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Saudi Arabia foils terror plot, busts two cells: interior ministry


May 9, 2007
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Saudi Arabia has busted two terror cells in Riyadh and Jeddah, foiling their plans for attacks on the two cities, the country’s interior ministry announced Sunday.

The statement by ministry spokesman Mansour al-Turki said eight people -- two Saudis and six Yemenis – had been arrested and as they prepared “criminal attacks” on security forces, Saudis, foreigners and public buildings in the kingdom.

“With grace of Allah the security forces were able to arrest a citizen who leads this cell and he provided detailed information about its members, plans and equipment,” the statement said.


The activities of the suspects were tracked for several months, and found linked to a terror group outside the country, it said. All captured suspects had confessed, it said, naming just three of them: Assad al-Hasour, Fares al-Maaraka, Nimr al-Jihad and Abu Jandal Yamani.

“Through intensified tracking of these elements, it became clear that they had reached an advanced stage in the process to achieve their goals, including the preparation and the processing of explosives and experimenting with them outside the city of Riyadh,” said the statement obtained by Al Arabiya said.

Photos of the alleged bomb-making materials were provided with the statement on the Saudi press agency website. Authorities said they inspected three locations, including a room in a mosque in Riyadh, and found the cells in possession of incriminating documents, chemicals that could be used for explosives, cell phones to be used as detonators, and cash.

In the process of making explosives, one of them had been burned and lost fingers, said the statement. It also chided the suspects for “stray thinking,” by accusing people of apostasy and issued a warning not to cooperate with or shelter terrorists.

Saudi political analyst Yousef al-Dayni told Al Arabiya that the increasing numbers of Yemeni nationals involved with terrorist plots in the central region of Saudi Arabia is a result of the instability and unrest in Yemen.

“Previous plots were limited and linked to the border area between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. This time the terrorist cells reached Jeddah and Riyadh,” he said.

Al-Dayni said the existence of a location containing chemical materials to make explosives indicates that al-Qaeda is reverting to its old strategy of depending on specific individuals to perform atypical operations.

Congratulations to our heroes who made this bust. Terror has no place in KSA.

Wish we start anti-terrorism classes for the countries who are still suffering from it.
it didnt take so much time for getting what was your exact point.
but yes KSA is the only nation that can help SOME(lol) countries who are suffering frm it.
Congratulations to our heroes who made this bust. Terror has no place in KSA.

Wish we start anti-terrorism classes for the countries who are still suffering from it.

Don't just wish it simply turn of the Dollar Tab and TA_DA it will be eliminated in Rest of the world.

I think not even you can disagree that we have been the most successful nation on the planet to fight terrorism.

Terrorist aren't stupid they are not going to bite the hands that Feeds them.
Don't just wish it simply turn of the Dollar Tab and TA_DA it will be eliminated in Rest of the world.

Terrorist aren't stupid they are not going to bite the hands that Feeds them.

Hmm then I think you did not read the thread you are in correctly.. It is okay though hate can blind a man so you are excused.
Of course terrorists have no place in KSA, they are produced to be exported, al-Qaeda etc. :D

Sure they were not hunted down or anything. And sure they have nothing but praise for Saudi government. And sure the current leader isn't Egyptian at all. And sure most of it's ranks are filled with other nationalities other than Saudi. And sure they did not try bombing in KSA at all.

Again I believe somewhere deep onside you, you know that you can read and educate yourself. You just have to build up tue courage to educate yourself that is all.
Sure they were not hunted down or anything. And sure they have nothing but praise for Saudi government. And sure the current leader isn't Egyptian at all. And sure most of it's ranks are filled with other nationalities other than Saudi. And sure they did not try bombing in KSA at all.

Again I believe somewhere deep onside you, you know that you can read and educate yourself. You just have to build up tue courage to educate yourself that is all.

OK wait, first, please tell me, where is the root this way of thinking, Islamic fundamentalism and extremism, etc.? Who introduced Islamic terrorism to the world?
Islamic terrorism and West's War on Terror have sacrificed thousands of innocent people of the region. I'd like know where is the root of this this ideology so that I can find out who is the responsible. Interestingly, not even 0.5% of these innocents were among Saudis, while majority of those terrorists were and are Saudis.
OK wait, first, please tell me, where is the root this way of thinking, Islamic fundamentalism and extremism, etc.? Who introduced Islamic terrorism to the world?
Islamic terrorism and West's War on Terror have sacrificed thousands of innocent people of the region. I'd like know where is the root of this this ideology so that I can find out who is the responsible. Interestingly, not even 0.5% of these innocents were among Saudis, while majority of those terrorists were and are Saudis.

Okay here is a free history lesson.

In 1980-1989 Saudi Arabia was called upon by the US through their puppet King Fahad to support the Afghani Mujahideen against the soviet invasion. Saudi Arabia then happily obliged bank rolling and sending GIP trained individuals there to fight a holy war one of which was Bin Laden a religious conservative with an engineering degree which made a perfect match to boost the Mujahideen leadership and interoperability with GIP operatives. (GIP is General Intelligince Presidency Saudi spy agency).

While he was there he met another brand of Mujahideen they were the Sayyed Qutb brigade (Egyptian/Palestinian Head Cleric who is the spiritual father of Al-Qaeda interesting to note he had excellent ties with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood). His ideology then was shaped into that of Qutb's and brought that message back with him along with the rest of his brothers in arms and have settled in Buraiydah as a base (look up 1991 Qaseem riots for further information that riot was against the presence of "infidels" in Arabian soil namingly American troops).

THen that riot was violently crushed many of those who took part in that riot numbering in thousands joined hands with their leader OBL and Al-Qaeda was born in its present form drawing its charter from Sayyed Qutb's teachings and they moved to Sudan, many of those got jailed most notable example is Salman Al-Ouda turned Liberal Cleric now but most went off to Yemen and from there to Sudan which they stayed there until the US decided to try out their tomahawks against a Drug factory owned by the Bin Laden company.

The reason why Bin Laden escaped is he evaded capture when he entered into Yemeni territory and was lost there. He hid in the South Hijazi Mountains saying in one of his speeches how he felt like Prophet Muhammad running away from the Infidels of Makkah in Al-Hijrah.

The first people who Al-Qaeda declared war against was the Saudi government coming close to assassinating important officials twice but failing.

This was a free history lesson that I wish you take into account. Sure I understand you hate KSA and you hate terrorism so you paint it conveniently with that brush. However when terrorists themselves throw away their nationality because they don't want to say "I am Saudi" instead they say "I am peninsular Arab" then that accusation just becomes stupid.
Okay here is a free history lesson.

In 1980-1989 Saudi Arabia was called upon by the US through their puppet King Fahad to support the Afghani Mujahideen against the soviet invasion. Saudi Arabia then happily obliged bank rolling and sending GIP trained individuals there to fight a holy war one of which was Bin Laden a religious conservative with an engineering degree which made a perfect match to boost the Mujahideen leadership and interoperability with GIP operatives. (GIP is General Intelligince Presidency Saudi spy agency).

With all due respect my dear brother, this is called BS. King Fahid didn't follow US instructions upon anything, it's well known that KSA looked at USSR and communism as a great danger to Islam and did all her best to curb Communists spread, and put all resources to get USSR out of Afghanistan.
With due do respect my dear brother, this is called BS. King Fahid didn't follow US instructions upon anything, it's well known that KSA looked at USSR and communism as a great danger to Islam and did all her best to curb Communists spread, and put all resources to get USSR out of Afghanistan.

King Fahad was a puppet. He didn't support education. He spread the wealth only on buying the loyalty of Royal Family members and he followed US dictat like a dog.

I still remember tha parties people had celebrating his death. King Abdullah is the antagonist of Fahad. Just compare KSA in Fahad's era and in Andullah's era.
Congratulations to our heroes who made this bust. Terror has no place in KSA.

Wish we start anti-terrorism classes for the countries who are still suffering from it.

Yes. Mostly, send us manpower fluent in Arabic and different arabic cultural backgrounds to make sense of intelligence.
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