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Saudi Arabia has Nuclear capable Ballistic Misslies: Ex CIA Official. .

And on Saudi state of the art jets there are US Pilots So how come Sauids even can use the missiles without permission of US even if she has any.

Above all against whom Saudia will use those ??
If not for the Iranian thread, why would Saudi need those Missiles.

I dont see Israel and Saudi going to war ?

If Iran is on the radar than i dont think so China would have provided any tech rather the possibility of US as provider is visible
Taimikhan i am replying to your post and go through my post it is not off topic
If not for the Iranian thread, why would Saudi need those Missiles.

I dont see Israel and Saudi going to war ?

Why do you need Missiles ???

Its a measure of self defense and no necessarily for wars , when you deploy ballistic missiles you deploy it on "against any aggressor" basis.

Iran is not a threat to Saudi Arabia whatsoever as Saudi arabia is a holy Land for Muslims and whoever will set his foot in it with aggression would be burnt to the ground by Muslim states.
Iran is not a threat to Saudi Arabia whatsoever as Saudi arabia is a holy Land for Muslims and whoever will set his foot in it with aggression would be burnt to the ground by Muslim states.

That has not stopped muslims nations to fight amongst themselves.

The present land mass of Saudi Arabia has been occupied by Ottaman Empire ( Muslim empire).

Yemen & Saudi fighting everyday a covert war against each other.
That has not stopped muslims nations to fight amongst themselves.

The present land mass of Saudi Arabia has been occupied by Ottaman Empire ( Muslim empire).

Yemen & Saudi fighting everyday a covert war against each other.

You need to Educate yourself first , KSA was a part of the ottomon Empire which descended from the Killfah.

My dad is an Eng and lives in Saudi Arabia and has been working there for like 3 decades with saudi Engineering Firms & he tells the real thing on the ground.

Yemen and saudi arabia are fighting against hutoo rebels not to each other:rolleyes:
If Iran is on the radar than i dont think so China would have provided any tech rather the possibility of US as provider is visible
going by your logic israel also close to china.

But latest sources say that Pakistan have nuclear missile base in there. Thats why israel have a :devil: on Pakistan
even if Pakistan has nukes and missiles in Saudia what's the big fuss about it?

Assume if Soviet Union Had attack Canada on the height of cold war what would had America done?

Some Countries are so important that the other country cannot ignore their security Saudis might not have the brain but they have the holy land.So if you think that only financial motivation is the factor then i am afraid you are wrong.
going by your logic israel also close to china.

But latest sources say that Pakistan have nuclear missile base in there. Thats why israel have a :devil: on Pakistan

Post the source i want to have a look.
I think the author wants to sell his book make cool 100,000k by selling books ;)

Let him be he needs to pay mortgage please .... be kind

If he was good CIA would still be using his services
The known news may be of 20 30 year old missiles that as Tamikan pointed out would probably no longer be servicable. But what you can do under one bush you can repeat under another.

Heck with so many haliburton shipments going back and forth Cheney probably had the contract for delivery.

If saudi arabia has nuclear capable ballistic missilies, than i have 1 in my kitchen also. :coffee:

Scary though depending on the kitchen, yes that is a kitchen on the right and an atlas in the middle of the frame.

going by your logic israel also close to china.

But latest sources say that Pakistan have nuclear missile base in there. Thats why israel have a :devil: on Pakistan

India being the close ally of the Israeli Zionists can claim whatever. Pakistan has a missile base in SA, so what. Even we had to allocate our entire army to defend the holy places of Makkah and Medina and the home country of our beloved prophet and the birth place o:pakistan:f Islam, we will do that. What bs are you babbling, I do not understands....

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