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Saudi Ambassador To Egypt Threatens Iran With Military Action

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One who follows the ideology of the person called Muhammad ibn abdul wahhab during the 18th century, who came up with the idea that everything has to return to the time of what he called the rightfully guided leaders, and called everything that came after that innovation, which he also designated as forbidden.

His tribe from Najd, together with the aid of the British empire, helped the saud family gain power over the Arabian peninsula in return for making this sick ideology the main religion of the land. Many, many died in the process of this transformation and treason against Islam and Muslims.

Does this answer your question?

Shame on you !

The way you present facts, smells of what Jews were damned for. By God it is the same clever shameful tactic.

The day prophet gave the last sermon ; and had Allah and people witness to the fact that he had completed his job.
Islam was sealed completed.

Thus why not make every effort possible to achieve exactly what was given by the prophet ?
OHHHH the SAUDIS YEAH SO SCARY with all there shiny toys for Display hahahahah there army is for Parades not fighting the House of sauds day is coming and once the Oil reserves dry the Arabs will have noting no input in science or tech they will only blame themselves :)
The Arabs put no Input in Science or tech there armies are a shamble really the wars with Israel they Lost ,the Saudi's Would lose to Israel lol and will certainly lose to Iran they can't even maintain there own Devices they need Americans to do that, Arabs are meant to be Losers they are racists who hate other sects and think there the Flag Bearers of Islam really sad Once the Oil drys well they will have themselves to blame. :cheers:
Below_freezing your right the Saudi's are hiding behind there Toy military which is for parade really if the Saudi's Fought a war with Israel. Israel would win heck there Military is maintained by the Americans hahahah.
OHHHH the SAUDIS YEAH SO SCARY with all there shiny toys for Display hahahahah there army is for Parades not fighting the House of sauds day is coming and once the Oil reserves dry the Arabs will have noting no input in science or tech they will only blame themselves :)

The Arabs put no Input in Science or tech there armies are a shamble really the wars with Israel they Lost ,the Saudi's Would lose to Israel lol and will certainly lose to Iran they can't even maintain there own Devices they need Americans to do that, Arabs are meant to be Losers they are racists who hate other sects and think there the Flag Bearers of Islam really sad Once the Oil drys well they will have themselves to blame. :cheers:

Can the saudis start their fighter engines without a white man standing behind them? Arab rulers are far more paranoid of their own armies than of foreign armies.

Below_freezing your right the Saudi's are hiding behind there Toy military which is for parade really if the Saudi's Fought a war with Israel. Israel would win heck there Military is maintained by the Americans hahahah.

Facts on the ground and history proves the contrary , The Saudis were victorious in every confrontation against Iran, Iranians are proud of their toys they buy from North Korea:

When the two Iranian F-4 fighter planes flew over Saudi Arabian territorial waters last week, they seemed to set the stage for yet another attack on a tanker doing business with Iran's sworn enemy, Iraq. But this time the story was different: the planes were intercepted by two Saudi F-15 fighters firing air-to-air missiles. One, and possibly both, of the Iranian planes was shot down. A short time later, Iran sent eleven more F-4s into the skies over the Persian Gulf. Again, the Saudis intercepted them. After a brief standoff, the Iranian planes withdrew.
source: The Gulf: Pushing the Saudis Too Far - TIME
And the Saudis are proud of the toys they buy from the US with oil money?

Your planes take off when the white man tells you they can take off. If the white man doesn't want your planes taking off, Iran can drive a WW2 propeller plane into Saudi Arabia and destroy your whole air force.

Besides, even if your planes took off, and got shot down, you know who they're going to bomb? Your monarchs and dictators. That's why arab countries are so paranoid and keep spare parts away from the air force and locked in central storage.

Don't forget, Arab Iraq with the world backing it was completely destroyed by Iran. Iranian F-4s were bombing Baghdad by the end of the war almost as badly as in Desert Storm.

Of course, Saudis can be cocky when their planes are a full generation ahead of Irans. But what happens when Iran doesn't use F-4 vs F-15, but J-10 or Su-30 vs. F-15? What happens then, with untrained Saudi pilots going against Iranians with a higher average IQ?



. . . with untrained Saudi pilots going against Iranians with a higher average IQ?

This is called nonsense, Because its only empty words just to talk

Saudi Arabia is now will not need to proxy to carry out tasks on behalf. . This will not be in favor of Iran. . Because the regime in Iran knows what Saudi Arabia can do . . and Because the Iranian regime When defeated Can not "this time" claims that America is behind Saudi Arabia As he did when he was defeated by Iraq
Both say a lot of things but you hardly see anything.

By looking at the past, you can tell what will happen in the future and that means that apart from hollow threats from both sides, nothing will happen.

Unless the big ol US & A tells one of its dogs to attack, then that will be a different story.

Leave this alone, lets concentrate on more important things.

Btw, things haven't changed much from the Najd days, the same old bandits and thieves are being controlled by their western masters.
CONTROLLED BY WESTERN MASTERS. This comes up time and again in the discussion on forum and my interaction with Pakistani diaspora. Does this prove that Western nations have a stranglehold on the entire population of Arab world and some of the South Asian countries? If this is the case that is it safe to assume that there will be no meaningful democratic rule in these countries which people of those countries are fighting for?

Why people on forum are obsessed with shaming the religious practise of any group and move away from the topic at hand?

As moderator has rightfully stated "Let us concentrate on important issues facing the region". So far a change Gentlemen leave your religious and ethnic bias out of this forum so that we can carry out much more civilized debate for and against the topic.
Facts on the ground and history proves the contrary , The Saudis were victorious in every confrontation against Iran, Iranians are proud of their toys they buy from North Korea:

When the two Iranian F-4 fighter planes flew over Saudi Arabian territorial waters last week, they seemed to set the stage for yet another attack on a tanker doing business with Iran's sworn enemy, Iraq. But this time the story was different: the planes were intercepted by two Saudi F-15 fighters firing air-to-air missiles. One, and possibly both, of the Iranian planes was shot down. A short time later, Iran sent eleven more F-4s into the skies over the Persian Gulf. Again, the Saudis intercepted them. After a brief standoff, the Iranian planes withdrew.
source: The Gulf: Pushing the Saudis Too Far - TIME

F-15s managed to shoot down an F-4 or two. What's surprising there?
Can some one be nice enough and put the definition of Wahabi - Salafi here ?

and then tell me, how and why can any one try to debate if any thing is wrong with it ?

Fact of the matter is, almost all of the keyboard jockeys here have heard these words "Wahabi" "Salafi" and Takfiri through internet / CNN etc.

Not a lot of people exactly understand what it is all about.

BS bro we heard about them after sept 11 and we saw them with there long beards, shaved heads, tucked up socks and ridicolously extreme views. They spread poison in our community and the day they are finished will be a great day for Muslims around the world.

One day I said to a customer of mine "**** weather" he said "brother that is wrong as all weather is from allah (swt)" I thought yes the guy is correct and clued on mashallah.

Then he said "the next time u say that ur a kaafir as u know what it means and its shirk because ur saying what god created is ****"

I just about contained my laughter but that is a minor example of there madness. They are very dangerous, selfish and nasty individuals.
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