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Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

Dude, you're so intellectually deficient that it's almost impossible to get the simplest of facts across to you, let alone arguing the finer points of strategy..... ....predicting anything beyond your nose, isn't your forte.......... continue with your ramblings and rants, maybe in members section.......

You have no counter argument and i/o accepting wholeheartedly just beating around the bush.

This post would be incomplete, without me calling you a wannabe Arbeee...... I bet you also have one of them "Al-Bakistan" number plates on your tricycle! :cheesy:

Just like random poor kids on the street, whenever went speechless, comes down to abusing and name calling....keep it up.

Lolzz....save your country first from terrorism and Indian bully. China already has reservation with Pakistan after muslim uprising in China. Be Pakistani first....Sindhi already threatening the state confederation , MQM asking for separate region, Afghanistan claiming Peshwar and Quetta, Baluch has uprising ......and on top foreign funded terrorism ..............you guys really in your senses ......sacrificing Pakistan for others. India is riding on the moon, we still following cave dwellers .....

Saving Allies......Saving Pakistan!!
You have the right to your own opinion but not your own facts.
Those are facts. None of the Arabs air forces are experienced enough to conduct extremely precise strike, and the only experienced Egypt, does have not possess the necessary technology in her crafts to conduct these type of raids.
Israel also lost about 20 advisors to the Sauds in the first Yemeni scud strike on that airbase that I montioned previously.
Pakistan iran ki tarah apni derh inch ki masjid na banae tou hi behter hai.

Pakistan will not risk its relations with Arab world for iran. It will be stupidity. India will exploit it just like Modi did in UAE visit. GCC may have expelled few hundreds shias but have taken hundreds of thousands of Pakistani shias. So, it would be better that if some sensitive folks over here calm down and end their blind love for Iran just because they share same sect.

I have nothing against shias. My teacher was shia and i have shia friends. Intelligent and peace loving people like rest of Pakistani shias. Pakistani shias need to stand with their own country not with Iran.
Shias in Pakistan will pick Pakistan over Iran and it's ayatollah, any time.

Lolzz....save your country first from terrorism and Indian bully. China already has reservation with Pakistan after muslim uprising in China. Be Pakistani first....Sindhi already threatening the state confederation , MQM asking for separate region, Afghanistan claiming Peshwar and Quetta, Baluch has uprising ......and on top foreign funded terrorism ..............you guys really in your senses ......sacrificing Pakistan for others. India is riding on the moon, we still following cave dwellers .....
Are you retarded or are you a false flagger? Terrorism is near dead, the last terrorists are hiding in Shawal valley, an area surrounded and being pounded by the military, Sindhis nor MQM are demanding a seperate "region"; they asked for another province for better maintenance, let Afghanistan claim whatever the hell they want - it doesnt and will never effect us, Baluch "uprising" is hated throughout Balochistan and hundreds of them surrendered throughout this year alone - they now number in less than 200 and are hiding in mountain caves. Dont even compare India to Pakistan, we are atleast a decade ahead of them - this isnt a bollywood movie - 60% of the Indian populate defecates on the ground and your telling me India is "riding on the moon".
First of all u compare field uniform with parade uniform. Here Jordanian king in field uniform:



This guy is like 3/4 White...
Egypt is for the money...She is more show and tell force to please the masses than a fighting force. While other forces in the area evolved with a constant mutating threats, Egypt armed forces are still in the Stalinian era.

Bullshit again...as usual.
Egypt is the country that helped you to be a free country and tried to free you from your French slavery and attacked by 3 countries as a result of that....(England,France and Israel).....all of that is for free as you know.
Mind your own pussy Army that afraid of fighting daesh on your borders.
The one that kept you from being force fed by Ariel Sharon..
We saw your dinosaure against daesh in Sinai and in Dara..a comedy of the century.
And we saw them to against the poor mexican tourist that were straffed for five hours...and thankfully, your army was so well trained , that most of them survived.
And because of the superior capability of your army that UAE and the Sauds paid dearly for her contribution in Yemen, the results of her participation is overwhelming counting all the banana trucks, the cows, the chickens, the goats , the water bottles that were decimated by the EAF...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh great - War on Terror Season 2 new actors and new allies..I think its time to move to Papua New Guinea.. They don't have these kinds of problems there!
Papua New Guinea, the minute the Sauds will be able to locate her, she will be in the coalition.
The statement has mentioned Afghanistan as an area of interest. A muslim coalition is an ideal replacement for ISAF forces since Afghanistan is a conservative country & will view it with less resentment.This is ideal to crush rise of IS in Afghanistan .
Pakistan has been proposing a military block since ages .. Be it the OIC summit from the sixties or 21st century:


Pakistan proposes to create a military block of Islamic states

1. With Algeria, Oman, Iran and Indonesia absent, this does look suspicious in true intent.
2. Any meaningful military bloc of the Muslim nations ought to be led either by Turkey or Pakistan. These are the leading Muslim nations having A grade professional military. After them comes BD, Indonesia and Egypt.
The statement has mentioned Afghanistan as an area of interest. A muslim coalition is an ideal replacement for ISAF forces since Afghanistan is a conservative country & will view it with less resentment.This is ideal to crush rise of IS in Afghanistan .

These ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Talibans in Afghanistan are mostly funded and supplied through Pakistan. It is about time ISI and Pakistan Army cut off supplies to them.
Listen bro I have nothing about Pakestan and Turkey but if those Kids don't know shit about The Egyptian Army and it's cabalities ,please help me to shut them up.

If you read my words clearly I said 'not self sufficient'. In other words, when there is a war and these countries loose their stockpile of weapons, they'll need to go back to Uncle Sam to gain approval for more and god knows the amount of strings and price that will be attached to them and the amount of time it will take for delivery, no mater how big the goodies are.

Its a terrible process. Pakistan was faced with sanctions in the 90s when it conducted its nuclear weapons tests and with war looming with India, we had to go for a complete overhaul of our defence industry. Today we don't need to rely on the West anymore. Our scientists and engineers are able to fulfill most of our needs.
Ok lets assume India attacks Pakistan tomorrow, will the 34 country coalition act just as NATO would or Pakistan would be left to defend alone as always has been the case?
Bhawawawawawwawawawa...... now this is the right question............. you guess who'll be there to protect us - the ones who can't fight third rate rebels in Yemen or the ones who don't know the ABC of proxy war fighting in Syria? :D

Ok lets assume India attacks Pakistan tomorrow, will the 34 country coalition act just as NATO would or Pakistan would be left to defend alone as always has been the case?
If you read my words clearly I said 'not self sufficient'. In other words, when there is a war and these countries loose their stockpile of weapons, they'll need to go back to Uncle Sam to gain approval for more and god knows the amount of strings and price that will be attached to them and the amount of time it will take for delivery, no mater how big the goodies are.

Its a terrible process. Pakistan was faced with sanctions in the 90s when it conducted its nuclear weapons tests and with war looming with India, we had to go for a complete overhaul of our defence industry. Today we don't need to rely on the West anymore. Our scientists and engineers are able to fulfill most of our needs.
Also we faced that just 2 years ago...after the revolution US and the west stopped its military supplies to Egypt as for Egypt diversified its military equipment sources and some of the imported equipment domestically manufactured...like some parts of the Egyptian armed vehicle Faahd.
BTW neither Pakistan nor Turkey can 100% self sufficient.

The one that kept you from being force fed by Ariel Sharon..
We saw your dinosaure against daesh in Sinai and in Dara..a comedy of the century.
And we saw them to against the poor mexican tourist that were straffed for five hours...and thankfully, your army was so well trained , that most of them survived.
And because of the superior capability of your army that UAE and the Sauds paid dearly for her contribution in Yemen, the results of her participation is overwhelming counting all the banana trucks, the cows, the chickens, the goats , the water bottles that were decimated by the EAF...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Papua New Guinea, the minute the Sauds will be able to locate her, she will be in the coalition.
Bullshit again ....not surprised...you people still telling your kids Arel Sharoon story:victory::victory:
about terrorists groups that are in your homeland for a decade they still have their pussies or sold them to the takferi groups as well.

*Egypt ground forces training is as good as our.
*Egypt airforce is better than Pakistan and in near future will be better in all aspects
*Egyptian navy is slightly weaker compared to Pakistan navy
Totally agree +
Air defense systems Egypt is better.
Missiles (cruise and ballistic) Pakistan is better.
As for Navi..within 4 years Egypt will has operationally
1 Fremme Frigate
4 Gowind corvettes
2 Mistrals
4 type209/1400 subs
K-52 naval
4 Ambassador MKIII missile boat
I don't know about future Pakistani naval programs...if you have any thing to add it will be pleasure.
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