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Saudi and UAE warplanes rain hell on Sanaa and Houthis including massacring leaders

@Indos every sane person strives for peace and stability. However, it would be a very big mistake to just allow other countries to threaten your way of living because they suffer from bully-syndrome. One needs to take action ...

Also, I believe houthis jumped the gun this time with the attacks and Embarrassed the Iranian government since lately , they are eager to go back to normal relations with the GCC. Especially since Israel and turkey are on board with the GCC. They might shout slogans on t.v, but deep down , they are hungry for $$ and stability.

My parents were born yemeni and many of my relatives visit yemen on a yearly basis (south mostly) and i know the details on the ground. People there are sick and tired of the houthis and the houthis don't give a rats *** about the everyday yemeni who wants to study, work, eat , sleep in peace and raise a family.
The Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen launched, at midnight on Wednesday/Thursday, a series of air raids on Houthi sites and camps in the capital, Sanaa, and the coastal provinces of Hodeidah (west) and Dhamar (south of Sanaa).

Urgent Coalition: Hodeidah port is a military barracks that threatens regional and international security.

More than five strikes now on Hodeidah city..

#Hodeidah #Aircraft targets the Najda camp, Jizan Street

View attachment 809982

The coalition aircraft successfully dealt with the two booby-trapped boats that took off from the port of Hodeidah

Strikes on Omran city

Strikes on Sanaa city again and And a huge explosion, according to witnesses

President Biden: We are discussing re-listing the Houthis on the terrorist list.

Ignorance does not help ..mostly in your case..because that was between Hadi and Saleh who handed him the government.. so what elections are you talking about.. the ones Iran wants to impose the Houthis in the government.. it was no way for Yemenis and that is the cause of war.. no Iran meddling is accepted..
Showed who is ignorant. Hadi was an interim president and was selected for two years and his duty was to held an election in those two years . He refused to do that.

And what deal between Saleh and Hadi . Why you make stories Hadi was Salih deputy. Why would Yemen people accept a deal between those two it was a deal between warring parties in the civil war that Salih hand over the power to his deputy and in two year he was to hold an election so they can choose a president.
This ain't no Afghanistan or Vietnam my nigga.. Where you have invader vs local insurgent.. This is more like Taliban vs Taliban or viet cong vs viet cong.. Nobody is going anywhere hence they will be by default outlasted and out-resourced..

All that feel good stuff ain't working in the ground reality KSA has zero forces on the ground but it is two local elements going at it since the beginning.

You have the Kurds of Arabia and they could massacre them completely if they want to the coalition and gas the shxt out of them but there is no incentive for that as they are good people amongst them and civilians but either way this is only going one way.. Aden based groups will take over in few years time.. mark my words it will go on for another 4-5 years but these from Aden will take over the whole country after the Houthis run dry they have already started to lose mass territories and this will continue bit by bit but they will hold atleast for another 4-5 years and will give more and more ground as fatigue increases
Yeah it's Yemeni airplanes that are bombing yemen
The Houthis strike an economic target in a country that has waged war in Yemen for 7 years = "terrorist"
Saudis retaliate by indiscriminately bombing (for over 7 years) the civilian population in Sanaa = "Just response"

This is the bullshit is spread by the lackeys of the Zionist World Order!!!
The Houthis strike an economic target in a country that has waged war in Yemen for 7 years = "terrorist"
Saudis retaliate by indiscriminately bombing (for over 7 years) the civilian population in Sanaa = "Just response"

This is the bullshit is spread by the lackeys of the Zionist World Order!!!
The brain of an Irani at work.

"economic target" is somehow disconnected from being a civilian infrastructure. Only a deranged Mullah supporter would so casually describe civilian infrastructures as "economic targets" deemed legitimate for attacking. Bombing an airport full of people....just an "economic target" bro.

I guess we could describe the pistachio fields in that rotten terror state as economic targets. We might obliterate some Irani pistachio farmers, but oh well....it's a legitimate target.
The brain of an Irani at work.

"economic target" is somehow disconnected from being a civilian infrastructure. Only a deranged Mullah supporter would so casually describe civilian infrastructures as "economic targets" deemed legitimate for attacking. Bombing an airport full of people....just an "economic target" bro.

I guess we could describe the pistachio fields in that rotten terror state as economic targets. We might obliterate some Irani pistachio farmers, but oh well....it's a legitimate target.
Feel free to try it and see what happens!
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Saudi ships enter the war directly and are bombarding from the sea and the Saudi air force from the sky

A complete Saudi closure on the borders of Yemen by land, sea and air ..

The Saudi army is fully professional and coordinated 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦
Both KSA and UAE have no troops in Yemen and even if they were to withdraw airstrikes party will continue same shxt.. Meaning multiple local entities are fighting here.. If you put two cats in the same tiny bag something gotta give eventually.. The Houtis will be ended by others like STC or giants brigades who will prevail over them and will become the cat that defeated other one in the tiny bag...
Bro.. Saudis and Emiraties are ther especially SOF

Saudi Arabia soldier talks to UAE soldier
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Saudi ships enter the war directly and are bombarding from the sea and the Saudi air force from the sky

A complete Saudi closure on the borders of Yemen by land, sea and air ..

The Saudi army is fully professional and coordinated 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦

Bro.. Saudis and Emiraties are ther especially SOF

Saudi Arabia soldier talks to UAE soldier

But they are embedded as advisors
Tragedy on all fronts. Bad for Iran/Houtis, Saudis, UAE. Sad to see this happening. Only one country benefiting.
Saudi and UAE cannot eliminate Houti, it has been proven by the war that never end until a decade and there is increase attack to both Saudi and UAE facility inside their home country.

There is no strong reason of why Saudi and UAE need to push Houti in Yemen beside power games between Saudi and Iran.

What happen in Yemen is not Saudi problem, let them (Yemeni) decide their own country future since after many years Houti cannot be defeated.


Same thing like Indonesia in the past, Indonesia always act like some one who wants to intervene in their own neighborhood. It happened during Soekarno period by confrontasi campaign that let us fight Commonwealth Nations (Britain, Australia, Malaysia, etc) and also Soeharto with invasion to East Timor. In the end it will just drain our money where it can be used to something more productive inside our own country.
Houthis.. means Iran at the borders of Saudi Arabia.. that is totally out of question whatever the cost.. too bad for Houthis.. they are paralized now .. they may attempt some death bed attempts but they are done..
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