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Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

Ottoman Empire joined Germany in First World War foolishly thinking it will recover its lost territories in Balkans and Middle East. They lost and learned a huge lesson and stayed neutral in Second World War. Pakistan is neither needed nor required for a Middle Eastern war with the sole purpose to destroy Middle Eastern Muslim states. Pakistan must remain neutral.

Our true buddies are in Indian-occupied Kashmir. We must first liberate them before these Saudi Wahhabis. Looks like the Qadianis gang is again on its old tricks to destroy Muslims.

What neutrality you & Haider are talking about foolishly again and again,
The livelihoods of +4 Millions Pakistanis are on stake, and you people f****** around, know the realities than open your mouth.
What neutrality you & Haider are talking about foolishly again and again,
The livelihoods of +4 Millions Pakistanis are on stake, and you people f****** around, know the realities than open your mouth.
The livelihoods of 200 million are at stake.
The livelihoods of +4 Millions Pakistanis are on stake, and you people f****** around, know the realities than open your mouth.

They should be airlifted back to Pakistan and live like rest of the 200 million Pakistanis. It is better to be alive, guilt free and poor then to die in foolish foreign wars. Even 100 billion cannot bring back my dead grandfather. Who cares about money when lives are at stake. What about millions who will die in this Zionist war ?
The livelihoods of 200 million are at stake.

No, they are not.

They should be airlifted back to Pakistan and live like rest of the 200 million Pakistanis. It is better to be alive, guilt free and poor then to die in foolish foreign wars. Even 100 billion cannot bring back my dead grandfather. Who cares about money when lives are at stake. What about millions who will die in this Zionist war ?

That is where i differ with you people Advocating, By Closing the Doors & Eyes, will be enough, as the fire in the neighborhood, not at our home.
No, they are not.That is where i differ with you people Advocating, By Closing the Doors & Eyes, will be enough, as the fire in the neighborhood, not at our home.

Our eyes are open to the atrocities in Indian-occupied Kashmir. Our eyes are open to the Pakistan nuclear capabilities. Our eyes are open to our beloved homeland. This war may turn into a global war as Russia is involved. The small event like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo turned into First world war that destroyed old European order. Pakistan must remain neutral as this war may spread.
some small minds claims that this coalition is against iran lol
The level of butt hurtness of certain people especially on this forum is worth-watching...:lol:

In case they stop seeing through their sectarian goggles,this coalition will not only help fight terrorism but also help overcome Islam-phobia that is being spread through an organised propaganda...
some small minds claims that this coalition is against iran lol

Turkey should have followed its Second World War policy of neutrality instead of now following its failed First World War policy to intervene and take part in another regional war. Pakistan will remain neutral.
I think your common sense going on vacation these days.

This 34 country coalition announcement and India agreeing on restarting dialogue process are the equal parts of the same coin.

Look, Pakistani Parliament already approves unanimously to support/defends KSA against any aggression (not just terrorism), this was a broad endorsement to involves with KSA but Pakistan states only one problem to both US and KSA.

That both civilian as well as Military are agreed in principle to help you in ME provided
you helps us maintain our eastern front quite and that is where US is actively involves Now-a-Days on the conditions puts forwards by GOP as well as Raheel himself in recent visit to US.

In coming months/years you will see our eastern front get un imaginable cold however our involvement in ME will eventually increases by that effects.

Post of the thread, obviously for unearthing the secret in bold part.

Well done Sherlock.
We need to find a replacement for your position....LMAO

Do you think war will be easy....?

The Saudi coalition is moving forward (taken cities near Sana'a already) and just about to take Sana'a

Look here, Houthis rebel and Bashar regime are just enforcing the motive of some Muslims there to join AQ and ISIS.

Houthis and Bashar are the destructive factors of the region we are talking, and now start to effect Europe and USA badly with terrorism action taken by ISIS and AQ.
some small minds claims that this coalition is against iran lol

Actually Iran is one of the main reason of the on going instability in Middle east..Wherever there is some presence of Iranian loyalists in a country,Iran use them as pawns to create an Iranian loyalist Govt/militia running parallel against the country's interest in favor of Iran..
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In case they stop seeing through their sectarian goggles,this coalition will not only help fight terrorism but also help overcome Islam-phobia that is being spread through an organised propaganda...

Which sectarians are you talking about ? Extreme Sunnis belonging to ISIS and Saudi Arabia or the extreme Shias of Syria, Iraq and Iran or the Zionazis or the Christian soldiers. All of them are sectarians. This is a war among the sectarians !!
Which sectarians are you talking about ? Extreme Sunnis belonging to ISIS and Saudi Arabia or the extreme Shias of Syria, Iraq and Iran or the Zionazis or the Christian soldiers. All of them are sectarians. This is a war among the sectarians !!

Yet to fail to see at the bigger picture i mentioned in my comment...You are not a kid,you understand who is opposing it and why..

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