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Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters: Analyst

And only Iran and their extremist islamic friends have accused the US and Israel of terrorism..


Rigi himself admitted that US wanted to send financial and military aid. (http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/20...tended-to-undercut-support-for-obama-in-iran/)

Iran has been critical of the U.S. and U.K. governments for allegedly supporting Jundallah. Several other sources such as the ABC News, Daily Telegraph, and journalist Seymour Hersh have also reported that Jundullah has received support from the United States against Iran.[21][22][23][24]
(Jundallah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Iraq was put in the list of terrorist states by US. However, during Iran-Iraq War, Americans removed Iraq from that list and supported Iraq. So technically US even supported a country which she herself considered it terrorist. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_support_for_Iraq_during_the_Iran–Iraq_war)
Why doesn't Saudi Arabia and Iran nuke each other off then no one will be hearing any fight

Rigi himself admitted that US wanted to send financial and military aid. (http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/20...tended-to-undercut-support-for-obama-in-iran/)


(Jundallah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Iraq was put in the list of terrorist states by US. However, during Iran-Iraq War, Americans removed Iraq from that list and supported Iraq. So technically US even supported a country which she herself considered it terrorist. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_support_for_Iraq_during_the_Iran–Iraq_war)

well i'll accept both sides support terrorism then, and I don't agree with either side doing so.

the next question would be who started the use of terrorism. do you have any evidence to show that was the US rather than the middle eastern countries?

i think it started perhaps here;
The 1973 oil crisis started in October 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries or the OAPEC (consisting of the Arab members of OPEC, plus Egypt, Syria and Tunisia) proclaimed an oil embargo.

That year, Egypt and Syria, with the support of other Arab nations, launched a surprise attack on Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. Israel went on full nuclear alert, loading warheads into planes and long-range missiles.[1] The United States chose to re-supply Israel with arms and in response, OAPEC decided to retaliate against the United States, announcing an oil embargo.[2] It lasted until March 1974.[3]

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think this makes it clear that it was muslims who were the first to use aggression, and escalate the conflict between the west and muslims, several times in a row. I'd like to hear your response to this.
Why doesn't Saudi Arabia and Iran nuke each other off then no one will be hearing any fight

The fight is not between Iran and Saudi Arabia bro. The fight is between free and independent nations and the two-headed beast of Israeli-Western financial and political interests.

I think this makes it clear that it was muslims who were the first to use aggression, and escalate the conflict between the west and muslims, several times in a row. I'd like to hear your response to this.

If you are not going to consider Israel an illegal state (which I'm not agree with), then you're true.
If you are not going to consider Israel an illegal state (which I'm not agree with), then you're true.

I don't consider Israel an illegal state, because the creation of Israel was sanctioned by the UN and because the Israelis have a Bible that says they can have that specific piece of land. If muslims want their Quran respected by other religions, muslims should respect what other Bibles than their own say is the word of God/Allah. And there are enough admissions by muslims that Allah(=God) had other Prophets before Mohammed (peace be onto him), and that these are valid Prophets.
I really think Judaism, Christianity and Islam at least worship the same God, who for some reason chose to work by different names in different regions in different eras.
I don't consider Israel an illegal state, because the creation of Israel was sanctioned by the UN and because the Israelis have a Bible that says they can have that specific piece of land. If muslims want their Quran respected by other religions, muslims should respect what other Bibles than their own say is the word of God/Allah. And there are enough admissions by muslims that Allah(=God) had other Prophets before Mohammed (peace be onto him), and that these are valid Prophets.
I really think Judaism, Christianity and Islam at least worship the same God, who for some reason chose to work by different names in different regions in different eras.

I also have a religion which has a Bible that says Netherlands is my land. What do you think? May I grab your land and slaughter your people?

There's no problem with Jewish faith btw, but the Zionism ideology (many of these Zionists are not even Jewish).
I also have a religion which has a Bible that says Netherlands is my land. What do you think?

Are you refering to the Quran's instructions to make Islam the only religion on Earth perhaps?

There's no problem with Jewish faith btw, but the Zionism ideology (many of these Zionists are not even Jewish).

Well, too many Quran versions still instruct muslims to kill any and all jews they find.
Are you refering to the Quran's instructions to make Islam the only religion on Earth perhaps?

Well, too many Quran versions still instruct muslims to kill any and all jews they find.

Can you show me the version of Quran that you are reading please?
Iran due to its own follies has fallen out of favour with international community now they are resorting to blame games to makes themselves look good in the mirror..fix your own act first...Iran is becoming like 1990's Saudi Arabia with mullah interfering in every walk of life.
one doesnt have to be an analyst to know this, this is the fact
impatiently waiting for chicken to go home to Saudia...inshallah soon
you don't need Press TV, this report is obvious, and Saudi "Arabia" have been trying to please its masters since it was Al Saud got in power...
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