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Saudi Arabia destabilizing Mideast to please its masters: Analyst

Those verses have been taken out of their context.

ok, then what is their proper context?

but to get back to this:
I also have a religion which has a Bible that says Netherlands is my land. What do you think? May I grab your land and slaughter your people?

what Bible are you referring to, and what section of that Bible?
ok, then what is their proper context?
That's a long story
but to get back to this:

what Bible are you referring to, and what section of that Bible?

I'm refering to The Takaavar's Bible, Book of the Netherlands, verse 123.5 to be exact (that doesn't matter really though, you just imagine that I have such belief)
Why assert religion in everything bro? KSA along with other Arab oil-producers were forced to retaliate against the US decision to re-supply the Israelis with weapons, everything will come at a price, but the price was heavy.

Religion had nothing to do with it though.

i think it started perhaps here;

I think this makes it clear that it was muslims who were the first to use aggression, and escalate the conflict between the west and muslims, several times in a row. I'd like to hear your response to this.

I don't have anything against Israel either, but its Gov't.

But, let's ask ourselves two questions.

1- How gave the UN or the UK the right to divide someone else's land?
2- Why do I have to support someone because his " God " gave him the land? Even though it was mentioned in someone's book :what: why should I? If we are going to apply the same standards then we will want to give the US back to Indian Americans and so on :lol:

I don't consider Israel an illegal state, because the creation of Israel was sanctioned by the UN and because the Israelis have a Bible that says they can have that specific piece of land. If muslims want their Quran respected by other religions, muslims should respect what other Bibles than their own say is the word of God/Allah. And there are enough admissions by muslims that Allah(=God) had other Prophets before Mohammed (peace be onto him), and that these are valid Prophets.
Hellz no! The US was bugged by the GCC military action in Bahrain! We don't really need anyone's help mann, you will want to check out our armed forces thread. :azn:

Mate, I am talking about a war of attrition. Iran has a lot of resources to prolong conventional wars and is really good at it. They've stretched wars for almost a decade.

While they have a poor air force, their strategy is based on tactical missiles; thousands of them due to being cost effective. They would blanket their entire terrain with cheaper SAMs and SSMs which could be a serious.

Also, they have a massive ground force, capable of infiltrating enemy ranks and assaulting ground support units of RSAF; you know.. high-speed sabotage attacks.

There is very limited possibility of an air confrontation between RSAF and IRIAF if at all a war happens which I am sure it won't.

The theatre of war would be confined to the seas in the Gulf region while major action could be between the armoured units of you and them.

Although for the sake of oil prices, I pray that you both don't clash.

Otherwise I will have to pull a yak cart all the way upto the nearest city with an airport here. :P
Why assert religion in everything bro? KSA along with other Arab oil-producers were forced to retaliate against the US decision to re-supply the Israelis with weapons, everything will come at a price, but the price was heavy.

Well apparently it was muslim religious fundamentalists that forced the oil-producers to hike prices that much at that time.

I don't have anything against Israel either, but its Gov't.

yea, I don't always see eye to eye with the Israeli govt. either..

But, let's ask ourselves two questions.

1- How gave the UN or the UK the right to divide someone else's land?

I know, the same can be said about pretty much all the borders in the middle east and africa.. :(

2- Why do I have to support someone because his " God " gave him the land? Even though it was mentioned in someone's book :what: why should I? If we are going to apply the same standards then we will want to give the US back to Indian Americans and so on :lol:

i'll let my original argument thereto stand; if muslims want their quran respected by other cultures, muslims should also respect the other bibles out there, and what they say is the will of our shared God.
Point taken.

Only this : -
Well apparently it was muslim religious fundamentalists that forced the oil-producers to hike prices that much at that time.

No, the oil market was stable back then, but I'm guessing you are referring to the Iranian revolution impact on the oil market, which eventually led to the jump up of oil prices.
Destabilizing? How exactly? Al-Assad started the massacre against some specific people after Saudi Forces went to aid of Bahrain's government to take control of riots. Pakistani forces also went into Bahrain. After butcher Assad started to kill his people, an rebellion was formed with alliance with Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They're doing a good job by helping the oppressed.

As for PressTV, it should be banned on this forum for war mongering and providing false facts and analysis.
Point taken.

Only this : -

No, the oil market was stable back then, but I'm guessing you are referring to the Iranian revolution impact on the oil market, which eventually led to the jump up of oil prices.

I was referring to the Saudi wahabis. At least thats who I heard were behind it.
I was referring to the Saudi wahabis. At least thats who I heard were behind it.

No, it was King Faisal's choice. He wasn't a Salafist though.

Destabilizing? How exactly? Al-Assad started the massacre against some specific people after Saudi Forces went to aid of Bahrain's government to take control of riots. Pakistani forces also went into Bahrain. After butcher Assad started to kill his people, an rebellion was formed with alliance with Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They're doing a good job by helping the oppressed.

As for PressTV, it should be banned on this forum for war mongering and providing false facts and analysis.

No body gives a rat about PressTV :lol:
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