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Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists

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What an utter nonsense. Saudi Arabia has not issued any statement nor passed any laws in regard to atheism. Anyone claiming so should provide the official announcement made by Saudi Arabia and put it forward. Saudi Arabia should sue those media outlets for inventing lies and spreading false news.

I long ago stopped to take anything seriously in that department. I am yet to see any serious news from those stupid British tabloids concerning KSA. All of it are half-truths and sensationalist nonsense. It's embarrassing really. They always like to report the most empty-headed and extreme news that more often than not has no say on earth.

We won two cases recently. One led by the MoI against the Guardian, while the other came against the Dailymail, and an Ethiopian Saudi-wannabe woman.

Yeah. I recall the nonsense in the foreign media of "peaceful" Ethiopians being killed in the dozens and false ancient videos not from KSA circulating.

Is the Burj al Mumlakah still under construction?

No, it's finished. What is under construction is the KAFD. King Abdullah Financial District.;)
I think the named the wrong one, I mean the Mile High Tower I think. The 1km tall building?

Very sad picture....... Kabe shouldn't have been over-shadowed by that tower. This type of layout decreases the significance of the building. (Not in a religious way.)

There should have been a ratio related by the distance to Kabe and height of the buildings. Near by buildings should have been short and by getting far from Kabe higher buildings should have been permitted.

Let me give you an example.


This is Atatürk's moselum. No buildings in certain range can be build higher than 3 storeys. So we can see the tomb from many parts of Ankara.

This is happening because you're becoming a victim of your own policy, KSA will be de-legitimized and soon they will export 'democracy' to you. :lol:

This is why I said its better sooner than later to prepare for this and join the right forces.

This is happening because you're becoming a victim of your own policy, KSA will be de-legitimized and soon they will export 'democracy' to you. :lol:

This is why I said its better sooner than later to prepare for this and join the right forces.

Nobody cares about those useless tabloid papers. Nobody reads them in KSA. They have been writing the same nonsense for the past 40 years or so. One can only laugh and brush it aside.
Nobody cares about those useless tabloid papers. Nobody reads them in KSA. They have been writing the same nonsense for the past 40 years or so. One can only laugh and brush it aside.

You think it's only Britain? These similar articles appear all over American conservative media and most people here have huge stereotypes against Saudi Arabia. This means elements in the media have something against Saudi Arabia which means wealthy people are up to something which then means this is some kind of scheme. Or it's just typical anti religion media, however, I've been seeing things unrelated to religion that bash Saudi Arabia. It is growing by the day which makes me worried, I have not trust in these people who control the world. Your nation can choose its path, honestly though I believe you've been in the wrong direction and are starting to realize it.
You think it's only Britain? These similar articles appear all over American conservative media and most people here have huge stereotypes against Saudi Arabia. This means elements in the media have something against Saudi Arabia which means wealthy people are up to something which then means this is some kind of scheme. Or it's just typical anti religion media, however, I've been seeing things unrelated to religion that bash Saudi Arabia. It is growing by the day which makes me worried, I have not trust in these people who control the world. Your nation can choose its path, honestly though I believe you've been in the wrong direction and are starting to realize it.

Don't really care about ignorants. Just look at this thread alone. Fools think that the expansion project is finished while it has just begun nor have they any idea how it will look like in the end and that the Abrait Al-Bait is not going to stand alone. All that despite me linking to a thread I made on this issue with several updates.

Besides it's not different from what they write about every Muslim country and every non-Western country. Today it is Russia, tomorrow China, next weak KSA, in a few months Iraq and at the end of the year Indonesia, every second day it is Pakistan and Afghanistan etc. Forgot 99,9% of all Muslim and non-Western countries.:lol:

Just look at my previous posts to our resident Bengali low IQ clown:

There is. Makkah is just the hottest city in KSA and surrounded by mountains which gives it a warmer climate than average in Hijaz due to the effects of the mountains and it's also located far enough away from the beautiful Red Sea (80 km) for that not to have an effect climate wise. Mainly due to the sheltering effect of the mountains.

That's how the terrain looks likes a few km outside of Makkah.





For more photos below:

The Mountains of Makkah | NidalM Photography

A tour of parts of Makkah:

And this is how it looks a bit further away from Makkah.



Hijaz is one of the most beautiful places in the ME and world. It has everything. A nearly 1500 km long beautiful tropical coastline alongside the Red Sea which has the second biggest coral reef after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, several beautiful and tall mountain ranges, ancient cities, artifacts, modern cities, volcanic areas, beautiful lowlands and deserts, highlands, tropical areas, forests, beautiful tropical beaches and hundreds of islands outside of the coast. Well outside of Makkah and Madinah obviously.

Soon to be also the highest skyscraper and a few of the biggest and most modern industrial cities. :yay:

Speaking about falcons then Hijaz also has one of the best areas in the ME for falconry.

Did I mention the phenomenal weather all year around? When it gets too hot during the summer you just go and visit the many big mountain cities or hundreds of mountain villages located at over 2000 meters altitude to cool off or you take a trip to the Red Sea to do some diving.

Imagine if certain laws were changed which is inevitable.

It's a blessed and ancient land and the land of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and all the Prophets before him and we are very proud to inhabit it as we have done for thousands of years.

So keep spreading nonsense for all we care. :lol:
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