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Saudi and UAE warplanes rain hell on Sanaa and Houthis including massacring leaders

That is wrong as a baseless opinion.

Isn't almost everything here just baseless opinions?... It's not like anyone of us here are informed, first hand, authoritative, unbiased, frontline, or decision makers here? ... It's just a bunch of non-influential keyboard warriors.

Having said that... It is just my opinion according to the biased information and my personal biases and experience... I still think the Saudis and the UAE israeli bum-chums are in the wrong here....

My analysis could be just as wrong as the next guy... But it is, what it is.... you as with anyone here is free to criticize it as much as you want... However, I will say my piece....
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How do you guys manage to find an Israeli and an Indian angle in even the most unrelated of things? This is a thread of a proxy war between the Arab states and Iranian backed rebels - both Muslims, fighting in another Arab country. :coffee:


Afterall Pakistan has nothing to do with this conflict!!!!

Its all conspiracy of Yahood and Hanood.

Yemen: Houthis claim hundreds killed on former Pakistan Army chief Raheel Sharif led IMCTC forces

Yemen's Houthi rebels on Sunday broadcast a video footage they said was of a deadly attack near the border with Saudi Arabia's southern region of Najran that killed hundreds of soldiers with thousands of others surrendering before the armed group, including three brigades of troops led by former-Pakistan Army chief Raheel Sharif.

A spokesman of the Houthis, Yahya Saree, described the attacks as an ambush on the Saudi forces that then developed into an "all-out" cross-border offensive that trapped the troops inside Saudi Arabia, Al Jazeera reported.

"More than 200 were killed in dozens of [missile and drone] strikes while trying to escape or surrender," Saree said.

The spokesperson added that the offence committed 72 hours earlier had targeted three "enemy military brigades", leading to the capture of "thousands" of troops, including Saudi army officers and soldiers, and hundreds of armoured vehicles.

The army brigades were a part of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC), commanded by the former Pakistan Army chief. The IMCTC is an intergovernmental counter-terrorist alliance of the Middle Eastern countries, united around military intervention against the Islamic State and other counter-terrorist activities.

Sharif was named the IMCTC's first commander-in-chief in January 2017 after his retirement as the Pakistan Army general in 2016.

Meanwhile, the video released today showed armoured vehicles being hit by blasts and soldiers surrendering before the Iran-aligned rebels.

Catherine Shakdam from UK-based think-tank 'Next Century Foundation' told Al Jazeera there was no reason to doubt what the Houthis were saying.

"The video and images coming through are actually affirming the statement. It's a pivotal point in this war that now Yemeni are moving on Saudi land. It's quite interesting to see with all the talk of a grand Saudi coalition that Saudi is very much alone in this fight," Shakdam was quoted as saying.

The Houthi rebels in Yemen on Monday warned of more attacks on Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure, two days after drone strikes that interrupted much of the kingdom's oil production that heightened tensions between Iran and the United States.

The rebel group has launched missile and drone attacks into Saudi territory before, but never anything on that scale.

The attacks on the Kingdom's oil giant Saudi Aramco forced the shutdown of facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais, which process most of the crude oil produced by Saudi Arabia, which supplies about a tenth of the worldwide total.
Isn't almost everything here just baseless opinions?... It's not like anyone of us here are informed, first hand, authoritative, unbiased, frontline, or decision makers here? ... It's just a bunch of non-influential keyboard warriors.

Having said that... In my option according to the biased information and experience... I still think the Saudis and the UAE israeli bum-chums are in the wrong here....

My analysis could be just as wrong as the next guy... But it is, what it is.... you as with anyone here is free to criticize it as much as you want... However, I will say my piece....
You have the right to your opinion.. but we are seeking the truth here not random fallacies and yellow journalism.. in everything there is truth..either you look for it or you just post random thoughts about subjects and matters.. your prerogative..!
You have the right to your opinion.. but we are seeking the truth here not random fallacies and yellow journalism.. in everything there is truth..either you look for it or you just post random thoughts about subjects and matters.. your prerogative..!
Truth is Yemen became the world's biggest humanitarian crisis after Saudi led war.
You have the right to your opinion.. but we are seeking the truth here not random fallacies and yellow journalism.. in everything there is truth..either you look for it or you just post random thoughts about subjects and matters.. your prerogative..!

Seeking truth on an online forum?... Good luck with that. More like exchanging opinions and thoughts. Besides, truth is often subjective when it comes to conflicts. Often it isn't as binary as good versus evil. Since this platform is not a credible resource for facts, the only thing we can do is have an exchange of ideas and thoughts versus adjudicate.

Just my thoughts... I could be completely wrong... But my wrong is any more wrong than an other's wrong here.
Remind us who started the conflict? was in the Saudis or was it the Iranians via Houthis? why is a Pakistani who just lost a fellow countryman to an Iranian drone strike, shilling for the Iranian regime?
it was Hadi who twice refused to held an election and wanted to be president for life like Saleh , and when ousted by parliament escaped to KSA and started this war with KSA and co.
This analogy will not work here and it is juvenile to come with.. They ain't launching drones at others but at us and by Allah we will deal with them in a befitting manner... So please spare us with this and use it in the right places because this has nothing to do with that.. You launched stuff I will break your face period... They should have thought for themselves that they should not launch against a fellow muslim if they atleast view themselves as such in the first place but either way All actions has consequences and the blame is on nobody but themselves and you can't show hostility towards me and then claim oh we are brothers but how that stuff will not work.
you throw bombs at them they throw back drones , what you expected flowers?
The Americans.. they've killed almost a million Iraqis.. followed with the French who have killed a million or more Algerians..
don't talk about French as i didn't saw that war , but I followed the Iraq war for last 20 years and the majority of those 1000000 in Iraq were killed by new age Khavarij
You are speculating too much here.. the UN found out that Houthis were behind those bombings,, and besides KSA was found innocent in US courts..

Just keep your rant for yourself.. you are just saying anything that comes to your twisted mind,,
and USA court are well known for their neutrality and fairness , any Iraqi and Afghan can vouch for them
Massive explosions rock Sanaa last night

Koran says to Muslims that if one party over-reacts and attacks another party, then it is legitimate to fight it and even gang on it..

In this case..the Houthis destabalised Yemen..attacked Saudi Arabia and don't want peace.. as you know they are not masters of their decisions..they are just a proxy of Iran.. and Saudi Arabia does not want that on its border..so all in all this coalition fight against Houthis to establish a democratic and stable Yemen is more than legitimate..
no Houthi was not destabilize Yemen , they wanted a dictator who were repeatedly refused to hold an election out and it was KSA and UAE who start attacking them not the way around.

wonder why you misrepresent the truth
Pakistan should send a squadron of F-16, Mirage to bomb Houthis for at least a week
as a way of payback for the killing of our civilian but on other hand Sheikhs were doing this and giving highest civilian medal to a genocidal, mass killer of Muslims in pre-planned riots to put Muslims in their "place" (their words by the way, phone transcripts)

what f-ed up world man- who is going to answer to his family?
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Who is better at killing Muslims than other Muslims themselves. Lakh lanat
the bombing is on urban areas
and no different to American bombing of Iraq.
so massive collateral damage at a scale completely ignored and hidden from the world.

Indeed, to date Muslim remains biggest muslim killer.. right from the killing of Hazrat Usman RA , Muhammad PBUH 's family in Karbala to this day in Arab Africa Asia.. killed by fellow Muslims..
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