and grant patience to her family.:cry:

I know. Just joking. I thought that he was that Saudi Arabian who constantly criticized our country. He even wrote to me and we had a discussion over PM here in Arabic, LOL. But not the same I see.
With all the trolls around you never know! I mean we had bad experiences before if you remember.:lol:

Yes, it was tragic. Really something that has hit the country.

You as well bro. I am writing from my iPhone so I will make it short here. Just work hard and don't come around here much if you are busy! Waste of time.;)
You sound to me like a troll. Are you really an Arab let alone from KSA?

@Wahhab2701 take a look a page back in this thread.

Anyway I will post some more photos from Unaizah:

Sheep HDR
by @x3abrr عابر, on Flickr

Al Qassim
by KhanSaqib, on Flickr

السياحة الريفية بمحافظة عنيزة بمنطقة القصيم
by owyed alowyed, on Flickr

السياحة الريفية بمحافظة عنيزة بمنطقة القصيم
by owyed alowyed, on Flickr

السياحة الريفية بمحافظة عنيزة بمنطقة القصيم
by owyed alowyed, on Flickr

Onaizah Farm (AlTurki Farm)
by Abdullah alJaber > AJ.SA, on Flickr

Landscape of Al-Qassim
by moa'ath_al-hajjaj, on Flickr

.. Al-Qassim ..
by Khaled Al-Tamimi, on Flickr

.. Calmness ..
by Khaled Al-Tamimi, on Flickr

by Rayan M., on Flickr

@Unaizah and the Al-Qassim the city lies in is famous for its agriculture. Read a little about it.;)

This might be the English Wikipedia, which is more or less useless when it comes to KSA topics (so much misinformation, little information many times etc. contrary to the Arabic version) but this below is at least correct:

Al-Qassim Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you very much @al-Hasani for those beautiful pictures, the Unaizian must be very proud of their beautiful nature. Sorry to bother you with my request, I did not know that you are having exams.
The farm is big indeed, almost the same size with the city that i live in, 6k hectares. Thank you again my brother.
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