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Saudi Arabia has one of the very lowest cancer rates in the world

It might do so but in KSA we make a clear distinction between that type of students and so did all the links that I linked to. You obviously did not/do not understand that.

Who said anything about KSA being an "educational powerhouse"? Are you drunk or what? However KSA is nowhere near what you described initially and I have clearly proved that using reliable sources and official data. Don't blame me for answering absurd nonsense.

Check the links in post 18. You have obviously not done so. Not my fault or problem.

I already wrote, for all to see, that KSA will need a long, long time to catch up with a country like Germany for instance but that is certainly the case for every developing/Muslim country and India is no different here. You are an Indian. A country with the highest amount of poor and illiterate people on the planet. You are acting like you were an German. No disrespect but come on. If I recall your user history, you have an anti-KSA bias too and that is perfectly fine but bias is one thing, bullshit another or claiming to know about topics that you do not know much about or at most have a small degree of artificial knowledge about.

My last post as everything should be clear by now. At least I have nothing more to say or add.

Only, to return to the topic, that I am very happy about KSA having one of the very lowest cancer rates and the lowest (by far) for a country of this size, population and such a high HDI index, GDP per capita (nominal) and a fairly developed/industrialized country.

End of story.
I linked to international media.

No offense but I don't think that anybody with actively firing neurons will believe Saudi government data or waste time reading it. It is meant for local consumption to keep you guys happy.

I did not say anything against Saudi...just that you have a long way to calling yourself developed....fancy buildings are one thing but science and technology and social standards are even more important.

I bet Half these "university educated " people in your country still believe the earth is flat.

Iran is more developed than you..they don't have the same fancy sky scrapers but much better in science and business.
I linked to international media.

No offense but I don't think that anybody with actively firing neurons will believe Saudi government data or waste time reading it. It is meant for local consumption to keep you guys happy.

I did not say anything against Saudi...just that you have a long way to calling yourself developed....fancy buildings are one thing but science and technology and social standards are even more important.

I bet Half these "university educated " people in your country still believe the earth is flat.

Iran is more developed than you..they don't have the same fancy sky scrapers but much better in science and business.

Yes, troll confirmed.

P.S. None of my sources were from KSA let alone the government but respected Western media and publications. Shows all about your intentions and knowledge. Of course I already proved the lack of that for all to see but it is nice to get another confirmation in case I had a small hope of the opposite being the case.

Also lastly, don't forget what I wrote about your country. Highest amount of poor people on the planet and highest amount of illiterate people. Those are not welcome facts. Believe me when I say that I would prefer to have KSA' challenges instead which are a joke in comparison. Everyone would.

does it also apply to other arabic countries with similar genes..
Genes or jeans?

Yes, troll confirmed.

P.S. None of my sources were from KSA let alone the government but respected Western media and publications. Shows all about your intentions and knowledge. Of course I already proved the lack of that for all to see but it is nice to get another confirmation in case I had a small hope of the opposite being the case.

Also lastly, don't forget what I wrote about your country. Highest amount of poor people on the planet and highest amount of illiterate people. Those are not welcome facts. Believe me when I say that I would prefer to have KSA' challenges instead. Everyone would.


Well so long as you accept that you do have challenges...the only reason I intercepted was that rather smug tone of "we are a developed country unlike all you poor people". ...I just wanted you to realize that you are nowhere developed ..you have fancy buildings but imprison and behead, refuse to let women drive or travel without permission of their guardians ....you have a long way to go and the challenges are much harder than you seem to think.

Now I'll let you go :p:

Genes or jeans?

Well so long as you accept that you do have challenges...the only reason I intercepted was that rather smug tone of "we are a developed country unlike all you poor people". ...I just wanted you to realize that you are nowhere developed ..you have fancy buildings but imprison and behead, refuse to let women drive or travel without permission of their guardians ....you have a long way to go and the challenges are much harder than you seem to think.

Now I'll let you go :p:


Why don't you stop wasting my time and learn to read what your opponent is writing to you if you have decided to engage with him? That would help a lot. Thank you.

What part of "KSA needs a very long time to reach Germany's level" did you not understand?

I think I need a big cup of strong Arabic coffee after this exchange. My goodness. Maybe even something stronger.

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Ethiopian is better. :lol:

More or less the same but it depends on what you prefer. Like with every type of beverage and food. Arabic coffee has a better reputation though and dare I say quality. Arabs were the first to brew and consume coffee but the plant is apparently native to the Highlands of Ethiopia but it reached the highlands of Southern Arabia next before any other region. Actually coffee was first brewed in the mountainous Sufi monasteries of Southern Arabia. The Sufis back then, at least in Arabia from what I have read, were the hippies of the Middle Ages. Strong coffee, drugs, qat, long hair and beards. They had a blast for sure.

Although I know that Ethiopians have a very rich coffee culture too. No doubt about that. They are good people especially the Habesha people in particular the women. Mr. Google can help you out in this regard.:lol:

P.S. I think I recall you. Are you not that Kashmiri Rajput (I think that is the word)? Your old/previous user. I have a very good memory and you seem very familiar.
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P.S. I think I recall you. Are you not that Kashmiri Rajput (I think that is the word)? Your old/previous user. I have a very good memory and you seem very familiar.

I have never had another ID. Nor do I have a drop of Kashmiri or Rajput blood in me anywhere as far as I know. Though I can't account for every ancestor! :p:

How about you ? Previous user name?

Dude...also no point being so sensitive on PDF....just saying ...if it helps I LOVE Arabic food....phool..labne....That sweet like baklava....even your eggs ...beautiful!
Genes or jeans?

Well so long as you accept that you do have challenges...the only reason I intercepted was that rather smug tone of "we are a developed country unlike all you poor people". ...I just wanted you to realize that you are nowhere developed ..you have fancy buildings but imprison and behead, refuse to let women drive or travel without permission of their guardians ....you have a long way to go and the challenges are much harder than you seem to think.

Now I'll let you go :p:

I dont bait arabs ever since an arab dude (I think no longer active)said 'everybody hates us anyway, why even bother'... we all got national/ethnic pride... because their number is too small here, it appears that we all gang up against them...
I dont bait arabs ever since an arab dude (I think no longer active)said 'everybody hates us anyway, why even bother'... we all got national/ethnic pride... because their number is too small here, it appears that we all gang up against them...
Well...I am going to stop doing that from now onwards..apparently my user history shows I have a bias against Arabs! :o:

I had no idea...:woot:
I have never had another ID. Nor do I have a drop of Kashmiri or Rajput blood in me anywhere as far as I know. Though I can't account for every ancestor! :p:

How about you ? Previous user name?

Dude...also no point being so sensitive on PDF....just saying ...if it helps I LOVE Arabic food....phool..labne....even your eggs ...beautiful!

Oh, well. My mind is playing with me then. I have engaged with far too many people here. That is the problem. People constantly change ID's, user accounts etc.

Arabian Stallion was my latest ID. You know, when I am busy for a month or more or very busy for a few weeks I tend to change my password to something along those lines "safasfkjaskfjaskfjakjfas" and log out. End result. User is lost. Then I create a new one. And I start from scratch.:lol:

Well, that is good. I am also fond of Indian cuisine which in many ways is similar to Arab cuisine and especially Arabian cuisine. Mostly Yemeni and Hijazi.

Well, I am not sensitive but I am no fan of trolling in serious discussions. Besides there are already enough of ignorants here and trolls. Besides we Arabs and ME people and Muslims in general face a lot of backlash and ignorance in the media. A lot of it is due to our own mistakes so I guess we are more "aggressive" than most others. Besides Arabs in general are emotional people.

Anyway the Arab colony here is close to extinction. Once it was quite big and diverse. We had, believe it or not, users from Morocco in the West (Atlantic Ocean) to Oman in the East (Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean). Today we are 3-4 active Saudi Arabian users, 2-3 Iraqis, 1-2 Syrians and a few Egyptian and Algerian brothers. That is about it. Hazzy (Palestine) is still around too of course. Blackeagle (Jordan) Is nowhere to be seen. Maybe on holiday. So I am left to defend the 450 million Arabs whenever I see somebody say "All Arabs", "Arabs are this and that or do this and that".

I dont bait arabs ever since an arab dude (I think no longer active)said 'everybody hates us anyway, why even bother'... we all got national/ethnic pride... because their number is too small here, it appears that we all gang up against them...

There are no problems between Arabs and Indians (South Asians in general) here or in real life. Rather the contrary from my experience. I just had a nice exchange with an Indian in this thread below for instance.


Earlier today in this one as well.


Have you met any Arabs in the UK or only on PDF? That guy he must have been emotional.
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