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Saud al-Faisal lied about Iranians executed in Saudi Arabia: official

The Mullahs don't give a damn about Iran. They only give a damn about Islam and their Shia empire. Did you forget how Khomeini responded when a reporter asked him how he'd feel about returning back to Iran when was on that Air France plane? Did you forget how Khalkhali wanted to destroy Persepolis and other pre-Islamic sites? Don't come here and say how pseudo-nationalistic those marmoolaks are.

Clearly a majority of Iranians are with their govt. Anyway what is wrong about giving a damn for Islam? Are you not a Muslim??
But just cos someone has an Iranian flag here and says he is Iranian does not mean he is. Do you remember saying to us "why you giving so much importance to Mossa he is probably a toilet cleaner in London" :rofl: which I often rib Mossa about

Even a Zionist can put on an Iranian flag here on the forum

Actually, he is not only Iranian but also an ultra pan-Persian. We had huge fights with him before about history. I have great respect for him. He is a proud Persian/Iranian with high values. Nevertheless, He criticizes any side the does wrong regardless of his ethnic background. I welcome his criticizem to Arabs, it will be always taken with regards. Anyway, you can check his posts history about this matter.

On topic,
I think many of us know who give hourly slogans, threats, and promises that have never come to be true by any chance. And we know which side speaks very little but works very much, and doesn't tell but the truth. However, those are culprits who smuggled huge amounts of contraband items which was a violation to KSA internal law, and whoever does this gets the very same punishment. They deserve it. By the way, I have a video of a Jordanian (drug smuggler) whose head was chopped off. After this, I don't think there is someone brave enough to smuggle drugs to KSA. Well done.
Everything is wrong about that. And no, I'm not a muslim.

But a majority in Iran are Muslims. I mean I live in the UK a Christian majority country I do not mind that they give a damn about Christianity?

Actually, he is not only Iranian but also an ultra pan-Persian. We had huge fights with him before about history. I have great respect for him. He is a proud Persian/Iranian with high values. Nevertheless, He criticizes any side the does wrong regardless of his ethnic background. I welcome his criticizem to Arabs, it will be always taken with regards. Anyway, you can check his posts history about this matter.


One anonymous person vouching for another anonymous person is not valid imo.

You see we have to be careful I mean look at that supposed Gay Syrian girl who was creating a stir in the west and people in west were saying that UK should support people like her and yet it turned out that it was a man.

I mean look we were being told to support Syrian people:

Syria: ‘Gay Girl in Damascus’ Seized · Global Voices

then a few weeks later we had this:

BBC News - Syria Gay Girl in Damascus blog a hoax by US man

Syria Gay Girl in Damascus blog a hoax by US man

How do we not know he is just a fifth columnist and argued with you to get our confidence?? And really this guy is a Gay Zionist or something like that paid by Americans to fool Iranian youngsters??
Actually, he is not only Iranian but also an ultra pan-Persian. We had huge fights with him before about history. I have great respect for him. He is a proud Persian/Iranian with high values. Nevertheless, He criticizes any side the does wrong regardless of his ethnic background. I welcome his criticizem to Arabs, it will be always taken with regards. Anyway, you can check his posts history about this matter.

On topic,
I think many of us know who give hourly slogans, threats, and promises that have never come to be true by any chance. And we know which side speaks very little but works very much, and doesn't tell but the truth. However, those are culprits who smuggled huge amounts of contraband items which was a violation to KSA internal law, and whoever does this gets the very same punishment. They deserve it. By the way, I have a video of a Jordanian (drug smuggler) whose head was chopped off. After this, I don't think there is someone brave enough to smuggle drugs to KSA. Well done.
An ultra pan Persian who thanks post of a Ultra pan arab idiot dissing dead Iranian nationals. What a story lol
But a majority in Iran are Muslims. I mean I live in the UK a Christian majority country I do not mind that they give a damn about Christianity?

One anonymous person vouching for another anonymous person is not valid imo.

You see we have to be careful I mean look at that supposed Gay Syrian girl who was creating a stir in the west and people in west were saying that UK should support people like her and yet it turned out that it was a man.

I mean look we were being told to support Syrian people:

Syria: ‘Gay Girl in Damascus’ Seized · Global Voices

then a few weeks later we had this:

BBC News - Syria Gay Girl in Damascus blog a hoax by US man

Syria Gay Girl in Damascus blog a hoax by US man

How do we not know he is just a fifth columnist and argued with you to get our confidence?? And really this guy is a Gay Zionist or something like that paid by Americans to fool Iranian youngsters??

According to your logic, you are an Iranian rather than a Pakistani. I don't trust nor believe many things you say about yourself. There is always a weird and very clear double standered logic in your posts. But, hey we are just forumers, why would I bother about your origins. You always call others not to derail threads but you were the first one who derailed/still derailing it. Regarding Surenas, I 100% believe he is a Persian Irani.
Easy to say. If UK is run by Christian laws and Christian code of conduct you might have a problem.
If their national anthem includes something like no messenger but Jesus and stuff like that, wouldn't it be a problem for you to sing?
I'm just giving an example( i don't know whether any muslim country has such an anthem or not). If their cricket team would offer christian prayers before every match won't a muslim in that team become odd man out?
the fact is religious freedom truly exists in secular societies.(And I'm not giving India's example as a role model of secularism.).
But a majority in Iran are Muslims. I mean I live in the UK a Christian majority country I do not mind that they give a damn about Christianity?

One anonymous person vouching for another anonymous person is not valid imo.

You see we have to be careful I mean look at that supposed Gay Syrian girl who was creating a stir in the west and people in west were saying that UK should support people like her and yet it turned out that it was a man.

I mean look we were being told to support Syrian people:

Syria: ‘Gay Girl in Damascus’ Seized · Global Voices

then a few weeks later we had this:

BBC News - Syria Gay Girl in Damascus blog a hoax by US man

Syria Gay Girl in Damascus blog a hoax by US man

How do we not know he is just a fifth columnist and argued with you to get our confidence?? And really this guy is a Gay Zionist or something like that paid by Americans to fool Iranian youngsters??
Re: Saud al-Faisal lied about Iranians executed in Saudi Arabia: official

Some 7000 years ago Mahabharata took place. According to the Hindu's history it was a war between Hindus.
One was on right path and the other was on the wrong side. Millions of people was killed. It was the time of LORD KRISHNA.

Now we are in 2012 does all Hindus are following their religion. The answer is No. Hindu religion is very interesting to study.

In Muslims .......... Mahabharata will took place and then they will be united. Small Mahabharata have been fought between Iraq & Iran. Some 1.5 Million muslims have died. The spirit at present is not with muslims that is why they are losing. Today Christian is a good christian, Jews are goods Jews, Buddhists are good Buddhists the spirit is with them. Muslims are under curse after the event of Karbala in 61 AD. Their prayers are unheard and will remain unheard for coming centuries.
According to your logic, you are an Iranian rather than a Pakistani. I don't trust nor believe many things you say about yourself. There is always a weird and very clear double standered logic in your posts. But, hey we are just forumers, why would I bother about your origins. You always call others not to derail threads but you were the first one who derailed/still derailing it. Regarding Surenas, I 100% believe he is a Persian Irani.

I am happy to accept Iranians opinion that he is not. After all they should know when they meet one of their own
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