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Sarkozy will not ban Sikh turbans in France

Not really hypocritical since Burkas cover your whole face and body while Turbans only cover the hair on the head. I would feel much safer with Turbans around me rather then Burqas. You never know who can be in that burqa and hiding what.

one cant hide a bomb in his turban :what:

have you see anti prophet muhammad cartoons??, guess what that turban racism is only target at muslims only


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Who wants to blame sarkozy now?! Hahahaha this is so epic. Well played mate...well played.
People are failing to understand one thing here turban will not cover your face while burka will it is easy to trace a guy whos face is not coverd rather than a guys whos face is
one cant hide a bomb in his turban :what:

have you see anti prophet muhammad cartoons??, guess what that turban racism is only target at muslims only

sikh's are loyal and honest people,they are not some jihadis to hide bomb's in thier turban.in whichever counry they live they join force's and serve the nation.60% of our indian army consist's of sikh's,and being a miority they fought for us in all war's.INDIA sould put diplomatic pressure on france not to ban turban's this will be like a tribute by the indian people to the sikh community
sikh's are loyal and honest people,they are not some jihadis to hide bomb's in thier turban.in whichever counry they live they join force's and serve the nation.60% of our indian army consist's of sikh's,and being a miority they fought for us in all war's.INDIA sould put diplomatic pressure on france not to ban turban's this will be like a tribute by the indian people to the sikh community

LOL. 60%!LOL.
If Sarkozy has a little understanding and reverence for history, he will not ban the turban. After all his countrymen, during the great wars didnt have any problems with the turbans when Sikhs in the British Army fought and died protecting them.

Its not about history, its about the future.

DO you think France will antagonize India by banning the turban just before the announcement of a mega defence deal by India? :lol:

And that too when Indian PM himself wears the turban. :rofl:
^ Let not the discussion go into the unfortunate 1984 riots that are a blot on India's history and don't get sucked into it as it is the favoured tactics of our Pakistani friends to flame.
but as you people say burka is midievel, and look like a terrorist outfit, a woman can steal items, can hide bombs, guns in burka, then apply the same logic witht the turban, as regarding restricting the social skills, what do you expect a gent n lady to do except other then running wild from the sikh turban guy who can hide bombs granites and knife in his turban look at some youtube videos, sikhs can use turban as a weapon, anytime by hiding the weapons inside the turban

Sarkozy is not convinced by ur above explanation.
1) No different than any killing then? Like non-existence minorities in Pakistan.
2) Sikh wanted "free" country as much as Baloch wanted "free" nation.

balochistan is a different problem, balochs were not slaughtered like sikhs were, some baloch landlords fear of losing the power in the tribe, so they get indian supplies from across the border to target non balochis so that every body gets the idea that they want a separate homeland
dude; if you and your family want to run naked and dont give a **** about your modesty thats fine with me; but dont force your atheist/hindu agenda on the muslim world; you've got the right to choose; so do we...

Double standard by France.
Wise move France, Don't make a Rajput mad, otherwise the Talwar is coming up your a** :P
this Burqa ban has harmed France and has done nothing good for the nation. Sarkozy is a attention seeker.
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