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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

Im guessing this will blow over in a couple of months. Wait a minute, this is the Middle East. I meant a couple of decades. :lol:
Actual Barbarians are you people. Why do you people each time act like a bloody hypocrites ??? Why do you blame on others for the idiotic mistakes you people do??? I feel like replying to a looser

I'm not Muslim neither from the region.....now STFU irrelevant cow worshipper

This has nothing to do with Arabs. It's a few Bedouins in KSA who eat this as it is considered as a delicacy. Ordinary people don't eat it at all. Lizard meat is nothing compared to what 1.2 billion Chinese eat, what many Southeast Asians eat, what over 1 billion Africans eat, South Americans and even some people in Europe (French are famous for eating snails, frogs and what not) etc. The list is endless.

Arab food is world famous for its good taste and diversity. Every capital on the planet has Arab food available.

I am sure that Iranians have their share of strange dishes. If not they can take pride in having the highest amount of drug addicts on the planet.

Bild is a sensationalist newspaper. They are barking about Iran, Turkey and every ME country as well in case you do not know. Egypt too. It's like The Sun in England. It's not a serious media. Only their sports section is good.
I'll be more happier if it would happen ... as if we care to have relations with a kingdom ruled by sperm and without constitution ...
Attack embassies
Blabber about constitutions

You're 100 years too early to talk about anything remotely civilized, phone thief.
I'll be more happier if it would happen ... as if we care to have relations with a kingdom ruled by sperm and without constitution ...

Did you guys not already ban yourself from visiting Makkah and Madinah for Hajj and Umrah because you claimed that KSA had killed 500 of your pilgrims?

Anyway this will just mean more pilgrims from other countries. Millions are wanting for this opportunity each year. It's no problem for KSA if that's what you think.

Also I thought that it was a obligation for every Muslim to perform Hajj at least once during a lifetime if one is healthy and can afford it. I also thought that pilgrims visiting Makkah and Madinah do it because they want to visit the holy sites and not everything else. Those pilgrims cannot travel freely in KSA or outside of those cities anyway.

KSA have a constitution. It's the Holy Qur'an. Aside from that there is the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia.

Are most of the laws in Iran not based on the Qur'an and similar laws as the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia? Last time I saw this was the case.

Also last time I saw the Supreme Leader of Iran (equivalent of the King of Saudi Arabia) has to be a Sayyid and thus of Arab descent to rule Iran. You also have to be a Shia.
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Attack embassies
Blabber about constitutions

You're 100 years too early to talk about anything remotely civilized, phone thief.

Ok you are right I almost forgot that Saudi is cradle of civilization ...
Also last time I saw the Supreme Leader of Iran (equivalent of the King of Saudi Arabia) has to be a Sayyid and thus of Arab descent to rule Iran. You also have to be a Shia.

So talk about sperm.
it's the first time I've head that Supreme leader of Iran must be a Seyyed !!!!
I wonder whats your source on that .

and sadly I must disappoint you ,there is no law of Sperm on this matter.
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