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Saudi Arabia has one of the very lowest cancer rates in the world

See above. Speaking about industries, KSA is undergoing significant change (look out for Saudi Arabian vision 2030) and nobody here, at least not me, has claimed that KSA is a fully developed country. That would be a joke.

Ok fine...I would go with Saudi is a country that discovered oil and has made excellent use of the windfall to improve the standard of living of most of its citizens.

According to Wikipedia 12 to 25 % of Saudis still live below the Saudi poverty line despite all this wealth. educational standards are appalling especially scientific education and 90% of the work force is foreign.

I applaud how far Saudi has come in the last decades especially when compared with other oil producing nations like Nigeria and Venezuela that waste their bounty...but dude you have a LONG way to go especially in science and technology and social attitudes before you are a developed country.

Good luck though with your 2030 plan...:tup:
British India
British India was huge region larger than all of Africa and Arabia. Shall we throw the famines, poverty, starvation in Ethopia or Horn of Africa with Arabia also as it is MENAfrica. Famine means huge large scale hunger not isolated cases. As far as I know Pakistan or the region that is now Pakistan has not suffered from mass famine. Those are more in India and Bangladesh.

However, where might this below be? Bangladesh? India? Look below for the answer.


Answer : Arabia.

Link > http://www.britishempire.co.uk/article/faminearabia.htm
Ok fine...I would go with Saudi is a country that discovered oil and has made excellent use of the windfall to improve the standard of living of most of its citizens.

According to Wikipedia 12 to 25 % of Saudis still live below the Saudi poverty line despite all this wealth. educational standards are appalling especially scientific education and 90% of the work force is foreign.

I applaud how far Saudi has come in the last decades especially when compared with other oil producing nations like Nigeria and Venezuela that waste their bounty...but dude you have a LONG way to go especially in science and technology and social attitudes before you are a developed country.

Good luck though with your 2030 plan...:tup:

Wikipedia, in regards to KSA, is appaling and hijacked by anti-KSA editors. Those claims are untrue and not backed up by any sources.

There is no poverty in KSA compared to the poverty that is known in the developing/Muslim world. A "poor" person in KSA would be considered as middle income or even as a wealthy person in most Muslim/developing countries.

According to the World Bank (a real source not Wikipedia) KSA has the 10th lowest poverty rate in the world. Allow me to take their word more than some Wikipedia editor from Iran.


As for 90% of the workforce being foreign, well, I can only laugh at such hilarious claims. It is not even worth commenting on, I am afraid.

You appear to be very much ignorant in regards to KSA. The country has had some of the biggest scientific growth in the Muslim world in recent years and KSA universities rank as the best in the Muslim world.

I suggest to take a look at those threads below:



Education appealing you say? The literacy rate in KSA is almost 98%. Saudi Arabian woman are some of the most educated women in the world. The vast majority of Saudi Arabian youth (2/3 of the population) have a university degree. Saudi Arabian students at US universities are only outnumbered by 1.4 billion big China, 1.3 billion big India and 55 million big South Korea. KSA has more students at leading US universities per capita than anyone else.


The generation that is in power in KSA is not a reflection of the current generation.

As for having a long way to go to become a truly developed country in the sense of for instance Germany, that is true, and I have not said otherwise but that is certainly also the case with India and dare I say all non-Western countries.

British India was huge region larger than all of Africa and Arabia. Shall we throw the famines, poverty, starvation in Ethopia or Horn of Africa with Arabia also as it is MENAfrica. Famine means huge large scale hunger not isolated cases. As far as I know Pakistan or the region that is now Pakistan has not suffered from mass famine. Those are more in India and Bangladesh.

However, where might this below be? Bangladesh? India? Look below for the answer.


Answer : Arabia.

Link > http://www.britishempire.co.uk/article/faminearabia.htm

British India was not larger than all of Africa as Arabia alone is the size of India. You obviously missed my point I see and the article I linked to that describes an outbreak of famine in the year 2016. In Pakistan.

As for your link that is Hadhramout (Yemen). A tiny part of Arabia. A famine during WW2 where a few thousand (2000-3000) died. In comparison millions perished due to famine and hunger in British India. And almost 10 million in Iran 20 years previously.



P.S. I cannot see your photo in the article that you have linked to.
British India
People. Population. Human Beings. Rock and soil don't suffer from famine. People do. British India had more people than MENA, Sub Saharan Africa combined.

A tiny part of Arabia
Still A-rabia. Tiny or otherwise as you call it. And by population it was significant percentage as you know that part of Arabia was relatively densely populated. And oil does not make you smart. It just makes you rich until you run out of it. Then famine time again.

famine and hunger in British India
Yes. Not what is now Pakistan. I believe your talking about the Bengal famine. That was in what is now India/Bangladesh almost 1,000 miles east of what is Pakistan today. Like I said do you want me to throw in Ethopia because it is right next to KSA unlike Bengal with regards to Pakistan?Check the map to see the context.

Go bi*tch to the Indan's and Bangladeshi's about that.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943
People. Population. Human Beings. Rock and soil don't suffer from famine. People do. British India had more people than MENA, Sub Saharan Africa combined.

Still A-rabia. Tiny or otherwise as you call it. And by population it was significant percentage as you know that part of Arabia was relatively densely populated. And oil does not make you smart. It just makes you rich until you run out of it. Then famine time again.

Yes. not what is now Pakistan. I believe your talking about the Bengal famie. That was in what is now India/Bangladesh. Like I said do you want me to throw in Ethopia because it is next to KSA?

Go bi*tch to the Indan's and Bangladeshi's about that.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943

I am not so sure about that one but let us say so.

So 2000 fatalities is now significant. OK.

Arabia was one of the richest areas on the planet for millennia long before anyone had even seen oil, I am afraid. But that is another story for another thread. Not to mention that people from Arabia (modern-day) KSA ruled 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history. More than any other ethnicity/nationality in the top 15.

Since when is Ethiopia next to KSA? Not more than KSA being next to Greece.

I already gave you an link of a famine outbreak in Pakistan in the year 2016. I am sure that if I googled a bit I could find quite a few more details of famines in what later became known as Pakistan pre-1947 and afterwards as well. I don't need to look 70 years back in time to some tiny British protectorate during WW2.
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Education appealing you say? The literacy rate in KSA is almost 98%. Saudi Arabian woman are some of the most educated women in the world. The vast majority of Saudi Arabian youth (2/3 of the population) have a university degree. Saudi Arabian students at US universities are only outnumbered by 1.4 billion big China, 1.3 billion big India and 55 million big South Korea. KSA has more students at leading US universities per capita than anyone else.

Dude, I have met some of these Saudi students in the US. Most of them are studying "language" or "business" .....basically means goofing off and having fun! There are a few in engineering and computer science students.....I have never met a SINGLE Saudi student in the theoretical sciences or even medicine in the US,I am sure they prefer studying medicine in their home countries rather than the very tough US schedule.

go and stand outside MIT in Cambridge (Boston) and watch students coming down those front stairs...it is an Asian tsunami...Koreans, Chinese, Indian, Japanese....very few Middle Easterners and those that are seem to be Lebanese or Egyptian never Gulf countries. It is really noticeable.
Dude, I have met some of these Saudi students in the US. Most of them are studying "language" or "business" .....basically means goofing off and having fun! There are a few in engineering and computer science students.....I have never met a SINGLE Saudi student in the theoretical sciences or even medicine in the US,I am sure they prefer studying medicine in their home countries rather than the very tough US schedule.

go and stand outside MIT in Cambridge (Boston) and watch students coming down those front stairs...it is an Asian tsunami...Koreans, Chinese, Indian, Japanese....very few Middle Easterners and those that are seem to be Lebanese or Egyptian never Gulf countries. It is really noticeable.

How many Saudi Arabian students have you met? 2? That is incorrect as most are studying engineering. I really cannot rely on personal anecdotes whose authenticity nobody can confirm.
I myself have studied at a leading university in the US (I am a chemical engineer) and I know that 1000s upon 1000s of other Saudi Arabians have too.

Anyway it seems that you skipped all of my links and the factual data I provided to you so let us leave it at that. I am not interested in this discussion nor has it anything to do with the topic of this thread.
Arabia was one of the richest areas on the planet for millennia long before anyone had even seen oil, I am afraid. But that is another story for another thread.

That is simply not true brother...the only time Arabia was rich was during trade with the Roman Empire when all the frankincense for the gods came from Arabia. When Rome became Christian they had less need for frankincense and Arabia went back to subsistence....the only other time is current with oil wealth.
The source is not Wikipedia but MEDC and HDI. Just like the cancer rates worldwide are not a "Wikipedia invention" but official data from WHO.

As for what you are arguing, well that is your opinion and you are of course entitled to it. I don't fully agree.

Australia is definitely more industrialized than Switzerland. I have visited both countries and know them fairly well. Australia has much more industry.

1. What is MEDC? HDI is an index developed by the West. Any ordinary Joe could invent an index, what is the fixation with you underdeveloped lot with indices created by the West. Can you use your brain and think for your own?

You can take 10, or 100, or 2000, variables, and assign any arbitrary weights to them to create any rankings of these 200 countries that you wish. It is quite simple. You could show Zimbabwe or India is better than Switzerland, or Australia is better than Switzerland (which they have done) here.

2. Switzerland is FAR and away the more developed country than Australia.

I will give you some examples.

I can't post links yet.

Look up UNData High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)
Country or Area Year Value
Australia 2013 12.9
Switzerland 2013 26.5

Switzerland is MUCH more hi tech.

Switzerland outperforms Australia by a massive margin every single year.

I can't post links yet

Look up Nature Index
Country outputs from 1 June 2015 - 31 May 2016

Switzerland placed at 8th in AGGREGATE, for ALL subjects combined.
Australia placed at 12th in AGGREGATE, for ALL subjects combined.

Switzerland placed at 11th in AGGREGATE, for Chemistry.
Australia placed at 12th in AGGREGATE, for Chemistry.

Switzerland placed at 9th in AGGREGATE, for Physical Sciences.
Australia placed at 14th in AGGREGATE, for Physical sciences.

Switzerland's population around 8 million.
Australia's population around 24 million.

Swiss high tech companies - ABB alone destroys anything and everything from Australian 'high tech' industry, which is just composed of minerals and cattle herding.

And on and on.

Well, because I know both KSA (surprise) and Oman well. Everyone who knows those two countries will tell you that KSA is much more industrialized and much more urbanized. Riyadh alone has twice as big a population as Oman which is the size of Poland.

BTW are you a Communist/Marxist?

1. Wikipedia?
2. Your list shows your inability to carry out statistical analyses.

For Saudi
The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 92.5% of Saudi budget revenues, 97% of export earnings, and 55% of GDP

For Oman
Oman's economy relies heavily on oil production. The petroleum sector accounts for around 87 percent of budget revenues, 51 percent of GDP and 60 percent of total exports.

Both are nonindustrialized oil rich and oil dependent economies. Just Saudi is more so than Oman.

Any African country not to offend them has a lot of companies, what is the meaning of listing low tech SMEs operating in Saudi Arabia?

No, I have no relationship with Communism or Marxism.
That is simply not true brother...the only time Arabia was rich was during trade with the Roman Empire when all the frankincense for the gods came from Arabia. When Rome became Christian they had less need for frankincense and Arabia went back to subsistence....the only other time is current with oil wealth.

The Incense Route, which made Arabia incredibly rich, lasted for 1 millennia. In other words nothing. Of course.


Long before that time Arabia was home to some of the most ancient civilizations on the planet who were very wealthy as well (Magan, Saba, Dilmun, Nabatea etc.). I am afraid that you do not know much about Arabia so further discussion will be pointless but I suggest to educate yourself.

Not to say that in Islamic times, people from modern-day KSA and Arabia, created 3 (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid) of the 11 largest empires in human history. More than any other ethnicity in the top 15. Empires whose wealth was enormous as well.
How many Saudi Arabian students have you met? 2? That is incorrect as most are studying engineering. I really cannot rely on personal anecdotes whose authenticity nobody can confirm.
I myself have studied at a leading university in the US (I am a chemical engineer) and I know that 1000s upon 1000s of other Saudi Arabians have too.

Anyway it seems that you skipped all of my links and the factual data I provided to you so let us leave it at that. I am not interested in this discussion nor has it anything to do with the topic of this thread.

Here you go...Saudis are well funded students ...mostly studying easy subjects in non elite schools....not all of them...obviously you are the exception


Saudis often apply to a wider range of schools other than the elite institutions that are a typical focus of international applicants. Nearly 40% of Saudi students are Explorers, who have solid financial resources but lower academic preparedness, as shown by their high enrollment in Intensive English Programs (IEPs) prior to starting full degree programs[1]. At over 38,000 students in 2013/14, Saudi Arabia was the leading country of origin for IEPs in the U.S., supplying roughly 30% of all students to these programs. These students are also more interested in the experiential aspects of a U.S. education and less likely to focus on the top-ranked institutions favored by prospective Chinese students. WES data confirm that only six of the top 25 institutions to which Saudi applicants sent WES evaluation reports were in the top national rankings of the 2014 U.S. News & World Report, with only two of them in the top 100.
Here you go...Saudis are well funded students ...mostly studying easy subjects in non elite schools....not all of them...obviously you are the exception


Saudis often apply to a wider range of schools other than the elite institutions that are a typical focus of international applicants. Nearly 40% of Saudi students are Explorers, who have solid financial resources but lower academic preparedness, as shown by their high enrollment in Intensive English Programs (IEPs) prior to starting full degree programs[1]. At over 38,000 students in 2013/14, Saudi Arabia was the leading country of origin for IEPs in the U.S., supplying roughly 30% of all students to these programs. These students are also more interested in the experiential aspects of a U.S. education and less likely to focus on the top-ranked institutions favored by prospective Chinese students. WES data confirm that only six of the top 25 institutions to which Saudi applicants sent WES evaluation reports were in the top national rankings of the 2014 U.S. News & World Report, with only two of them in the top 100.

You are confusing people who are going to the US to improve or learn English with students enlisted at universities who are pursuing a specific degree for the entire duration and not for 1-2 semesters. There are specific schooling programs for both categories of students in KSA and the first category has recently suffered from a lack of financial support. A deliberate one.
With all due respect, you appear uninformed in this regard and the other topics that you have touched upon as I have clearly proven for all to see. Lastly once again, this discussion is off-topic and I frankly have no interest in it. Believe what you want to believe as you quite clearly proved to us all in post 16.

Have a nice day.
You are confusing people who are going to the US to improve or learn English with students enlisted at universities who are pursuing a specific degree for the entire duration and not for 1-2 semesters. There are specific schooling programs for both categories of students in KSA and the first category has recently suffered from a lack of financial support. A deliberate one.
With all due respect, you appear uninformed in this regard and the other topics that you have touched upon as I have clearly proven for all to see. Lastly once again, this discussion is off-topic and I frankly have no interest in it. Believe what you want to believe as you quite clearly proved to us all in post 16.

Have a nice day.
It clearly talks about all Saudi students! There's no point getting sensitive about it.

It is hilarious to anybody to say that Saudi is some kind of educational powerhouse!!!

....clearly it is not...you have your own strengths...like great infrastructure...but please be realistic!
It clearly talks about all Saudi students! There's no point getting sensitive about it.

It is hilarious to anybody to say that Saudi is some kind of educational powerhouse!!!

....clearly it is not...you have your own strengths...like great infrastructure...but please be realistic!

It might do so but in KSA we make a clear distinction between that type of students and so did all the links that I linked to. You obviously did not/do not understand that.

Who said anything about KSA being an "educational powerhouse"? Are you drunk or what? However KSA is nowhere near what you described initially and I have clearly proved that using reliable sources and official data. Don't blame me for answering absurd nonsense.

Check the links in post 18. You have obviously not done so. Not my fault or problem.

I already wrote, for all to see, that KSA will need a long, long time to catch up with a country like Germany for instance but that is certainly the case for every developing/Muslim country and India is no different here. You are an Indian. A country with the highest amount of poor and illiterate people on the planet. You are acting like you were an German. No disrespect but come on. If I recall your user history, you have an anti-KSA bias too and that is perfectly fine but bias is one thing, bullshit another or claiming to know about topics that you do not know much about or at most have a small degree of artificial knowledge about.

My last post as everything should be clear by now. At least I have nothing more to say or add.

Only, to return to the topic, that I am very happy about KSA having one of the very lowest cancer rates and the lowest (by far) for a country of this size, population and such a high HDI index, GDP per capita (nominal) and a fairly developed/industrialized country.

End of story.
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