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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

I don't think it's that serious. There will still be dialogue when needed by intermediaries just like there always was between Israel and Arabs.

The UK broke all relations with Iran after the storming of their embassy. 4 years later they're best friends again signing business deals.

The Iranians and Saudis are both fanatics. I agree with your other post completely though, where you said the common Iranian civilian/population is less radical/extremists than the average Saudis, meanwhile the Iranian regime openly finances/supports terrorism while this is less so for the Saudi monarchy(where it's mostly radical Islamic clerics/imams and influential citizens who are fanatics and sponsoring terrorist groups like ISIS/AlQaeda which the regime itself considers as threats and tries to crack down on).

Its also for this reason that you see some radical Iranians(the vast majority are less radical/fanatic) acting like fools by ransacking/attacking/burning/looting any foreign embassy they might have disagreements/conflict with, like they did with Britain, U.S, and now KSA etc. The government indirectly encourages this, so it can score more political points/legitimacy and let the people express their anger. Only a foolish barbarian regime will keep allowing its people loot/attack foreign embassies every time they have any issues/conflict with a certain country. It's barbaric and foolish.

So i do agree that the Iranian regime is far more prolific in sponsoring terrorism globally than the Saudi dictatorial conservative monarchy. Both are the different faces of the same coin. They both execute any political dissidents/activists and religious protesters(Iran surprisingly executes even more. lol). In short no matter how we look at it: NONE OF THEM IS ANY BETTER TO BE HONEST, AND THEY ARE BOTH VERY DANGEROUS REGIMES FOR THE REGION.:agree:





Iran Orchestrates Attacks on British Embassy Compounds in Tehran



Iranian students climb over the wall of the US embassy in Tehran where they stormed and ransacked the building and took U.S consulate staffs hostage

Charge d'affaires of the US Embassy and Hostage in Iran


Lol @mikey is back i can see you lurking around here. :D

ahahahahahahahahahah.....................So you have been looking for me huh..??:ph34r:
What else one expect after seeing the reaction of Iran on executions.
The Iranians and Saudis are both fanatics. I agree with your other post completely though, where you said the common Iranian civilian/population is less radical/extremists than the average Saudis, meanwhile the Iranian regime openly finances/supports terrorism while this is less so for the Saudi monarchy(where it's mostly radical Islamic clerics/imams and influential citizens who are fanatics and sponsoring terrorist groups like ISIS/AlQaeda which the regime itself considers as threats and tries to crack down on).

Its also for this reason that you see some radical Iranians(the vast majority are less radical/fanatic) acting like fools by ransacking/attacking/burning/looting any foreign embassy they might have disagreements/conflict with, like they did with Britain, U.S, and now KSA etc. The government indirectly encourages this, so it can score more political points/legitimacy and let the people express their anger. Only a foolish barbarian regime will keep allowing its people loot/attack foreign embassies every time they have any issues/conflict with a certain country. It's barbaric and foolish.

So i do agree that the Iranian regime is far more prolific in sponsoring terrorism globally than the Saudi dictatorial conservative monarchy. Both are the different faces of the same coin. They both execute any political dissidents/activists and religious protesters(Iran surprisingly executes even more. lol). In short no matter how we look at it: NONE OF THEM IS ANY BETTER TO BE HONEST, AND THEY ARE BOTH VERY DANGEROUS REGIMES FOR THE REGION.:agree:





Iran Orchestrates Attacks on British Embassy Compounds in Tehran



Iranian students climb over the wall of the US embassy in Tehran where they stormed and ransacked the building and took U.S consulate staffs hostage

Charge d'affaires of the US Embassy and Hostage in Iran


ahahahahahahahahahah.....................So you have been looking for me huh..??:ph34r:
mike u forgot this one

Yes, Iran is such a superpower that they are behind KSA on almost every front be it overall state economy, the wealth of its citizens, military, security, HDI, happiness etc. if we are to trust objective international data and economic data. There is really no comparison.

If you knew anything about the Middle East you would know that Iran is much more dependent on the GCC than vice versa. GCC is hosting the largest Iranian diaspora in the world and Iran's largest trading partner is the UAE. In return no GCC country has Iran as their biggest trading partner (nobody is even close to that) nor do any GCC citizens live in Iran let alone 1 million as the other way around.

The trade is very one-sided and in favor of GCC. KSA and other GCC countries cutting ties with Iran (as they did not Iran) will have no impact on them. The impact will be bigger the other way around.

Please educate yourself on the topic before you comment. This way debates will be better.

Iran used Dubai as a trading hub for its products. The benefit is both sided. Do you think Dubai was trading with Iran for charity? No, both sides benefit and both sides will lose. But logically, Iran will lose LESS, because Iran could use another country to move is good from (such as Oman) while Dubai won't be able to find a replacement for Iranian destined goods.

At the end, both will lose, but both will survive.

The Iranian diaspora will lose out if they are kicked out but that doesn't harm the country itself.
Our mediator role didnt work well in the past you should know it better. :D

Iran said willing to mediate between Russia and Turkey, and now Russia wants to mediate between Iran and Saudi, and tomorrow Turkey will want to mediate between Russia and Saudi or something. Everyone wants to mediate!
ahahahahahahahahahah.....................So you have been looking for me huh..??:ph34r:
Just saw your name below. What happened why was you banned? It was surprising since your posts are usually good, havent seen you trolling or insulting either.

Turkey will want to mediate between Russia and Saudi or something.
Lol how is that gonna happen? :D

to be a mediator , you must be neutral , and right now I only knew one neutral country in middle east.
Let me guess, its Iran? :)
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