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Saudi Ambassador To Egypt Threatens Iran With Military Action

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1) It wasn't higher than normal prices. It was exactly as high as it should be. It really doesn't look good to be an opportunist. moreover, no one had forced you to buy it.

2) If you are that mighty to have such high value intelligence information in our soil, you're free to do operations in our soil too. How could you gather intelligence inside our soil? Do you have spy satellites with high resolution or you have agents inside Iran? give me a break. Even if the guy had been arrested by the IRGC, It surely was Iran's own intelligence, not yours. It really doesn't help to accuse us of supporting a terrorist group that even our country is fighting it. The same could be said about Turkey supporting PJAK inside Iran then. Last thing to be said on this, Turkish newspapers used to praise Iran for its fight against PKK when Iran was shelling the Iraqi Kurdistan border, later they changed their mind and thought Iran had betrayed them, I don't know why.

3) Your argument is ridiculous. Do you expect us to make friends with a country that claims our provinces to be theirs? You must be retarded if you expect us to do that. We are friends with Turkey as long as it knows its limits. We even pretend to have good relations with Azerbaijan and we don't answer to their continuous provocations because we don't wanna look aggressive. We're the friend of independent countries, if Turkey sees herself in this category, she's welcomed.

4) I don't know about those protests to be honest, but what's wrong with holding an Iranian flag? Does it mean Iran has supported them? Do you deny that Turkey has a huge religious population?

6) NATO is a military organization, not an economic bloc. Saying NATO criticized us for our economic relations look a bit inaccurate to me.

7) As I said previously, Iran likes independent countries to play a role in international affairs. We don't want the international community to be only some particular western countries + China and Russia, That's why we accepted Brazil and Turkey to act as mediators.

8) It was into question way before that. Don't distort facts.

9) My dear friend, veto is more than a NO. I'm surprised that you don't know about the structure of the UN security council. Only permanent members have veto right. Turkey, as a non-permanent member, had one vote and it said NO. but It was because of the Tehran declaration, I hope this time you understand what I mean because I didn't say it was a show.

1) It was higher than international prices... Please don't talk about a proven fact like its a myth...

2) Please.... Don't you think Turkish army does not posses any spies in PKK or that they don't have any UAV's to spy on Iranian side of the border for PKK camps... When is the last time PJAK attacked Iran... Do you honestly think that Iran has military capibility to finish of a gerulla force in 2 year in one of the most hardened terrain in this world?

3) I don't expect Iran to make friends with Azerbeijan... I said its hypocritical of them to support Armenians when Iranian regime b'tch about muslim brotherhood of nations and claiming their jihad in every two seconds...

4) Turkish religious population is huge unfortunatly but only a minorty of them wants/supports Sharia... When you have protesters who hold the whatever that bearded guys name's pictures and Iranian flags, people kind of think that there is a conections between them...

6) Nato told they have ''concers'' for Turkeys support for Iran...

7) Iran couldn't accept that deal from Russia. Russia is a rival for Iran, only recently that Iran started to have some sort of understanding with Russia.. exept that they are bitter rivals for Caucasus...

8) Radar shield was decided to build in Turkey 2 September and Karayılan thing was in August...

9) Ofcource it was... What did you expect... Making a deal with Iran and saying that well we agree to senctions... Whats important is Turkey's support for Iran on that matter...
I have never met you. Enough of these Tricks ! now shall we get back on topic ? this is a very dangerous time for saudi arabia with it's internal problems and global economy. again Saudis will need western support to fight against iran.
Why do you try to convince anyone that Iran and KSA are going to start a war?US will take this wish to grave as it's the best thing that can happen for US and Israel.
Again Iran Threatens the Oil supplies to the world, I would suggest the Asian countries of Japan, South Korea and China send there navies to protect the oil they receive from the Gulf. Also send the Iranian Navy to the bottom of the Sea if they block the strait.
like i said we'll see what happen next you cant predict what we gonna do.the thing is if you attack im sure its not about oil its all about the pain you had for 33 years .

US proved that if they can they do .and they're not attacking so they cant.our ears is full with empty threats so just keep options on table while we doing whatever we want to.
Iran is the truth...Sadly Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Sunni countries are lackeys to Uncle Sam.....

And the U.S has managed to set up a puppet, 'Shia' government in Iraq... Double game i suppose:lol:
lol turkey talking about oil price while they screw iraq and syria over water dam they made and the prices!

It is an international law that Turkey have every right on that waterways... It the right of the nation who has the source of water... Please Iranian troll dont talk about grown up issues... Go scream Jihad and end of Zionist regime on some other thread...
like i said we'll see what happen next you cant predict what we gonna do.the thing is if you attack im sure its not about oil its all about the pain you had for 33 years .

US proved that if they can they do .and they're not attacking so they cant.our ears is full with empty threats so just keep options on table while we doing whatever we want to.

Indeed 1979 should have never happened a weak president that did not aid the shah and we had a similiar president who did not aid mubarak only to have an islamist revolution in Egypt, similiar in Libya Qaddafi's secular regime replaced by an islamist one. the Arabs cannot have democracy because they are not capable of having it they need a strongman dictator to keep the masses from causing trouble.

Block the strait and Iran has signed a death wish.
you should not talk about honor while you soldiers are bunch of raper
while you attacked a civilian airliner .

I don't know that guy but American soldiers are paper.... You know that U.S has best military force on this earth and their special forces are one of the best right?
Why do you try to convince anyone that Iran and KSA are going to start a war?US will take this wish to grave as it's the best thing that can happen for US and Israel.

We prefer regime change due to the current global economy.
we have no war with anybody specially muslims .its just israel and its allies. so if you have alliance with them yea you are our enemy too.
you should not talk about honor while you soldiers are bunch of raper
while you attacked a civilian airliner .

Again mistakes happen. no war is desired however if Iran keeps up it's threats then it is asking for war.

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

we have no war with anybody specially muslims .its just israel and its allies. so if you have alliance with them yea you are our enemy too.

Throw out your current government and you will see peace.
Again mistakes happen. no war is desired however if Iran keeps up it's threats then it is asking for war.

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Throw out your current government and you will see peace.
lol its you the one that threatening us all the time .attempting regime change spending money on separatists and MKO PKK jundullah alahwazi etc (and failed) and yet we are the ones that hostile!
Again mistakes happen. no war is desired however if Iran keeps up it's threats then it is asking for war.

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Throw out your current government and you will see peace.

As if we trust Americans with peace...
LOL, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North korea Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Yemen, Libya....
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