I just don't understand why some Pakistani shias over here bashing Saudia and arabs. Don't they know that despite having beef with iran and shia exremists, Arabs never humiliated Pakistani shias nor discriminated them. Hundred of Pakistani shias are working in Gulf states. If they were citizens of Iran, they would never have such privilege
I am just sick of those people who are trying to create a wedge b/w Pakistan and Gulf states. Pakistan should look after its own interests, i agree but also should make sure that its friends don't get bad feelings about it. We have too many enemies. We can't afford to lose our long lasted time tested friend like Saudia and other gulf states for country who (iran) already share good ties with India.
Pakistan can be important counter balance to iran. Pakistan can fill the power vacuum. if Pakistan will be in the town, iranians won't do much trouble and saudis will also somehow gets relax.
People were also fear mongering last year that if you will start operation against talibans, Pakistan will become hell due to retaliation. But what happened? terrorism goes down to 30% and we all are bearing fruits of operation.
I welcome this newly formed coalition.