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Saudi Arabia detains 10 princes, dozens of former ministers

Aren't all Hollywood stars and billionaires around the world?

Let's not get carried away
Bro I know Dubai well. Go there a lot as I have friends there so take time out during travels to visit them. It's a hole. Not a place to live an flourish. So many people are there just doing negative activities
Have you visited Dubai? Yes, are many many mosques there. But plently of 4-5* star hotels too that offer escort services - literally knocking at doors.

It isnt really far from the truth.

I have lived there... it isn't any worse than any other free western country... why don't you say the same about Netherlands, Holland, Germany etc ?
I have lived there... it isn't any worse than any other free western country... why don't you say the same about Netherlands, Holland, Germany etc ?
Because they don't pretend to be Muslims where as these fake shake and screwed up Arabs do.
Bro I know Dubai well. Go there a lot as I have friends there so take time out during travels to visit them. It's a hole. Not a place to live an flourish. So many people are there just doing negative activities

I agree Dubai isn't my cup of tea either... but people who live in the west shouldn't chastise Dubai either...

Because they don't pretend to be Muslims where as these fake shake and screwed up Arabs do.

Everyone is pretending to be or not to be Muslim these days... religion is a personal thing...
Seriously....... what's with the pace @ which MbS is moving....... that Talal guy, I thought he was also a reformist. Some of the arrests don't make sense.... or were they involved in some sort of subterfuge? Furthermore, what comes after 'arrests'...... beheading? Or will that be too much? Questions and more questions........
When is Muhammad Bin Salman expected to come into power? When King Salman dies?
Seems MBS on opposition cleaning spree... good luck to people of Hijaz and have a peaceful life and peace for all neighbors ...
Yes I live in the west... but you should see what happens in Islamabad.... Just as "bad" as dubai
I know. I used to like in the UK. Only ever been offered whisky in Pakistan. And I don't even drink loool. Double standards everywhere
What's with the foreigners here who think that they are suddenly experts about KSA, the Arab world and Arabs while knowing close to nothing. Why this obsession, fascination or whatever we shall call it? Why are Arabs never acting like this towards any foreigners? This "we know it all or better" attitude. Talk about wanting to puke.

It is an international forum. You didnt expect foreigners to probe your claims? Are you new to this? :nono:

Can somebody for a second imagine Arabs making remotely similar comments about some corrupt individuals being arrested in Pakistan? We would make a fool out of ourselves since we are not very familiar with the internal political dynamics of Pakistan. Yet when it comes to KSA and the Arab world in general, the entire world is seemingly an expert. I am talking PhD degrees with honors and 20 years of experience as a researcher. This level of "I know it all".

Yes alot of people can imagine. It happens actually. Pakistanis dont throw hissy fits and start puking about just because someone probes their statements, events etc

They are used to international scrutiny.
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