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Saudi Arabia: An icon of peace and prosperity

An icon of peace and prosperity? Is this comedy central.... Rather an embodiment of Terrorism,mass murder and suppression of its shia citizens in brutal fashion .State sponsor of terror .

India claims to be the largest democracy on earth. If the Saudis are bugging you much, then please talk to your heads of the state.

Members of the religious police reportedly chased a vehicle with two men inside causing it to overturn. One of them was reportedly killed.
The two police members reportedly fled the scene but were later arrested and are being investigated.
Assistant spokesman for the Haia Mohammad al-Sheraimi said investigations are under way and all those responsible for the accident and the subsequent death of the Saudi will be held accountable, the Saudi Gazette reported.
An eyewitness, Mohammad al-Sahabi, said the Haia vehicle deliberately bumped into the small car from behind.
The vehicle swerved off the road, fell off a bridge, and overturned, while the Haia pursuers fled from the scene, al-Sahabi said.

Guess its a really peaceful afterall!:pop:
Accident happen from time to time, these douches are going to pay the price for what they did. But the question now is, what kind of strategy India is going to use to reduce its crime rate which happens to be the highest of all.

It was not merely a traffic accident, if you bother to read it.

It was a murder by the religious police........ can only imagine how the religious police treats women and non-muslims
It was not merely a traffic accident, if you bother to read it.

It was a murder by the religious police........ can only imagine how the religious police treats women and non-muslims

I know the full extent of the story. Both sides were wrong by the way.

Oh, there is no such thing as the religious police :-)

We don't call religious police anywas.

It was a murder by the religious police........ can only imagine how the religious police treats women and non-muslims

If you don't violate the laws no one is going to harm you.
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