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Saudi Arabia apologises over beheading: Indonesia

i hope both pakistan and india also bans it!

and i especially hope pakistan draws a line in it's friendship with saudi arabia, no matter what!

aefhgfkjog<aw fo!ARghduioaw3rf

i hate that country to death, wish someone could blow those idiots back to the rattholes they deserve to live in!

We dont send women to work as mades or Secretaries in other countries like indonesia,india,sri lanka or bangladesh.

Most of our "workers" n are all skilled hands............ while the other category is of buisnessmen........ legit n the majority illegal ---- black money.
when you kill someone you get killed .. that is the country's rules for ages . Everyone knows Sharia is our way of justice so if you do not like it simply do not come to Saudi or at least dont break anyone's skull with a Chopper knife .. end of discussion .

Sharia is the way of justice if your a poor indonesian maid raped and tortured by your owner who tries to escape.

Ofcourse if your a rich prince you booze up at wild parties break all the laws you like and no one touches you.

If Sharia applied to everyone equally a beheading would be bad enough but when harsh punishments are only for the poor, women and non-arabs it is not not Sharia it is coruption hiding under a facade of Islam like a terrorist running away under a burka.
Sharia is the way of justice if your a poor indonesian maid raped and tortured by your owner who tries to escape.

Ofcourse if your a rich prince you booze up at wild parties break all the laws you like and no one touches you.

If Sharia applied to everyone equally a beheading would be bad enough but when harsh punishments are only for the poor, women and non-arabs it is not not Sharia it is coruption hiding under a facade of Islam like a terrorist running away under a burka.

Dont blame the law! Blame those who implement it wrongly to save their own.
OK, obviously killing her employer is wrong and maybe the ruling is death penalty for contemplated murder.

But what about laws on maid abuse? Or not paying their salaries on time and so on? Shouldn't the maid have a grievance mechanism to whom she can complain for the abuse and the Saudi govt. then fines, imprisons or does public lashing of the owners for torturing the maid.

I don't agree with trashing an entire people for actions of a few. Its not fair on the many Saudis who are good to their employees and maids e.t.c.

But until KSA gets their laws right and starts enforcing basic rights of the poorest section of the society which are foreign workers as maid e.t.c and gets a better Judicial system where the victims and the alleged perpetrators have translators and full counsel to fight their cases, this will always be a black mark.

The apology is the first step, lets hope that this leads to a whole revamp of the labour visa rules and some stricter rules on who can hire maids and who can't.
Why do u guys send your women to these countries when u know how they are treated?

Ur govts should have some shame!
Dont blame the law! Blame those who implement it wrongly to save their own.

Thats the point im not blaming the law, though i think its time we moved beyond stoning and beheading, in too many arab countries not just saudi the poor get punishment the rich get away with treating people like dirt.

Time all countries baned this psudo slavery of their people.
Thats the point im not blaming the law, though i think its time we moved beyond stoning and beheading, in too many arab countries not just saudi the poor get punishment the rich get away with treating people like dirt.

Time all countries baned this psudo slavery of their people.

There are so many muslim countries, but how come soudis only implement sharia law like this and others dont. Time for arabs to learn from turks/persians perhaps, and not follow a book by letter like dumb.
We dont send women to work as mades or Secretaries in other countries like indonesia,india,sri lanka or bangladesh.

Most of our "workers" n are all skilled hands............ while the other category is of buisnessmen........ legit n the majority illegal ---- black money.

well, since pakistan is a democracy it should show the world that even they can draw lines when it comes to a country like saudi arabia! a monarchy of the worst sorts! i didnt say you send people to work there, i said you should minimalize the friendship and cooperation between you and saudi so that the all mighty USA can see that what they are doing is wrong!
How many centuries it took for dungeon infested countries to change it ? :)

btw i would say a death penalty is a death be it by any means.

I wasn't going to reply, but your position is so ridiculous, I couldn't resist.

You, Jana, are going to be executed by some hostile State. The executioner gives you a choice.

"Jana, you must pick one method...

1) We will put you to sleep with an anaesthetic, then stop your heart with potassium chloride. Or...

2) Our expert torturer will flay you alive. You will then be suspended above a vat of acid, and slowly lowered into it. After the acid has melted your feet, the torturer will pluck your eyes out, then use a propane torch to cauterize. Next, your hands will be immersed in boiling oil. After that, what's left will be burnt alive.

See the difference?

Yes, the means of execution DOES matter. If a State is going to execute, then it should be done quickly and cleanly.
There are so many muslim countries, but how come soudis only implement sharia law like this and others dont. Time for arabs to learn from turks/persians perhaps, and not follow a book by letter like dumb.

Turkey ...Yes

Iran........No, they are still stoning women to death for adultery, inspite of sending satellite to space.
when you kill someone you get killed .. that is the country's rules for ages . Everyone knows Sharia is our way of justice so if you do not like it simply do not come to Saudi or at least dont break anyone's skull with a Chopper knife .. end of discussion .

Sharia always will be there in our land .. you have no right to tell us whats right and whats wrong . and if theres going to be a change it wont be thank to you .. change do not come from the outside its from the inside .

One more thing .. the Indonesian govt is complaining about not receiving any information about the date of executing not the executing itself .. so whats that all about ?

Even in Self-Defence?
one simply cannot explain away saudis' discrimination and abuse and contempt for fellow muslims from other countries with politics and economics.

there are similar disparity of economic wealth between an average hong konger and an average philippino; the gap of political and military might of china and philippines is a lot bigger than that between saudi arabia and pakistan and bangladesh and indonesia? if saudis can treat their co-religious with half of the kindness and dignity with which hong kongers treat the imported philippino maids, it is not because of politics or economics or law.
when people abuse other human beings, it is usually because they are not good people. saudis are not good people, and this evil starts first and foremost with their monarchs who never taught their subjects anything except to turn each and every other person into a master (if he is anglo-american or jew) or a slave (if he is a fellow muslim)

again, it is high time for saudis to reflect on their ways, and they should start by beheading their kings
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