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Saudi Ambassador To Egypt Threatens Iran With Military Action

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Throw out your current regime and you will have peace, undo the mistake of 1979.
i have to say same thing about you .how dare you talking about our matters .
mistake happend when bunch of anglo and spanish killed north america natives go back to 16th undo that,thats the mistake.
1) It was higher than international prices... Please don't talk about a proven fact like its a myth...

2) Please.... Don't you think Turkish army does not posses any spies in PKK or that they don't have any UAV's to spy on Iranian side of the border for PKK camps... When is the last time PJAK attacked Iran... Do you honestly think that Iran has military capibility to finish of a gerulla force in 2 year in one of the most hardened terrain in this world?

3) I don't expect Iran to make friends with Azerbeijan... I said its hypocritical of them to support Armenians when Iranian regime b'tch about muslim brotherhood of nations and claiming their jihad in every two seconds...

4) Turkish religious population is huge unfortunatly but only a minorty of them wants/supports Sharia... When you have protesters who hold the whatever that bearded guys name's pictures and Iranian flags, people kind of think that there is a conections between them...

6) Nato told they have ''concers'' for Turkeys support for Iran...

7) Iran couldn't accept that deal from Russia. Russia is a rival for Iran, only recently that Iran started to have some sort of understanding with Russia.. exept that they are bitter rivals for Caucasus...

8) Radar shield was decided to build in Turkey 2 September and Karayılan thing was in August...

9) Ofcource it was... What did you expect... Making a deal with Iran and saying that well we agree to senctions... Whats important is Turkey's support for Iran on that matter...

1) No one forced you to accept the deal from the very beginning. Do you deny it that It was on your own request to buy it from us and we didn't impose the deal on you?

2) Do you think we'll let your drones violate our air space without our permission? If your drones can violate our air space and spy on our soil, then you're free to send your troops too!!! You had no intelligence on Karayilan I believe, because you don't have high resolution spy satellites or spies inside Iran, It was done by the IRGC. I do believe Iran has that ability, we have the IRGC wich excels at guerrilla warfare. We arrested Rigi and tracked him outside of Iran in Afghanistan, Pakistan and UAE. Fighting some PJAK terrorists is nothing in comparison to such a complicated intel. operation.

3) We have never said that we'll let other countries have territorial claims on our provinces and then we support them too. There are conditions as well, just because they are Muslims it doesn't mean they are free to do anything they want. Would you accept that the Iraqi Kurdistan claims your provinces with high Kurdish population as theirs?

4) Because people think that way it doesn't mean it's that way, but let's assume you're right, Are those people terrorists or any threat to Turkey? How does that threaten the Turkish national security or interests?

7) well, even in the Tehran declaration Iran had accepted the deal that Russia produces the 20% enriched uranium it needs. so I don't understand your argument, the only difference was that the Iranian 3.5% enriched uranium would've been sealed under Iranian representatives' supervision in the Turkish soil until Iran receives the fuel it wants from Russia. If you remember correctly, when the Tehran declaration was made, some American newspapers called it 'a diplomatic coup' by Iran, Turkey and Brazil.

8) But It was being negotiated way before that.

9) Indeed.
i have to say same thing about you .how dare you talking about our matters .
mistake happend when bunch of anglo and spanish killed north america natives go back to 16th undo that,thats the mistake.

I'm sure you did not kill anyone while the persian empire was expanding.

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

lol its you the one that threatening us all the time .attempting regime change spending money on separatists and MKO PKK jundullah alahwazi etc (and failed) and yet we are the ones that hostile!

Iran is currently destabilizing the region you are only getting a taste of what you have been doing.
As if we trust Americans with peace...
LOL, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North korea Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Yemen, Libya....

Vietnam was about keeping a stable south vietnam the north betrayed the peace.
Iraq throwing saddam hussein out.
Afghanistan ending the taliban rule and freeing afghan of the terror pakistan created.
North Korea Nuclear Weapons.
Russia is responsible for it's own actions and past.
China same as russia.
Cuba maybe a Nuclear Missile aimed the the USA did not help.
Iran I have stated it already.
Yemen killing terrorists.
Libya stopping gaddafi from bombing his own people through I preferred him to the current Islamists.
I'm sure you did not kill anyone while the persian empire was expanding.

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Iran is currently destabilizing the region you are only getting a taste of what you have been doing.

if we wanted to kill anybody there was no jew living in world while expanding our empire . but most of the war happend was between iran and rome or greek mostly was respond to their attacks and once was due to jews plot .btw we never killed civilin your act just was like Moguls expansion completely uncivilized (ended up with killing natives more than 50m)
Vietnam was about keeping a stable south vietnam the north betrayed the peace.
Iraq throwing saddam hussein out.
Afghanistan ending the taliban rule and freeing afghan of the terror pakistan created.
North Korea Nuclear Weapons.
Russia is responsible for it's own actions and past.
China same as russia.
Cuba maybe a Nuclear Missile aimed the the USA did not help.
Iran I have stated it already.
Yemen killing terrorists.
Libya stopping gaddafi from bombing his own people through I preferred him to the current Islamists.

wow so why there is so much war after USA pops up in world map

the angels the peace keeper the world police
only this time the police get more casualties than the criminals
1) No one forced you to accept the deal from the very beginning. Do you deny it that It was on your own request to buy it from us and we didn't impose the deal on you?

2) Do you think we'll let your drones violate our air space without our permission? If your drones can violate our air space and spy on our soil, then you're free to send your troops too!!! You had no intelligence on Karayilan I believe, because you don't have high resolution spy satellites or spies inside Iran, It was done by the IRGC. I do believe Iran has that ability, we have the IRGC wich excels at guerrilla warfare. We arrested Rigi and tracked him outside of Iran in Afghanistan, Pakistan and UAE. Fighting some PJAK terrorists is nothing in comparison to such a complicated intel. operation.

3) We have never said that we'll let other countries have territorial claims on our provinces and then we support them too. There are conditions as well, just because they are Muslims it doesn't mean they are free to do anything they want. Would you accept that the Iraqi Kurdistan claims your provinces with high Kurdish population as theirs?

4) Because people think that way it doesn't mean it's that way, but let's assume you're right, Are those people terrorists or any threat to Turkey? How does that threaten the Turkish national security or interests?

7) well, even in the Tehran declaration Iran had accepted the deal that Russia produces the 20% enriched uranium it needs. so I don't understand your argument, the only difference was that the Iranian 3.5% enriched uranium would've been sealed under Iranian representatives' supervision in the Turkish soil until Iran receives the fuel it wants from Russia. If you remember correctly, when the Tehran declaration was made, some American newspapers called it 'a diplomatic coup' by Iran, Turkey and Brazil.

8) But It was being negotiated way before that.

9) Indeed.

1) It was not about forcing it, it was about Irans taking advanteg of Turkeys energy problem... You started with Turkish greed than it was not high than now this? Atleast accept that Iranian regime who took advatage of their ''muslim brother''

2) Do you think that information of Karayılan's where abouts could not gained by captured member of PKK or spy in PKK?

3) It is not about terrotorial claims... Saddam was the enemyof Kurds but Turkey did not supported him did he now? Iran can easily go against Azerbeijan without supporting Armenia... This just shows that Iranian regime with all their religous self-righteousness can play dirty as they can be...

4) If you think that Sharia is not a thread than......

7) I am not talking about Russian deal. Iran can never trust Russia, Russia showed this with s-300 deal and their constant undermining of Iranian interests in Caucasus...

8) Akp did not wanted radars in Turkey and even made a statement about it in press conferans.... Onşy after Karayılan incident that Turkey allowed it...... It was a payback for Karayılan issue...

Turkey helped Iran in a lots of its issues and only met with hostility....
1) It was not about forcing it, it was about Irans taking advanteg of Turkeys energy problem... You started with Turkish greed than it was not high than now this? Atleast accept that Iranian regime who took advatage of their ''muslim brother''

2) Do you think that information of Karayılan's where abouts could not gained by captured member of PKK or spy in PKK?

3) It is not about terrotorial claims... Saddam was the enemyof Kurds but Turkey did not supported him did he now? Iran can easily go against Azerbeijan without supporting Armenia... This just shows that Iranian regime with all their religous self-righteousness can play dirty as they can be...

4) If you think that Sharia is not a thread than......

7) I am not talking about Russian deal. Iran can never trust Russia, Russia showed this with s-300 deal and their constant undermining of Iranian interests in Caucasus...

8) Akp did not wanted radars in Turkey and even made a statement about it in press conferans.... Onşy after Karayılan incident that Turkey allowed it...... It was a payback for Karayılan issue...

Turkey helped Iran in a lots of its issues and only met with hostility....

1- How did we take advantage of Turkey's energy problem? You could've built a gas pipeline from Qatar or Azerbaijan or Russia or any other country. Qatar could've supplied you enough gas. Don't blame Iran for that please, you accepted the deal on your own wish.

2- Do you think Karayilan always stay the same place? By the way, the problem is that you have never proved that Iran had actually arrested him. Only a Turkish daily claimed that and it was later disproved by Iran's foreign ministry.

3- You talk like Iran sent troops to Armenia to fight against Azerbaijan, our support for Armenia weren't so much. Actually Azerbaijanis expect too much from us, I remember once I read on trend (an Azerbaijani newspaper) that Azerbaijani protestors were chanting slogans against Iran that why Iran doesn't close its borders with Armenia and support Azerbaijan. Aliyev has made so many racist and stupid comments against Iran, why should we support them? Armenia on the other hand is an important market for us and is dependent on Iran and Russia because it's engulfed by enemies, except Georgia and Iran, and we know that Georgia can't do much for them.

4- They can't change the government of Turkey, those people have zero power to take control of Turkey and you know that, why do you think they are a threat? They haven't even talked about taking the control of Turkey, have they?

7- That's why Iran didn't accept the deal first. Iran first said the uranium will be sealed in Iran and will be kept fully under the supervision of the IAEA inspectors. The west didn't accept, later Iran Turkey and Brazil announced the Tehran declaration. So Russia couldn't betray Iran in this case in anyway.

8- AKP said it didn't want any country to be named as hostile. Actually as there is a topic about it, it was Turkey who requested the radar first.

Do you want to tell us that Turks are naive to help Iran even when Iran is hostile? The relations between Iran and Turkey are still fine regardless of the Syrian issue, do you want to tell us you guys are excessively angelic and naive to help a country that is hostile toward you? I don't know why you say Iran has been hostile toward you, I don't understand this part. Turkey has also been hostile about Iran, want a quick example? We hear about depicting Iran as enemy in Turkish sitcoms, isn't that hostility? overall, I think Turkey and Iran are enjoying moderate and good foreign relations, I see no reason to say the other side is hostile.
1- How did we take advantage of Turkey's energy problem? You could've built a gas pipeline from Qatar or Azerbaijan or Russia or any other country. Qatar could've supplied you enough gas. Don't blame Iran for that please, you accepted the deal on your own wish.

2- Do you think Karayilan always stay the same place? By the way, the problem is that you have never proved that Iran had actually arrested him. Only a Turkish daily claimed that and it was later disproved by Iran's foreign ministry.

3- You talk like Iran sent troops to Armenia to fight against Azerbaijan, our support for Armenia weren't so much. Actually Azerbaijanis expect too much from us, I remember once I read on trend (an Azerbaijani newspaper) that Azerbaijani protestors were chanting slogans against Iran that why Iran doesn't close its borders with Armenia and support Azerbaijan. Aliyev has made so many racist and stupid comments against Iran, why should we support them? Armenia on the other hand is an important market for us and is dependent on Iran and Russia because it's engulfed by enemies, except Georgia and Iran, and we know that Georgia can't do much for them.

4- They can't change the government of Turkey, those people have zero power to take control of Turkey and you know that, why do you think they are a threat? They haven't even talked about taking the control of Turkey, have they?

7- That's why Iran didn't accept the deal first. Iran first said the uranium will be sealed in Iran and will be kept fully under the supervision of the IAEA inspectors. The west didn't accept, later Iran Turkey and Brazil announced the Tehran declaration. So Russia couldn't betray Iran in this case in anyway.

8- AKP said it didn't want any country to be named as hostile. Actually as there is a topic about it, it was Turkey who requested the radar first.

Do you want to tell us that Turks are naive to help Iran even when Iran is hostile? The relations between Iran and Turkey are still fine regardless of the Syrian issue, do you want to tell us you guys are excessively angelic and naive to help a country that is hostile toward you? I don't know why you say Iran has been hostile toward you, I don't understand this part. Turkey has also been hostile about Iran, want a quick example? We hear about depicting Iran as enemy in Turkish sitcoms, isn't that hostility? overall, I think Turkey and Iran are enjoying moderate and good foreign relations, I see no reason to say the other side is hostile.

1) Just proves my point... While idol worshiping India can get cheap gas and oil, Iran sell its gas to muslim brothers at higher prise...

2) Turkish intel was not about its where abouts at that moment... It was about where he will be and Iranians was the ones who said they captured him...

3) well Iranian regime is b'tching about Israeli ''infidels'' and how they occupy the muslim land... Armenia occupy muslim land too you know and they too are ''infidels''

4) At that time they were a thread... They had the goverment for a year or so... If military didn't stepped in they would be a lot of trouble for Turkey and her people.

7) Well thank you would be appriciated rather that a slap maybe?

8) Topic says radar was undecided and Turkey came to us and said build it in our soil. Whic I said last post. It was a payback thing....

9) I didnot say that we are angelic... I said Turkish goverment has done what a goverment should do for building relationship with an neighbour and Iran has done what a goverment should do for gaining an enemy...
wow so why there is so much war after USA pops up in world map

the angels the peace keeper the world police
only this time the police get more casualties than the criminals

I believe Iran should follow the same model as Japan did after being destroyed you will be reborn as a peaceful nation after the madness and racism is destroyed by the USA.
thats true my brother . . All the world knows the sacrifices of those Wahhabis, Salafists and fundamentalists for the sake of Islamic issues, But no one knows What the Iranian regime made​ for the sake of these issues
Wow,I understood the meaning of that.It means:You come to shia areas,bomb them even when they are in mosques,
kill them whether they are male or female,young or old,and believe that you are going to reach the prophet after dying!
How silly of you!You're absolutely worse than a child killer zionist.It suits you to be the American servants.
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