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Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters: Analyst


Dec 13, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
"Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters"
Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:0PM


King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia flirting with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Author and Mideast expert Saeb Shaath has accused Saudi Arabia for the spread of violence and bloodshed in the Middle East, stating that the Al Saud regime is resorting to such a policy in order to please its masters.

“They are causing all of these sectarian and religious troubles in the area, the Saudis, and they are doing this, we know, to serve their masters,” Saeb Shaath, an author and Middle East political expert, told Press TV in an exclusive interview on Monday.

He added, “From the very beginning of the establishment of the kingdom, the Saudis have brought bloodshed to the surrounding countries and they are in total alliance with these Zionists and the Americans and some of the other Western powers.”

Shaath also took Riyadh to task for the ongoing sectarian violence in Iraq, saying Al Saud regime is pursuing such an objective through collaboration with its regional allies, including Turkey, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

“Saudi Arabia is sponsoring sectarian incitement in Iraq and this has partners such as Turkey and Israel as well, and the Emirates who are financing and training and supporting the terror forces in Iraq,” he added.

“They are planting their car bombs everywhere and attacking everywhere in Iraq, and they are behind the bloodshed, which is taking the country from the north to the south. They are using their money and influence and the media as well in order to promote sectarianism in Iraq,” the analyst pointed out.

Shaath further noted that the Al Saud regime has turned Saudi Arabia into a launch pad for the US military actions.

In a newly-revealed 2009 secret US cable about Iraq's relationship with its neighbors, former US Ambassador to Baghdad Christopher Hill had said Saudi Arabia funds al-Qaeda attacks in Iraq.

The United Nations said on August 1 that a total of 1,057 Iraqis were killed and another 2,326 were wounded in acts of terrorism and violence in the month of July, making it the country's deadliest month since 2008.

More than 4,000 people have died in terrorist attacks in Iraq so far in 2013, with Baghdad province being the worst hit.

Saudi Arabia funding unrest in Middle East.
PressTV - Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters: Analyst
Well technically, there is little that regional rivals can offensively do in Saudi against their government.

1- They would not blink once to crush an attempted revolt as they have done in the past.

2- They are neck-deep in money so they can call in whatever global favours they want.

3- If they're pushed to the limit, they have a really mean arsenal of weapons, courtesy its powerful allies.

4- Even if they're not able to completely fight, US will send its own military in support of Saudi.

So there's nothing much that currently many of those dissatisfied from the KSA king can do anything about it.
Well technically, there is little that regional rivals can offensively do in Saudi against their government.

1- They would not blink once to crush an attempted revolt as they have done in the past.

2- They are neck-deep in money so they can call in whatever global favours they want.

3- If they're pushed to the limit, they have a really mean arsenal of weapons, courtesy its powerful allies.

4- Even if they're not able to completely fight, US will send its own military in support of Saudi.

So there's nothing much that currently many of those dissatisfied from the KSA king can do anything about it.

Hellz no! The US was bugged by the GCC military action in Bahrain! We don't really need anyone's help mann, you will want to check out our armed forces thread. :azn:

Exactly as I thought, Joke-TV:lol:

Bullsh!t TV
Some people are very hostile to us :coffee:

Yes, and some people are very hostile to us too. :)

I have not seen any one posting news about iran... your wish is not necessary.

Actually, your own press is just filling you with hate, using the name of US.. . who actually has never harmed you.

Ground reality is US has won you Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia and almost Egypt too.

With all due respect, you have absolutely no idea about what's going on in this forum if you think no one posts news about Iran. That was the last thing I expected anyone here to say.
Please don't post such news about Saudi Arabia, just like we want them no to do it about Iran.

These threads never ever reach anywhere.

I have not seen any one posting news about iran... your wish is not necessary.

Actually, your own press is just filling you with hate, using the name of US.. . who actually has never harmed you.

Ground reality is US has won you Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia and almost Egypt too.
"Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters"
Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:0PM

Saudi Arabia funding unrest in Middle East.
PressTV - Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters: Analyst

while i'm willing to believe elements in the Saudi government are sponsoring terrorism, i'm certainly not willing to believe they do this 'on US orders', but rather from their own misguided attempts to spread their version of Islam to the rest of the middle east, and to gain political influence power outside their borders.

and please have a look at https://www.google.nl/search?q=iran+sponsor+terrorism , to see that Iran also appears to sponsor terrorism.
fix yourselves before you try to fix others.
and please have a look at https://www.google.nl/search?q=iran+sponsor+terrorism , to see that Iran also appears to sponsor terrorism.
fix yourselves before you try to fix others.

Only our enemies US and their lapdogs have accused Iran (they call the Iranian-backed party Hezbollah who is fighting against a land-grabber a terrorist group, which is just BS), while US herself has supported terrorism and armed terrorists against Iran (Jundallah, MeK).
Only our enemies US and their lapdogs have accused Iran (they call the Iranian-backed party Hezbollah who is fighting against a land-grabber a terrorist group, which is just BS), while US herself has supported terrorism and armed terrorists against Iran (Jundallah, MeK).

And only Iran and their extremist islamic friends have accused the US and Israel of terrorism..
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