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Saparat country for Hindus in Bangladesh ?

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"Saparat" homeland for hindus is already there....its called Nepal....sorry India!
We are aiding it in India
Pakistani always talk this type of SHIT :D When i asked my Grandfather about 1971 war. He told me that Pakistanis were talking that "We'll not loose and we'll also divide India into parts in this War" and you know very well what happen. This time again you are saying same and i will tell the same story to my grandson and granddaughters that " Balochistan and Sindh separate from Pakistan while they were dreaming about dividing India" So Dream ON :devil:
One can't be accountable for actions of others...There is a Report Button to report members who breaks forum rule. Instead of posting loathe of crap and committing same sin, you may consider using it and leave rest in Moderators hand. :partay:

I tried that on other threads several times with no results & those posts still posing as middle fingers...i' am tired of that option.
More sanctimonious drivel.
I repeat, even if you won't say where you are from, any one can correctly guess reading your off topic posts.

And I can guess where you are from from your misplaced ego driven, sanctimonious drivel. Fueled by a perpetual victim complex.

Go preach somewhere else.

Oh and your so called replies. Oh no, they scare me all right.
So a verbal diaarrhoea as replies.

who are you threatening kiddo? This is why i love defence forums. Two bit armchar warriors threatening others and strutting around all 'macho' like.

I don't believe in threatening anyone. I was just trying to teach him manners which i guess is impossible for him to learn.
I tried that on other threads several times with no results & those posts still posing as middle fingers...i' am tired of that option.

Yesterday only, I reported posts of Pakistani member who was posting Gibberish, with in few minutes he got banned. At times there is delay in taking action against reported posts, but it taken. Moreover, until and unless you won't report post, mods are blind...they won't do anything....:oops:

ye he kaun hai.....:unsure::unsure:

He @chak de INDIA hai? Isn't he? :what:
I guess the Bangladeshis support the two nation theory except when the muslims are in majority? That would perfectly fit their hypocritical superstitious supremacist world view of the forever victims.

They have to. They have no choice.

BTW, seems a good idea. Perhaps inevitable.
And Indians suck in general because they are illiterate .... 8-)

Forever the petty whining! :crazy:
Yes because he was Pakistani member.

Don't play victims card. I just gave you an exam of Pakistani member. Let me give you another example, I reported Multiple ID's of an Indian member, he was also permanently banned from this Forum. Apparently, Moderators here are not bias and they take action against all the members, irrespective of there flags, if things are bought in their notice. :whistle:
Nothing offensive for ladies so don't go gaga. Also before opening your gigantic mouth ask your illiterate compatriots that don't drag off topics or they will face similar replies.
How about sealing your malodorous mouth??? :coffee:
Your post was indecent to say the least.You made fun of womanhood and sullied a nationality.
But then expecting MCPs to respect women will be like expecting a dog's curled up tail to straighten up :lol:

On topic:
Separate country for Hindus in Bangladesh??? Now how's that even possible?? A country within a country??
@SarthakGanguly The other day we were talking about hindus from Bangladesh on another thread. This thread comes close to it.
Oh... so leave this thread and enter ur F Republik threads...... post ur nonsense there....

When i can get easy clown here why would i bother to go anywhere else?:azn::lol:

Lol....yes world know abt indians ...but do they know abt pakistanis....:lol: and for what......:lol:
post those articles .... entertain us......

Yes world knows about Pakistanis as well as Indians.
We Pakistanis accept that we have bad apples in Pakistan but you people are only taught that your nation only consists of people who are angels & nonsense such as your country being SUPA PAWA.:crazy: But world knows the reality.:rofl:

I respect the rules of the forum so i won't post off topic articles, you can search online about
Indian fraudias in US held with panties down
& about
R Republik

lola....keep replying.....:rofl::rofl:

I will baby, i will.:agree:
When i can get easy clown here why would i bother to go anywhere else?
so, u want to be clown of this thread.....Okay....U know every one is enjoying U.....:omghaha::omghaha:

Yes world knows about Pakistanis as well as Indians.
We Pakistanis accept that we have bad apples in Pakistan but you people are only taught that your nation only consists of people who are angels & nonsense such as your country being SUPA PAWA. But world knows the reality.
I respect the rules of the forum so i won't post off topic articles, you can search online about
Oh.... yes most people here in india are better comparatively.....I have no doubt and the quality of indian poster on this forum is also better then any other......:yes4::yes4:
bad apples are there in every nation......but pakistan accept its bad apple.....joke of day.....if ur nation has done that ..then u people would not been in this mess ....:haha::haha::hang2::hang3:

I respect the rules of the forum so i won't post off topic articles, you can search online about
Indian fraudias in US held with panties down
& about
R Republik

U respect the forum rule......Okay.....
I admire it....:pop::pop:

I will baby, i will.
Ok.... Uncle AP ....:rofl::rofl:
Good son it's easy speaking like that on the internet. Talk big behind your economy, talk big behind the internet, but in reality it's lowered gaze when walking. Don't act tough mithun.
LOL kiddo, I'm in the Ranvir Sena. Look them up and then try meeting me.
When i can get easy clown here why would i bother to go anywhere else?:azn::lol:

Yes world knows about Pakistanis as well as Indians.
We Pakistanis accept that we have bad apples in Pakistan but you people are only taught that your nation only consists of people who are angels & nonsense such as your country being SUPA PAWA.:crazy: But world knows the reality.:rofl:

I respect the rules of the forum so i won't post off topic articles, you can search online about & about

I will baby, i will.:agree:

Dude seriously...Thats the best of your comeback??? Thats demigod you are standing against
haha ..I am a Punjabi ..We will make a grave yard of the entire Pakistani Punjab ..karachi will be a new country ..so will be Balochistan and Sindhu desh ..KP will be absorbed by afghanistan ...Hindu will be kick the arabs out of south asia and Akhand bharat will be reborn .:azn::cool:

Lol pug.
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