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Brother I am a Chechen from Chechnya (Kavkaz) there are many Saudi Arabians here that stayed after Russian-Chechen War I know a lot of them are my good friends they have married with Chechen women now :D

I guessed Chechnya by your username. The xchi is something I recall from Caucasian languages especially the Chechen language.

Did you know that Caucasian peoples and Arabs/Semitic people are closely related?

Take a look at the link below:

Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have always wondered about that and I am yet to read about the connection.

I really like Caucasian people.

LOL, really? Did not know about that. But we have Chechen people and even whole Chechen villages in the Arab world. Caucasus is a very interesting region and especially the Caucasian peoples and their languages. Insha'Allah one day I will visit Chechnya and the Caucasus region.

Did you know that Imam Shamil is buried in Madinah?

Imam Shamil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ok, here are some photos of Khaybar:





by م.عبدالوهاب البربوشي, on Flickr

by م.عبدالوهاب البربوشي, on Flickr

Some Jews still want it back.:D

Not long from Khaybar there is a famous gold mine that the locals used 5000 years ago.

It is called Mahd ash Dhahab or "cradle of gold".

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok, here are some photos of Khaybar:





by م.عبدالوهاب البربوشي, on Flickr

by م.عبدالوهاب البربوشي, on Flickr

Some Jews still want it back.:D

Not long from Khaybar there is a famous gold mine that the locals used 5000 years ago.

It is called Mahd ash Dhahab or "cradle of gold".

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh Thank you so much for this. I had no idea how the place looked like and was super curious. Really appreciate it :)
I guessed Chechnya by your username. The xchi is something I recall from Caucasian languages especially the Chechen language.

Did you know that Caucasian peoples and Arabs/Semitic people are closely related?

Take a look at the link below:

Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have always wondered about that and I am yet to read about the connection.

I really like Caucasian people.

LOL, really? Did not know about that. But we have Chechen people and even whole Chechen villages in the Arab world. Caucasus is a very interesting region and especially the Caucasian peoples and their languages. Insha'Allah one day I will visit Chechnya and the Caucasus region.

Did you know that Imam Shamil is buried in Madinah?

Imam Shamil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ok, here are some photos of Khaybar:





by م.عبدالوهاب البربوشي, on Flickr

by م.عبدالوهاب البربوشي, on Flickr

Some Jews still want it back.:D

Not long from Khaybar there is a famous gold mine that the locals used 5000 years ago.

It is called Mahd ash Dhahab or "cradle of gold".

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haplogroup J2 which originates in the Middle East is very high among Caucasian peoples especially Chechens and Ingush. (Nakh People) As a matter of fact it is said the Nakhs (Chechens,Ingush) originated from the Fertile Crescent and migrated towards the Caucasus region.


There are many Chechens and other Caucasus peoples like Circassians that live in a lot of Arabs countries primarily Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. But majority of Caucasus diaspora lives inside Turkey.

There is a lot of Arab Mucahideen living in Chechnya still, Khattab was a famous one he was Saudi Arabian sadly Russians murdered him.
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Haplogroup J2 which originates in the Middle East is very high among Caucasian peoples especially Chechens and Ingush. (Nakh People) As a matter of fact it is said the Nakhs (Chechens,Ingush) originated from the Fertile Crescent and migrated towards the Caucasus region.


There are many Chechens and other Caucasus peoples like Circassians that live in a lot of Arabs countries primarily Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. But majority of Caucasus diaspora lives inside Turkey.

There is a lot of Arab Mucahideen living in Chechnya still, Khattab was a famous one he was Saudi Arabian sadly Russians murdered him.

Bro, I would like to inform you that the names of the haplogroups have changed since that time. I was also used to the old ones.

But I am talking about this haplogroup which most Caucasians are a part of. Its origin is the Arabian Peninsula. It tops in parts of the Arabian Peninsula and the Caucasus region. So there is no doubt that there have been population movements from the Middle East to the Caucasus region.

Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes, I am aware of the fact that most Caucasians migrated to Turkey. I know that a lot can also speak Turkish.;)

I only thought that only a dozens lived there. I mean outside of the ancient Arab presence in Caucasus that came during the Islamic conquest of the region.

Arabs in the Caucasus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, Khattab was a hero who thought for the brave Chechen people and their struggle. One day the Caucasus will be free again. I am sure of that.

Anyway you should make a thread about Caucasus and Chechnya and I would love to contribute. Our posts are a little bit off-topic. But is your avatar displaying Imam Shamil?:D
I cannot answer immediately so if I don't answer then this does not mean that I have ignored you but because I am unable to do so.
Brother I will open a Caucasus thread like you said, also the man in my avatar is Sheikh Mansur he is national hero of Chechen people. He was religious leader and resistance fighter that fought off the Russians.

İnşAllah bro inşAllah all Caucasus nations will gain their independence from this şeytan called Russia. I hope Moscow is blown to the ground.

About that haplogroup, Chechens and Ingush have the highest frequencies of it in all of Kafkaz so their is definitely a genetic relations between Caucasus and Arabian Peninsula.

By the way who is the man in your avatar?
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Brother I will open a Caucasus thread like you said, also the man in my avatar is Sheikh Mansur he is national hero of Chechen people. He was religious leader and resistance fighter that fought off the Russians.

İnşAllah bro inşAllah all Caucasus nations will gain their independence from this şeytan called Russia. I hope Moscow is blown to the ground.

About that haplogroup, Chechens and Ingush have the highest frequencies of it in all of Kafkaz so their is definitely a genetic relations between Caucasus and Arabian Peninsula.

By the way who is the man in your avatar?

Please do so brother. The struggle of the brotherly Caucasian people must not be forgotten.

I am sorry that I could not recognize Sheikh Mansur. I once read about him but I know more about Imam Shamil.

I am sure that this would be the reality on the long run. No people can be occupied by outsiders for an eternity especially since the Caucasian peoples are well and alive and they will never sit back and do nothing as the history has clearly showed.;)

You already have autonomy but one day I believe that you will be fully independent, Insha'Allah.

Yes, indeed. At least genetic tests confirm this. I have seen many people from Caucasus and the Arab world who resemble each other.

Well, that is me.:D

Two of the many nightmares of the Ruskies:

@Arabian Legend

Of course I know him. We talked about it in Arabic a few months back. I know all the former Arab emirs in Chechnya.

Arab Mujahideen in Chechnya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





I did not reply because it would start more off-topic discussions in this thread but now it does not matter. Hopefully when brother Noxchi makes his thread about Chechnya and Caucasus we can post it there.;)


^^ sorry for being off topic mate.

Dirab motor park.


No need to apologize at all.

We miss the late Muhammad ibn al-Uthaymeen (ra)

You must watch this documentary bro about Ibn al-Khattab (ra)

Part 1:

Part 2:

‫فلم القائد خطاب - سامر السويلم - ( الجزء الثاني ) كاملاً‬‎ - YouTube

La ilaha ilallah (chechen nasheed) - YouTube

@Noxchi remember ambush of Shatoy in 1996?

Shatoi 1996 History Chechnya - YouTube

Shatoy ambush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I hope that the mujahideen have plans stored for the Ruskies especially after their support for the child-murderer and Nusayri in Syria.

Anyway sorry for the off-topic talk could not stop myself.
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