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Sarkozy to Seek China Aid as EU Expands Rescue Fund

In my humble opinion, I would wait for the Eurotrash to become more desperate so they will have no choice but to sell their technology to China. It would be good to see our Chinese brothers will all the advantages.

---------- Post added at 06:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 AM ----------

Who does the pig represent?

The pig represent the PIGS, of course.
European Union wants money? They're going to have to start selling technologies then.

- NH90 Helicopter
- SAMPSON radar
- MT-30 gas turbine
- WR-21 gas turbine
- Electric ship propulsion

Anything else I've missed?

SPECTRA & Chobham armor
SPECTRA & Chobham armor

Export Chobham armor would be useless to China. The Germans were extremely upset at the Chobham they purchased from the British. Besides, Chinese are already manufacturing armour modules on par with Chobham.
My o my in my lifetime i never thought the mighty French and Germans would be going with their begging bowls to China. Shows you how far and how well our Chinise friends have come. It is in Chinas interest for the EU to resolve their issues however the terms will be heavily favoring them and they certainly will be dictating terms.

It may be that they have a begging bowl - but the entire proposition is one that China should be very wary of --the contraction in credit will not end for at least another ten years, that's just the contraction, and it may take another 5 years of more for the net amounts available for credit to match the net numbers of the last 15 years -- and what will the situation in China and her immediate neighborhood be like in that time?

In the meantime, the US and Europeans plan to cut a deep gash in the connection between China' and her Western neighbors and cut them away from China, a move with enormous security, especially energy and economic security implications, at the same time the US with other Asian aspirants will soon devise a security architecture to precipitate security threats in East Asian waters.

China should instead strengthen herself and her neighbors economically so that they do not become victims to the ambitions of outsiders, so they do not become pawns in the hands of outsiders.

Recall it was just less than 6 months ago that BRIC countries lamented the fact that a European had inherited the leadership of the IMF and today some are suggesting that China increase her share in the IMF specifically to lend to Europe, which will inevitably be at the expense of the dynamic and hard working neighbors of China.

Others here are suggesting that this is an opportunity to "pay" for yesterday's weapons technologies instead of investing in tomorrows.

Europe and US are no prizes, it is Asia that is the prize.
Throughout all of this mess I firmly believe the Europeans are still expecting the same status quo power divide particularly in the international financial institutions such as the IMF and world bank to be dominated by them and the Americans while expecting China to contribute a large handout to save them from decades of lazy work attitude and living beyond their means.

China's forex reserves are how many times multiple than what the current IMF can put out. Keep in mind that after the Asian financial crisis in 97/98 all East Asian nations that had to accept the stringent terms of the preposterous IMF bailouts are loathing the IMF. Just 2 days ago S Korea did a major currency swap agreement with China just in case the Global Economy does a double dip. They won't ever go the IMF root if they don't have to.

China MUST be absolutely FIRM of major concessions particularly in grabbing equal voting rights juxtaposed to the US and EU in the IMF since they (will) be putting up most of the dough in the IMF in the near future. That BS arms emargo must go as well. It is highly unlikely China would make major arms purchases from the EU but what country expects it to hand out (hundred) billions of dollars but expects to be continually treated the same as Iran or N Korea from the begging bowl recipient state(s)?
Let the Europeans throw good money after bad into their doomed Eurozone. The party has just started with the rest of the PIIGS about to go belly up.

Just wait a while, let the EU disintegrate, and you will be able to pick off their scientists (and technologies) for pennies on the dollar.
Let the Europeans throw good money after bad into their doomed Eurozone. The party has just started with the rest of the PIIGS about to go belly up.

Just wait a while, let the EU disintegrate, and you will be able to pick off their scientists (and technologies) for pennies on the dollar.

True and this part of history likes to repeat itself.
Let the Europeans throw good money after bad into their doomed Eurozone. The party has just started with the rest of the PIIGS about to go belly up.

Just wait a while, let the EU disintegrate, and you will be able to pick off their scientists (and technologies) for pennies on the dollar.

China got plenty of Scientist from the Former USSR when it collapsed.

---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 AM ----------

Greeks Burn German flags more Riots....




Let the Europeans throw good money after bad into their doomed Eurozone. The party has just started with the rest of the PIIGS about to go belly up.

Just wait a while, let the EU disintegrate, and you will be able to pick off their scientists (and technologies) for pennies on the dollar.

The amount of fanboy talk that goes on around here is simply awesome.

EU has scientists? Or rather the countries have scientists?

Any worthwhile technology that europe has to offer comes from UK, France, Germany. All these are still sound and breakup of EU will not have a significant effect on them. So I suggest maybe you should try to think before you type.

And again, did people just forget that EU is China's biggest trade partner. Oh yes, China's, so when europe goes down, I hope Pakistan and somalia are ready to pick up the export dropped by them. Otherwise you may see a lot more unemployed in China than europe.
Greeks Burn German flags more Riots....

Greeks are burning German flag???

I know the Germans are furious that their tax dollars went to bail out Greek tax dodgers and fraudsters, but it's ironic that the Greeks are angry at their saviors.

.Any worthwhile technology that europe has to offer comes from UK, France, Germany.

Relax, the EU 'breakup' was tongue-in-cheek, although it will certainly be much weaker. As for scientists, much of the Eurofighter technology is spread around and the pickings are aways easier when the economy hits the skids. When the USSR collapsed, the Republic of Russia was still doing fine, but it was still possible to pick off their scientists.

All these are still sound and breakup of EU will not have a significant effect on them.

What are you smoking? France barely avoided the downgrade.

For now.

And again, did people just forget that EU is China's biggest trade partner. Oh yes, China's, so when europe goes down, I hope Pakistan and somalia are ready to pick up the export dropped by them. Otherwise you may see a lot more unemployed in China than europe.

How "incredible" that France asked China, and not India, for help ;)
And again, did people just forget that EU is China's biggest trade partner. Oh yes, China's, so when europe goes down, I hope Pakistan and somalia are ready to pick up the export dropped by them. Otherwise you may see a lot more unemployed in China than europe.

Didn't you see my conversation with Muse?

Unfortunately, the fact is, the EU is the largest customer of our exports. Could we handle a collapse of the EU?

Sure, we did something similar during the 2008 Credit crunch.

However, if our biggest export customer collpases, millons of migrant Chinese factory workers will lose their jobs, just like during the Credit crunch.

This is the reality that is staring the CPC in the face.

Developereo was talking about the "disintegration" of the EU, not the economic collapse of the member nations.

I don't see a situation where the nations that make up the EU collapse to the point where they are unable to consume anything. And anyway, if they have less money, that just makes them more likely to buy cheaper goods. Which are sourced from us.
Didn't you see my conversation with Muse?

Developereo was talking about the "disintegration" of the EU, not the economic collapse of the member nations.

I don't see a situation where the nations that make up the EU collapse to the point where they are unable to consume anything. And anyway, if they have less money, that just makes them more likely to buy cheaper goods. Which are sourced from us.

Disintegration of EU makes EU sell German and French Technology?

If the EU breaks it will be by Germany and France when they can no longer take bailing out financially irresponsible nations like Greece and Spain. They will be better off alone.

To your point of Zero consumption, when crunch hits people don't stop eating or buying necessities. What they cut down is on discretionary spending like gadgets and new electonics. What does China provide?
To your point of Zero consumption, when crunch hits people don't stop eating or buying necessities. What they cut down is on discretionary spending like gadgets and new electonics. What does China provide?

When disposable incomes fall, the demand for cheaper goods increases. (And the demand for luxury goods falls).

This is one factor as to why China continued to grow at near double-digits during the Credit Crunch.
How "incredible" that France asked China, and not India, for help ;)

Just to make it fair to him, you should have included America. One is the "Number one" economy whilst the other is the "Emerging number one". Why China I wonder? :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 08:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 AM ----------

Some disturbing scenes and imageries there.
^^^^^^ Defenders of Human Rights and Democracy and leaders of Capitalism ask Evil Commie( :lol:) China for help :D
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